I came across a father and son in the supermarket, they looked Paki and I felt disgust but then their accent sounded Indian.
Any UK anons know?
BTW Ireland in recent weeks is being flooded with shitskins crossing from Norn Iron
I came across a father and son in the supermarket, they looked Paki and I felt disgust but then their accent sounded Indian.
Any UK anons know?
BTW Ireland in recent weeks is being flooded with shitskins crossing from Norn Iron
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate women
post more of dat ass pls
call them a paki and if they get offended it means they're from pakistan
There are barely any non-whites in Ulster.
ask them how much software they tested today
pic related is a high caste poo.
They get the ferry from the mainland to Norn.
Thats how the stabber got in
Daily reminder that Buddha fucked escorts on the reg.
Indians get offended by that because they aren’t pakis. “I no bloody paki, I bloody Indian you bloody bastard” Trust me, I found this out.
South Indians look more Negroid than Pakis or Northerners. Northerners are inbred mongrel Caucasians whereas Southern Indians are more inbred Negroid looking Caucasian mongrels. The darker and less European/Caucasian looking = more than likely Hindu. Northerners are a coin flip.
they were probably just welsh
Most Indians seem to have slightly redder skintone.
say the difference is in their mind and religion is a curse. also be prepared to run
the absolute state of ireland
Accent of people from Pakistan and India would sound exactly same to an outsider
pakis are muslim indians
that's because they speak the same language a dippidy duhh.
just cause I write english in braille doesn't make it a new language
>that's because they speak the same language a dippidy duhh.
why the bodies of nordic girls is so ugly?
Pakis speak languages that are same or closely related to north and west India.
I'd like to be the wind that blows up against her crack.
Both look the same because they are the same people but differe in religion (islam vs hinduism) so the answer is you simply can't you should ask to know
Generally dress and attitudes but remember pakistan is just the shitty muslims India was sick of dealing with. Indians won't generally look muslim (i.e pakki gangster or pyjamas) will try and fit in and are alot more pleasant if just as lowIQ. Pakis try to order you around as if they are some kind of superior (yet have little understanding of anything) are only able to operate take away and taxi business. Muslims ? Brick them out of your village and do not use their businesses. Both will be undersized houses and put on garish extentions and pave the garden for their bmw, audi and toyotas. Pakis are why Bradford is shit and Indians are why Leicester is alot less shit
shut up bhangi
Sounds like you need a border wall and hard borders, maybe he was sent by euros/soros to undermine BREXIT and borders
Bhangi tera baap Maderchod. Mai Brahmin hoon
We speak the lingua franca here - ENGLSIH so quit speaking streetfaeces
the author's pic
I don't know if she is Nordic indeed but his ass is ugly.
Aren't Hindus more likely to have mustaches?
I need some identifier, they weren't wearing anything religious.
And who are you again? What language do you speak? Fuck it nobody cares
"Jai SHREE RAM" just say this. If they reply with the same chant they are the good ones, rest are as good as porkistanis
You can tell them about by looking at their resting facial expressions. Indian looks like nothing really, normal I suppose. Meanwhile Pakis have a grimace of slight disgust constantly.
Well, doesn't everyone.
Thing is - can you live without them?
We all ARE living user, aren't we?
Paki es mi prima y no se parece en nada a una india.
Indian and Pakistani are just nationalities, not specific ethnic groups. They even have ethnic groups that cross over with each other and other countries (Punjabis, Bengalis, Baluchis, and Pashtuns to name a few)
वह मैं हूँ
Because she's a half paki dumbfuck, are all of you this dumb?
Source please
Everybody knows that. Also he never paid.
Their highest caste is still poo tier to a burger.
>thigh-cast poo
Did she shut her legs, shit while standing up and let the feces run down her legs as the rubbed them together?
I'm curious, what did google translate tell you I said?
That your cousin is a paki and she doesn't look like any Indian
Fair enough.
Paki is short for Paquita, a spanish name.
I knew only spaniards would get the joke but judging your reaction it sounded like I said something vile against indians.
Oh okay, no you didn't say anything vile but judging by the quality of your joke you still come out as a dumbfuck
Farts don’t bother indians, but are offensive to pakis
the feels in this post are strong
Yeah I wasn't trying to debunk that last part.
But you gotta give me some credit here, at least I didn't go for the standard "Does she poo in the loo?" joke
You dont, because they're the same race.
Also, they both REEK of curry farts and B.O
Hey, weren't you Paki and Indian streetshitters supposed to have a nuclear war a while back?.What the fuck habbened? Why do we always have to do everything, you lazy fucks?
If it's violent it's a Paki
Fuck the face i need ass
welcome to Sup Forums
If he has a bomb hidden under her vest then he's a Paki.
If he's a lovely brown person, who's well mannered and greets everyone well then Indian.
>How to tell the difference between a Paki and an Indian
who cares? what difference would that information make for you?
WTF dude? What's the point of telling the difference beetween two different pieces of shit??
Yea m8 both flavors of street shit are stinking up this guys cuck infested country, it don't really matter lmao right Pierre? t. Poo n loo literally pooing in the lol currently
French faggot, your mom and sister probably suck nigger dick and you sit on your computer wasting time on a shill infested board
Poos don't run whites over randomly because its their religion.
STFU Whitey piggu!
India is a beautiful country.
Pakistanis and Indians have similar accents and features.
Pakis smell like niggers.
Indians smell like nigger shit.
Fuckin nigger, greet them by saying namaste or assalamalakum you will find about them when they greet you back. Also pakis look more whiter than indians and their hair seems so thin.
heh, i'm whiter than you raj, then again, i am whiter than most americans,
So I'm falling for a paki woman that actually sounds like a regular white American girl. What's awful about them? She's fit and sweet.
If it poos in the loo, its not Indian
The poos might be lecherous and lacking in hygiene, but they very rarely self-detonate. Knowing the difference could save your life.
Wait a second
>lacking in hygiene
Were France and India separated at birth?
Check weather their dick is cut or not if it os cut it is a Paki
Also tell them how much you like pig meat if they get offended they are a paki
If they get offended by talking about cow meat they are Indian
India is rightful Pakistani clay!
Poo, poo, skip the loo
Poo, poo, skip the loo
Poo, poo, skip the loo
Shit in the streets, my Dalit!
>crossing from Norn Iron
other way around lad. Your niggers are coming up here, trying to get in before Brexit hits.
North Indian and Paki are both Punjabi ethnicity, since England invented Pakistan pretty recently.
We will take Pakistan one day, inshallah. Was
hate fucking is a thing user
Is she trying to tan her cunt?
Indians have brown stains behind them but can generally, if house-trained, be civilised people.
Pakistanis roam in packs, often with a crying child attached to their crotch.
Pakis are also inbred. Indians too, but to a far lesser extent.
pakis and indians are literally the same piece of shit that has been divided into 2... no need to nuance them apart...
so glad I married a fat assed white woman. goddamn i love it.
Fuck off memeboy
Jo bolta hai wo Brahmin hai, wo to pakka Katua hai
The real redpill is that they're all the same. A paki is a paki is a paki. All shades of shit.
Paki, Indian, what does it matter? You don't have to be so complicated. Let the Hauptsturmführer Todesengel sort them out.