I think it was good and refreshing
Sakura Quest
I think it was dull and plain.
No, it's not.
I think Pink Aoi was cute and arousing.
The Tari Tari hybrid was too cute. (That smile.)
So why did people hate it?
It will be fun
It's gonna turn into a horror show in about 2 episodes and I'm ready.
When do we start bullying the sakuras?
Is this the successor to HanaIro?
I wanna marry her before she becomes a cake!
Shiori is single mother material.
Since when did "samui" became wow?
Lots of fun and suffering ahead.
Please don't sexualize Pink Aoi
Please keep your hands off my wife.
What was the MC's name again?
Ema is the only one that NEEDS to become a single mother
I can't help it.
t. CR translator
She's fuutsu.
>people think this will be better than Shirobako
Imagine being this retarded
Sakura Quest
What are they going to make Yoshino do? I don't see how the gimmick of having a "queen" can boost tourist activity for a backwater town.
Probably because people are already praising it like second coming of Christ, even though only one episode has aired. People don't even remember the MC's name.
The first episode wasn't even good but I'm sure it's gonna pick up in the upcoming episodes.
it was decent, but mostly its trust credit given to it by Shirobako/PA Works fans to see if it delivers.
3 epiode rule. 1st episode was nothing.
Its generic secondhand PA Works tourist show trying to copy Shirobako to attract its fans
Its only "refreshing" as its not 6th magic academy battle harem this season
I don't think anyone is stupid enough to say that.
I feel like PA works has made this show like 3 times already. If anything, the concept is getting stale.
it's definitely not a CR translator who did this, CR keeps japanese name orders at least
Except people did last thread. I wouldn't have posted that otherwise you asshat.
It literally means "cool"
>I feel like PA works has made this show like 3 times already.
No fucking shit, this was exactly how PA Works marketed this show.
Stuff her with turnips.
The kingdom's name is wordplay for ChupaKABURA.
You're just proving his point.
>VA says Yoshino-chan
>CR TL: Oh shit, can't add honorific because then illiterate murricunts would be confused, but I need to somehow convey it with a playful nickname
>Translates to Yoshi
You know this is how it went.
The girl is cute, but it looks like this is just another "hey, it's fun to live in the middle of nowhere" anime. Boring.
Worthless, boring trash.
God dammit
How many anime are based on this concept?
I remember some from the last few years, but couldn't tell you the titles since I didn't watch them.
I dunno it might just go down the same path as pic related but less magic, mascots, based mc and eye candy.
>let me tell you how these things I never watched are boring
I hope the threads will be fun with you guys.
My queen Sakura is so cute.
Her name isn't Sakura.
Correct, it's Pink Aoi.
It's one of those early memes of the season that won't stick. Pink Aoi probably will though.
Well, considering the pink color is called "sakura iro" in Japanese, you could nickname her as Sakura.
threads like these are constant reminders of how new everyone in Sup Forums is. Thanks bro
What a dork.
This one seems boring, though.
Thank the elections for that.
Your mother was boring.
I'm a big fan of P.A.Works. They make pretty good stories about random girl VS shitty nippon economics.
I haven't seen anyone say they outrighr hated it, although I did see anons getting pissed off by the inevitable shitposter to the point in which they insulted the fanbase. It's just like every Sup Forums thread, really.
Your opinion can no longer be accepted after admitting you didn't watch it. Go away.
What kind of things would you hire her for?
Why would they venture out of Sup Forums?
How do you figure?
Taste testing and quality control of sour plum.
CR keeps shit like onee-chan in their other subs, it's definitely not them
It's the individual translator for the series.
>Says "寒い"
Whoever subbed this should consider suicide.
no way in hell they won't have policies on shit like name order at least, I find it hard to believe they will give this kind of autonomy to a TL after Gabriel Dropout last season
Cool = Suzushi
Cold = Samui
You never say "the ice is cool", don't you.
What the fuck are you even talking about, ESLfag?
Welp, he definitely should with those figures.
I don't think shortening a character's name is nearly on the same level as the puns in Gabriel Dropout. The latter changes the fundamental meaning of what's being said, while the former doesn't. CR will most likely be on the lookout to prevent another problem for a while, however.
>People don't even remember the MC's name
it's Tsubaki
Does Asanagi interested in this show?
Did normalfags really make that much of a fuss over the GabDrop subs?
He's probably working on KF stuff since that's the new big fad in Japan at the moment.
>adult women are the best: the propaganda
No, please.
I'm sure there were comments in the early episodes, but once even the most casual viewers realized that "Through the Dark Lord, Amen" was bullshit, the CR forums filled up with complaints.
I don't know about normalfags, there was definitely significant backlash to I think ep. 6 in particular (I can't remember exactly).
Your opinion can no longer be accepted after admitting you can't fucking read. Go away.
I heard it was the itadakimasu being changed that triggered them
I actually don't mind that line, compared to the puns
>Original Character Design: BUNBUN
Can't wait for the Yuuna-copy to appear. BUNBUN loves his Yuuna-copies.
You can't even read English? My gosh. あなたはほんとにばかでしょ?ESL-くんがおまえだよ。
No twintails showed up yet, so no.
木春. Weird because I never read this as Koharu。
He's referring to your
>don't you
>I remember some from the last few years, but couldn't tell you the titles since I didn't watch them.
Was this not you, user?
please use kanji it hurts to read.
>にしてもまあ、よくこんな限界集落一歩手前の、ダメ感満載の田舎に来たよね got translated into this forced memery
Fuck's sake.
What part of the translation is a meme?
I don't see anything about Sakura Quest in there, though.
I read that as Aoki. But then it's 11 in the night and I have to go to work tomorrow.
They probably mean podunk, but that's not really a meme. That's not even a poor translation of that line, imo. It still gets the point across fine on how she feels about the town.
I sure love it when Brazilians who come here to whine about "burger subs" in broken English.