Nikuyah Walker joins a growing list of black women chosen to lead American cities.
In rebuke to Trump, Charlottesville selects first black woman mayor
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How will Trump ever recover?
Add it to the lists of cities you cant walk around safely in
>In rebuke to Trump
These people are delusional
A black lady is mayor of charlottesville, the same place the fictional "alt-right" held that rally. What an amazing coincidence.
Hello Detroit #2
why are there so many ukrainian shills?
use a proxy, that flag is basically synonymous with soros shills.
i had a friend i used to chat with from charlottesville. she bought into all the happenings there in full.
truly a cancerous place.
Whites should leave before it becomes Detroit, Baltimore, Chiraq, etc
>In rebuke to Trump we elected a black mayor
>we are more concerned about what people look like over policy positions
>we still take black elected officials seriously, look at all the examples of successful black leadership throughout our major cities
>Wypipo BTFO
>Impeach 45
>45 will kill us all
>lol get verified xdddd!1!1!1!
>fictional "alt-right"
That's irrelevant. Real pro-white people were there.
In a rebuke to Trump, I ordered a decaf latte at Starbucks this morning.
How does that rebuke Trump? That's just fucking stupid.
What really gets me about liberals, is George Bush killed a million people in the Middle East
That piece of shit should stand trial for war crimes, and have all of his asserts confiscated to pay for refugee camps. Hillary Clinton should be next for having Momar Kadafi murdered, causing the refugee crisis in Europe
But Trump is the bad man and the end of the world -- fucking morons.
Charlottesville will end up like Chicago and Baltimore in no time.
It's all really the machine working to make sure that an aberration like this - a candidate who doesn't meet with their approval getting elected - doesn't happen again.
In rebuke to Obama, America selects ultra right-wing conservative Republican white man to be President.
Much like Wes Bellamy, Nikuyah Walker is also a nigger.
And now they just so happened to have a nigress leader.
Btw the events surrounding that riot were suspicious as hell. I don't have the infographic with me but it was likely done by leftists pretending to be white supremacists.
I hope it had the opposite effect and know people vote Trump the next time around. Believe it or not I voted for Jill Stein because I was in a red state anyway I knew would go to Trump.
Since then I've learned about the connection to socialism and moral degeneracy, so I will remain Republican the rest of my life.
I can't support libertarianism because they all too often support degeneracy as well.
Let's be honest. Leftist blacks will ruin everything they touch. This is probably a good thing. Let them destroy everything like they did Detroit. Some must suffer before they learn.
Charlottesvillefag here
We don't even choose our own mayor. The city council just picks someone from the council to be mayor for a bit and then they switch it.
I will vote for Trump again just to pisses these ass holes off :-)
Seriously, I have no problem with him other than his support for Israel
He also shares Hillary Clinton's stance of prosecuting whistle blowers. That sucks.
Nope, there were definitely some leftist agitators, primarily pic related, but most of the protest was organic. I know quite a few people who were involved.
Wait, wtf? Elaborate.
All of these cities will be shithole before trump leaves office. Electing people because of muh diversity and not because they are capable is a good way of fucking your shit up.
Nevertheless: Black mayor = strongly consider moving. The writing is on the wall.
I wouldn't be surprised if the guy with the Nazi flag was a liberal agitator, but who knows.
nikuya isn't that like in japanese like a meat house or something?
And there goes the neighbourhood
And so korenization begins.
>I don't have the infographic with me but it was likely done by leftists pretending to be white supremacists.
A'right Cernovich. That's enough boomerposting for the day.
Also this:
> cleansing
>so I will remain Republican
pls pls spl dont fall for them either. Trump had to run republican to have the chance to get elected. If he ran 3rd party people would have never wasted there time.
republicans are same maybe worse.They are much smarter and know how to hide there shit better. We need to be looking at both sides because they both abuse power
archive that shareblue link user
Just like Obama. Elected not for merit, but because she's a nlack woman.
Yeah people vote for the city council members. Then the city council members choose one of themselves to be the mayor for two years.
Don't worry user. I'm in school out of state, and my family actually lives in the county which is whitetopia with its own separate government.
I'm black and I have only one thing to say : if she got elected because of her actual skill, I see no problem. If she was elected because of her skin tone though, that's a really stupid decision... That's all : choose the most skilled person for the job, looks come after.
There's pretty good proof he's been to an anti-Trump protest. Plus, he wasn't there with any group and no one knows who he was.
looks more like 56% to me, desu
>choose the most skilled person for the job, looks come after.
We all know that's not how it works in practice
Bye bye american cities.
However, I can feel some kind of justice in a fact that your stupid granpas imported and exploited so much niggers that they fucked up your contry few hundred years later.
> kicking out local white majority from all offices
> putting in whatever meme minority
> funded by Wall street
I live in Virginia. UVA’s an okay (((university))), Chris-Chan lives there and the city’s inundated, covered in homeless people. I’ve only seen it so bad in Richmond (50% nigger) and Commiefornia. That’s all you need to know about Charlottesville.
I'm white and I only have one thing to say: get the fuck out of my country damn nigger
Is that even legal
She meaty as hell
But seriously though, is it a hate crime to do burnouts in your Dodge Challenger on Heather Heyer street? The sooner the niggers get over confident the sooner we can get back to the business of squashing fatties with Dodge Challengers. Also, white nigger lovers need to get their Liberal neighborhoods and homes force integrated with all that diversity they love so much. Why don't they walk their talk on integration? Are they modern slave masters?
Funny how it looks liket hat flag is still creasedfrom being packaged. Just like he hadbought it recently. Almost like he hasnt been larping as a Nazi very long. Really activates my almonds.
It's the law
The mayor doesn't actually have much more power than the rest of the council.
>that flag
Go home you filthy chimp, retournez aux arbres
It's the russian proxy-Ivans shilling for Putin. They work 9-5 jobs shitposting about Ukraine.
I agree, but there's no good third part option in my opinion. I did support Ron Paul when he ran as a Republican.
I think all you can do is try to get a good person nominated.
I don't think Trump would have got the nomination if the democrats didn't purposely put him on the news a lot thinking Hillary could beat him - ha ha ha. The jokes on them.
Down with main stream television.
Here in va I know from experience
Black female boss is worst boss
So petty
So ignorant
And of course the lighter than skin the more butthurt the biatch rage they suffer
That thing in Charlottesville can’t be more than le 30% black
In the long run, Blacked = losing = Democrats, you’ll see how it plays out
I guess this moron doesn't see the irony of using the names "45 will kill us all" and "cry me a river".
Anyone else think Hillary may have taken out Kadafi as part of her support for a one world government?
the fact that a monkey can become mayor in a town where a 'bunch of white supremacists gathered' proves there is no white supremacy problem. where else in the world can you see claims of discrimination for the same people we elect as our leaders. if there is still discrimination, and half of all our politicians are shitskins, then what you're essentially saying is that even niggers fucking hate niggers.