Brit/pol/: slags edition

>Brexit: Corbyn's Labour 'aiding Tories', says Tony Blair

>Claim Trump aide warned of UK spying absurd, says Tony Blair

>Freezing temperatures set to follow Storm Eleanor

>NHS England figures set to expose unprecedented pressure on health service

>Jeremy Hunt calls for ten-year plan to revamp the NHS

>Farmland could be turned into meadows post-Brexit, says Michael Gove

Other urls found in this thread:

Not another slags edition, they make me spew
Go to this one, every night's Bonfire Night in London


First for bbc Washington correspondent Gary O’Donohue’s pretty eyes

Are slags good in bed??

Yeah, or up against the wall, or over the bins behind the chippy.

This guy is such a fat fuck.
He blends right in with the locals.

>Farmland could be turned into meadows post-Brexit, says Michael Gove
What? We’ll need all the farms we can get though. I honestly though brexit would revitalise the agricultural industry. Fuck importing anything we can produce ourselves.
What am I missing?

The best is those boxes with the cable and telephone wires in them, Just the right height.

>What am I missing?
You were sold a pup.

All my uni m8s often joke that a girl in our flat is a coal burner. She came out and said recently: “Most people just think I fuck black guys” out the fuckin blue lads

He’s a grown boy now. What’s your point?

You should have eaten him long ago.

Is going my local church a good way to obtain a nice modest or is it just old people?

Anglo-senpai farms to harvest pats for pat-thirsty Micks.

thats kinda spooking looking

he doesn't look very filling to me

Make boshingtang

My point exactly. Feeding it did nothing useful.
Just grew longer bones.

Do they think the NHS is funded by magic?

They just believe whatever suits

>I pay an insurance company
not free
>I pay the government

>bas3d /leftypol/ p0rky m3m3s

Remind me again why people tolerate this cunt.

Never. He’s too valuable in terms of scaring pakis. Live in a seaside meme town so we get crowds of the things in the summer. I always make a point of walking through a bunch of them. Watching them scoop their kids up and rushing to the side with fear on their faces, to let us past, is very amusing. A kid literally screamed last time. Little victories.

I hate the UK so fucking much.

>Fuck importing anything we can produce ourselves.
> what is international trade
Some regions suit for agriculture, some not, it is more efficient to farm in warmer places.

Is this a trick question ? They are the best in bed, they are horny as fuck , up for anything and have no limits.

Everyone hates Russia equally. Maybe you guys should wash your asses more.

we hate you too tripfag
which ones are you?


where can i find more of these NYE degeneracy pics?

This guys a total twat.

No pats for you then.

Why are British women not afraid to be raped?

Women enjoy rape.

Do they get raped often in Britain?

Show us your real flag and then I'll answer that. I don't want you showing up here.

post more slags plz

Answer the questions Muhammad.

Saucy, mate

guys I got my 23 and me back today, how the fuck did I get nordcuck in my bloodline can someone enlighten me? I literally have no Scandinavian family, anyone know how this could have happened? I have an anglo surname and all my great grand folks were anglo/welsh

Forgot pick

37+27+17 =81

what are you hiding, mutt?

>falling for the coporate dna database heeb

>tfw there are Anglos posting on this thread that aren't pure Anglo-Saxon.
I better be more discerning with my demands for pats in the future desu.

And you wouldn't recognise a spy if he knocked the pint out of your hand and demanded head pats.

>he knocked the pint out of your hand and demanded head pats.
t. Chad Mick.

I need to juxtapose that image of Conor over an image of a pub/club.

>t. Chad Mick.
No one is buying that persona.
Too many anime girls desu.

Fucking hell, everyones a spy.

OK thankyou

Put the krok needle down, Artyom

What about NH the resident tripfag?

Conor McGregor is certainly a chad Mick.

And so I am, with the amount of pats and cuddles I demand of hapless Anglo-senpais desu.

The argument about foreigners costing the NHS a significant amount of money is utterly redundant and should be dropped. It's so easily disproved as a major issue by a single search. 'Health tourism' accounts for about 0.3% of the NHS budget. If it suddenly went away, we'd have a problem that was not even half of one percent less severe.

People on the right are far better served by their own arguments if they look to the root cause rather than simply taking the easy route. It isn't about 'foreigners' - you could very well make an argument about racial use of NHS services but those statistics aren't kept and health tourism isn't a proxy for it. So we do not know this.

The NHS' problems are primarily structural and to do with the level of care that it offers. It's an expensive business -
what level of provision should it provide? Universality, affordability and quality are three factors that are simply not achievable with a socialised system of healthcare. This is where the arguments need to be made, not at the doors of 'foreigners' else you will lose every single time.

No, not him. But willy nibbler was paid...

That is disturbing.

You don't think the /leftypol/ meme is a bit suspicious?

>Judge them by their actions.


I dont think the issue with foreigners is health tourism so much as providing care for those with no history of paying into the system (even familial history - ie immigrants) plus the increasing ratios of managers to caregivers.

My collie was born in a cow shed, he definately barks and havent heard him mooing ever. Pro tip Ahmed is not English. My last trip to a+e was with my 4 year old. 7 hours to put a cast on we were the only non eastern european whites there.

Leftypol meme?

You do make some mad beef.
But really that should be the case for the US more, but the globalist elites have disrupted our ag businesses to make them dependent on other countries.

People like him like to tell us to read and research then he believes fudged stats.
Eg these guys arent unemployed they 'work' for jsa office. Unemployement falling.

There are no statistics on this and so you will never be able to make a robust argument within the political sphere with regards to it. It is ultimately able to be dismissed as anecdote and conjecture and won't change anyone's minds. Not that you are wrong - I think it is precisely because statistics would reveal these disparities as why they are not kept.

Make your arguments at the structure of the organisation. Immigration is not a stick to beat every issue with, people will tire of it if you ceaselessly beat everything over the head with it. It doesn't matter about whether or not it's true - you have to argue smartly.

Aren't 30+% of births born to immigrant parents? That puts a strain on midwives for one thing.

Native Scottish slag, covered in tats.

>l pay the government
>Government coerces me to pay

very cool. didnt know tattoos were a thing back then outside of maoris

~39% to non White British mothers
~28% to mothers born outside of the UK.

But again, this doesn't add up to a significant amount of money. It equates to a cost to the NHS on the order of £100 million a year, so less than 0.1% of the budget.

Arguments about personal responsibility and socialising the costs of people who make poor lifestyle choices will probably have a greater effect on people, as will mentioning the amount of middle management and the pay structure of the entire system.

>personal responsibility
You've already lost the argument.


*ywan* fake news shariablue, try somethng new

I'm not so sure - there is likely broad public support for the initial steps in this direction:

>More than seven in 10 of those questioned said anyone needing emergency medical care because they were intoxicated should be charged for using NHS services.

Wont happen though because of what a huge voting bloc those people are.

The one posted in this thread before he disappeared.

The porcine chap in the top hat is the /leftypol/ equivalent of the happy merchant. You guys should spy on your rivals occasionally.

>1 post by this Russian

He killed millions.

Wasn't shy about patting millions of Micks either.

why do slags make me weak in the knees and hard in the groin

Is crypto user from last night here ?

its not so much that immigrants is why the NHS is poorly run, but it is an easy way to make normies to understand because its easy to link to them as i highly doubt they would whack their phone out and disprove you with said statistics.

if people are saying intoxicated people should be charged for using the NHS, surely the same argument should be put forward that smokers should have to pay for any treatment or appointments they need regarding lungs/cancer etc etc

>The one posted in this thread before he disappeared
Which was that? not sure I know what you mean.

Not only do they think it's funded by magic, they also think nobody but the government can provide healthcare.

Can't wait to see what Corbyn's government issued mobile phones and cars look like.

Thought for the day:
These thots/slags who basically ride the carousel until 42 and spend their nights drinking are the equivalent of the normal women in 3rd world countries who are basically forced by their patriachal society to not be a thot and to pump out kids, which is why those societies have a future.
I know these kind of thots have always been around, but not to this extent, and weren't allowed this extent of freedom over their bodies and how they could basically destroy the future of British society by not breeding (or worse, breeding with Tyrone and Jamal).
The freedom these thots are given must be taken away, and they must have no say in the matter, otherwise there is no future in this country, none whatsoever. The only ones breeding in significant numbers are Pakis, niggers, Arabs, maybe Slav migrants (not sure about this, I don't see a lot of big slav families when I travel around the country). When the media/politicans make it seem as if people are still breeding, they mean the Pakis/etc are breeding.




Such a strong independent woman!

smokers pay x3 the cost in cig taxes and die younger

you could argue people who consume alcohol pay shit loads in tax and also die younger too? what's your point

Nah, hes OK he always posts stuff from all over, usually blackpilled twitter shite. Ive posted leftypol stuff before now to proke reactions or make a point.

the tax goes to the NHS dumbass it offsets the cost of smokers and drinkers.

alcohol related illnesses probably are covered by taxes on alkies but there's no way drunk mongs cover their costs.

WHAAAAAAT? I love Corbyn now!!!!!

again what's your point? don't think you're reading the argument
true but would need statistics, I'd bet smokers needing treatments etc and illnesses directly relating to abuse of alcohol would be more than drunk mongs breaking their leg or cutting their head open etc.

Thats a real slippery slope "you did it to yourself so pay shekels".

>acting like you didn't see it
>claiming it's normal

You're a spy too.

Just deny fatties service. They were the ones who put the food in their mouths, no one forced them.

see the problem is if it got enforced on drunk cunts, then it can be enforced onto everything self inflicted realistically

i dunno, do you tax highly fatty and sugary foods?