Say nice things about me.
Say nice things about me
Other urls found in this thread:
Your beauty made your show worth watching.
I didn't watch your anime but your design is fantastic.
S-stop it guys.
I want to pat your head.
You're not the horrid creature featured in this image.
Same. I want to fuck Koito without knowing her and her shitty show.
I wouldn't call her show shitty since I know literally nothing about it, but I otherwise agree.
I want to look exactly like you.
Good taste, but I'm already her so too bad.
i cant
I'm going to use my cock to train that throat of yours
This is what you asked for.
I want to feel your cute little boobs and suck your hard nipples.
Do it. I'm yours.
Typical character to pander to the edgy fuccbois who happen to watch the show.
do you think she's listening to vaporwave or Hatsune Miku?
Says the fuccboi who saved that shitty image.
koito a cute
no bully
Especially for this type of occasion, edgy-kun.
He just wanted an excuse to post himself.
Why would anyone bully you for stating facts?
She's gorgeous. I'd dump my waifu for her.
I don't like Koito so I'm not edgy.
But you are a faggot who saves facebook tier images.
>tfw coito means sex in my language
>tfw it's a word used for sex between animals
>my language
Coitus means sex in american
I know, but it's not pronounced in the same way as "coito" or "koito".
Fuck off spic.
>proven wrong
>insults me
How rude.
Americans, man. Plus you're in a edgy koito thread. Just ignore and move on.
What are you even talking about? That wasn't me. Here have a running Koito.
but koito isn't a tomboy
Koito is a tomboy
Koito is a slut.
That doesn't mean she is not a tomboy.
Where did you guys find these pictures of me?
Mai is a tomboy.
What does Koito listen to on her headphones?
>no images of cumming inside Koito's headphones and making her wear them like it's normal
My photo album, silly me.
Probably black people music because she looks like she'd be a mudshark
I don't know you user but you posted best phantom world and that's enough for me to say your taste is probably very good!
I'm convinced those who post Rin and Koito threads on Sup Forums 24/7 are the same people.
The Shinkas are from a different person?
What is sex with this slut like?
I make half the threads on this board actually.
I want you to fuck me, Koito.
You were a good character for the first episodes, then the anime staff forgot about characterization in their anime and turn you into another generic moeblob.
When will anime revilate back to body types like this with good butt and hips and smaller tits?
>implying that's not normal
This gif is giving me a hand fetish.