Are you ready to fight degeneracy within?

Sup Forums recognizes degeneracy as a concrete symptom. But do you know to combat the pathogen within yourself? Conquer it internally before conquering it for your brother. This is the lesson.
Degeneracy is an inevitability when one succumbs to entropy/decay, and has lost the way. It exists within each of us, as a manifestation of lost connection.
What is the opposite of entropy? Of decay? CONNECTION. To abandon connection is to degenerate, as we see in today's spiritually sick society.
It is the human condition to struggle between two identities:
When we think that it is more important to have than be, we discover that we may have everything we thought we wanted, but lose ourselves and sense of fulfillment.

Rebuild, reconnect, learn to control your heart rate and physiology by controlling your BREATH.
You must control yourself. What do you hope to control in your life if you've severed the connection between your heart and mind? The soul must guide the body, NOT the inverse.
I cannot convince through rhetoric and logic. Ultimate truth will always seem paradoxical. It's like logically trying to convince one to balance on two legs and walk. It can be demonstrated, but there is no gain in only understanding how to do it conceptually.
You were not made to crawl.
You are a wonderful being. A physiological and bioelectric marvel. A soul is not a gift to neglect.

"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"

Other urls found in this thread:

>Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
>If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.


Thank fuck I saved the thread from 404ing. I need to talk to you about what you said in the previous thread.

>Hell is a state of mind
What did you mean by this? (Thank you for still being here btw)


You are like littel baby.
Watch this.

Pill me on the OP image and that image alone. What's the measurement device? What is going on there? Where can I get my aura measured?

Inb4 artist portrayal

Bumping this

I think that's called "Kirlian photography" or something.

Never seen or measured one, but I'll be darned if it doesn't feel like you can pull on energy "flows" or something after enough practice. And then you can build it up over time and do stuff with it. I stopped a number of years back but I've come to realize that was the wrong decision. I don't know how much is imagination and how much is actually real, but it seems to be real at least in part.

prob something along the lines of

you can feed into your own thoughts and build a loop, so much so, that you'll start believing the negativity and your health (mental and physical) will deteriorate as a result. and it gets worse if you try to fight it and try to 'climb out of hell.' you'll end up breaking your nails, getting bloody hands, etc.

the best thing to do is chill out in that hell space when it comes around, get a nice tan, get warm for a bit, then it all falls away.

sorry im high af

Well a wicked mind will destroy your connection to God. Ergo the punishment for sin - hell - exists in life.
that's just my interpretation of the scripture.

What exactly does meditation do?

What did our ancestors understand when they named parts of our physiology?
Language is understanding. We name objects/phenomena in order to create a "meme" for quickly accessing a truth.
The Indo-European word for "soul" is "atemn." It is related to "atmos," the word for "breath." You might recognize "atmos" as later becoming "vapor/steam" in Greek (as in atmosphere).
In German, "Atem" (originally soul) means breath.
What is the connection between soul and breath?
>heart and mind
"Brain" is "kerāˆ‚srom". "Heart" is "krdi"/"krdjom." It's where we get "cardio/cardiac/cardium."
"Ker" means "head" (cerebrum/corymb), "grow" (as in create) and "heat" (carb).
We see the identical nature linguistically. What did our paleolithic ancestors understand in their common tongue that seems a mystery to us?

>Master your breathing to build connection through your heart and mind
>The strengthening of this connection is the strengthening of the soul

allows you to live through the subtle vibrations and motions of your body, rather than become distracted by external distractions.

your breathing, your heartbeat, the blood flowing through you, the churning of your belly
OP already explains it well, but if you control your breathing, then you won't simply react to stimuli instinctively. If you deliberately manifest control over your body, then you could return a measured response to stimuli after studying it.

OP. what do you have to say regarding curses/astral parasites?

It's just feelie bullshit.

Aura's cannot be measured because they are not physical. Kirlian photography shows oyr bioelectricity, which could be said to be the physical counterpart to our auric energy.

>the opposite of entropy is connection
lel no


While I'm Catholic with strong Orthodox sympathies, I support this. Monkhood in any form is respectable in my eyes.

It trains you to obtain higher levels of awareness, self-control, concentration, empathy etc.

Try it some time. It's a hell of a lot harder than you'd thing for something that seems as simple as
>just sit there and let your mind do it's thing without letting yourself get distracted.

Sounds like Gnostic New Age quackery. Muh "everything is connected". What are we supposed to connect to?

The only spiritual reality worth connecting to is the Holy Spirit, and you can't do that through "mindfulness", "meditation", LSD, or yoga.

Fucking autist its the spirit you need to strengthen not the soul

Thinking about something, and projecting feelings of it to the world really change reality, your inner reality and the outside reality.

>tfw you realize 'the secret' is kinda real

the vibrational fabric of our reality/universe. ever heard of quantum entanglement? even thinking thoughts sends a vibration out into the entire universe in an instant, into every corner.

Something like yoga or tai chi is good training anyway though. As for drugs, they should not be necessary but I'd grant an allowance for e.g. Don Juan who points out that they can be useful limited experiences to help get you up to speed with what you can and should be able to do on your own.

My post is 10 minutes old and it hasn't been acknowledged. I don't want to spam the thread so I'm only willing to attempt once more beyond this current attempt:

What do you think of astral parasites?

The power of positive thinking... manifest your desires in the world, etc etc

It's witchcraft

what if it's more like subconciously nudging yourself to do the actions that you're thinking about?

*thinks about losing weight*
*starts googling diets/exercise routines*
*starts shopping for running shoes*
etc etc
every 'nudge' helps

I'm not OP but there do seem to be other "presences" or something out there that aren't apparent during normal awareness. Perhaps some of these are what might be called demons from a Christian perspective. I think it's dangerous to come into communication with them.

That I can support

Right. Well, I can verify that they are indeed real and that I am suffering and that I am hoping that OP has something that can cure me.

to steer it towards a more 'scientific' perspective

there's a TON of electromagnetic frequencies/disruption in everyday life (outlets, wifi, phone data, etc) that mess with our natural brainwaves--could be a mix of that and who knows what else?

suffering how, user?

If you train yourself for self control you will be less subject to their interference.

I tend to agree. Science is really just the study of reality, and we sure as heck don't understand the entirety of reality, probably not even with all the secret and classified research.

just did mine, weak af but growing each day

Meditate, Read, Lift, Love, Work to defeat the jews one day
National Socialism was about self-improvement for the betterment of a hole nation.

>mind explosion

I think he's right at least partially. We very much tend to make our own hells to live in during this life. What happens after I don't know, but it seems like some sort of a test where what we do with it helps determine what happens afterward.


I have lost a lot of energy, becoming more tired and my muscles ache more and now I suspect I'm drifting towards Helheim (Norse mythos) as my body no longer just feels tired, it now feels cold too. And it's all because of this parasitic attachment. There are others too who have started the year with lost loved ones, all because of this curse. It strips one of their good luck. If you proceed with the ritual, you merely suffer less. I know it's real because I saw how my dreams were affected and I feel the affects in my mind and body. Due to the fact that I've inadvertently surrendered so much energy, that would explain why I'm relatively spared. I don't want to say too much but I will say one thing: Don't go to /jp/ looking for good luck.

>If you train yourself for self control you will be less subject to their interference.
What kind of training should I implement?

If you are interested at all in this and want to learn how to master the power positive thinking, check out The Master Key System by Charles Haanel. It's free on Kindle because it's almost a century old. At first it sounds like complete bullshit but if you earnestly practice the exercises given you'll begin to see changes. No propaganda. No subscribe and pay and I'll tell you the secret. Just apply this book in your everyday life.

Start with a daily meditation practice. Where to go from there I don't know what might work best for you. Maybe you'd benefit from going to church regularly, or studying scripture or some similar body of knowledge. I get a lot out of a physical motion component and developing what I would describe as resonances, so that for me comes in the form of something akin to matial arts training, lifting weights, maintaining a consistent schedule and diet, etc.

what's your diet/exercise/appetite like? prob not the answer or route you're looking for, but could be as good a place to start as any

seems like we're on similar wavelengths/frequencies, user. xD

So kind of "accept hell and it passes away"?

You all should do the middle pillar ritual. You'll shit bricks.

i don't remember where i learned this, but it's something akin to a 'thought train' (i think it's buddhist, or something).

imagine an emotion (a negative one) as a train. it's pretty impossible to jump in front of it and stop it, or make it go away. all i can do is get on, ride it for a bit, and it'll basically take you to your next stop (where you get off the train, and the emotion/thought keeps going off into the distance)

>You'll shit bricks
Hence the name, middle pillar?

In order to work in practice, it means that the mood has a tendency to return to the emotional baseline. But this is probably not always the case. A mentally ill will never get home simply by travelling the train, no matter how long he does it.

My diet consists of whatever my mother cooks for me. Historically, I ate my mother's stews with bread but nowadays, in order to restrict my caloric intake and keep it below 2000, I've removed bread from my diet. So far, losing weight and then "celebrating my weight loss", I've yo-yo'd around 103kg/250lbs for about 5 months or so now, coming down from 300lbs a year prior. I don't exercise at all. My appetite? Like I said, I've ejected bread from my diet and this is working. Now I've just got to stick to it.

My mother typically cooks stews. She throws some chicken, water, oil, onion and canned chopped tomato into a pot and boils it. She sometimes makes peanut butter soup. These sorts of dishes.

p. much. There's a strange paradox that needs to be mastered wherein you have to allow yourself to flow along with reality without losing control of yourself. I learned to do this back in my LSD days, since that happens to be also how you don't wind up having a bad trip no matter what kind of pain, horror, or truth you have to confront along the way.

Truth burns. But it burns away evil.

>as my body no longer just feels tired, it now feels cold too

user, you are literally starving your body. Being cold and tired are the benchmarks of weak thyroid / inefficient metabolism.

>astral parasites?
perhaps you mean distraction and temptation? you should steer away.

Curiosity bump. Thanks for keeping this thread alive, amigo.

how about some fruits? smoothies, even (maybe try to get some veggies in there with the fruit)

some fish and red meat could also help

also bloodwork from the doc to test for any vitamin deficiency (low iron, low magnesium, low b12) i think can all contribute to general fatigue, muscle/joint aches/inflammation

If you're concerned about your physical health, the sticky on /fit/ is actually rather good if you have the discipline to work through the instructions and stick to the program you design for yourself. It's a good way of developing self-control imo, and can make a tremendous difference in whether you feel physically well or not as well as for your psychological durability.

look at fags. they have turned away and in return God has turned from them. Their actions are uninhibited and ignorant; the consequences are obvious. their mind can't be peaceful.

Slightly related but the first time I did mushrooms a few years back I started meditating. Maybe 20 minutes it I started hearing this inspiring, ever present low hum. It sounded like something vibrating. I just focused on that for what felt like hours. Is this common? Has anybody else experienced this? I haven't heard it since

It should be compelling for people to understand that most energy is dark matter. Energy as most people understand it comprises a minority of total energy.
In any case, demons, angels, and disembodied spirits are real.

Some of them are afraid of what they did in life. Afraid of God. They are always trying to get back into the realm of the living, and are attracted to the energy of life.

I am not God. Call it what you want, but all the beings know of the Creator, but don't quite understand its depth. God's primal connection to this plane is the human soul.

A being that is feeding on your prana (Sanskrit: energy force) may be attempting to connect to God without having to confront God. They are attracted to their Source, but they fear it. And existence on this plane is, on some level, separation from the Source/God.
As a human, you are in a unique position to strengthen your connection to the "Holy Spirit" in life. The Holy Spirit, as you may wish to call it, is protection. You are reserved the right of innocently calling upon your creator for aid.
Meditate on this.

If you see the beings that are trying to use your energy, you must strengthen your connection to that which they fear: God. The Source they refuse to face, but with the power and connection after which they lust.

Read Cain and able

parasites are illusory in nature. they seem to stick around after you rid yourself of them. But that is a trick they play to feed on you again.

Turn away from temptation and suffer through the period before your breakthrough into heaven.

Thanks so much, OP. Talk to me about prana man. I know I'm doing it wrong. The way I understand it from reading, and from what little experimentation I've done, it seems you can actually get some sustenance off of simple love itself. Has anyone else felt like this? Sometimes I'll eat a hamburger, and then another hamburger, and then still feel hungry, and then think to myself, that wasn't sustenance. That was death. Why did I do that? Other days I won't eat anything at all and feel just fine, but I spent time laboring to feed and shelter animals those times.

When I first stumbled in to fit I had extreme fatigue, body and joint pain, I slept all the time, and realized I had developed a habit of eating ibuprofen all the time.

What lead me to /fit/ was a passing curiosity about how much protein the body could absorb how fast, and I figured weight lifter type people would at least have some kind of broscience about that. And that's how I figured out I was getting only a fraction of what I needed for maintenance. Within a week I wasn't tired anymore, stuff didn't hurt, and I wasn't taking ibuprofen anymore. Sometimes relatively simple things can do more than you'd expect, particularly if you keep them up over time.

Can I post anything in this thread at all?

Love is a reciprocal force. True strength comes from the external projection of the force of love, not from love of self.

A similar thing goes on with the difference between sex and fapping.

how can i receive more bio/cosmic energy except meditation?

This user is right:
>What kind of training should I implement
The optimal answer to this would require I know things about you. Some people find connection easier when followed by physical exertion. Physical exertion requires focus, and this is a good way to force focus for those that find it difficult to quiet the mind and focus within/without.

If you are this person, I might say implement meditation with exercise. The activity need not be strenuous.
Nature/solitude is also helpful. Separation from people that do not appreciate/comprehend your journey may bring you peace.

Alternatively, do you feel as if you are not doing something that you should be? This is a matter of your body reacting to something, but you need to listen to your soul for guidance. Your soul can learn in a way that the brain doesn't. You need to strengthen the connection to it.
For many people, praying to God helps, because it helps them visualize something above and beyond themselves, yet close. This is like your soul, which communes with God.
Wisdom and knowledge are different. And wisdom is what we need, and it is what emanates from the soul connection that we must strengthen.

That's interesting. It seems to be a bit of a gamble then. Assuming I'm not mentally ill.

Sup Forums is xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobic and anti-education.

If you want to have a good aura, try to not be xenophobic retarded first.

In Buddhism, hell (Niraya) is not a place you stay in forever, it is a place that you get in for some reason and reincarnate in over and over again, for possibly hundreds of millions of years until you pay your karmic debt and earn a more favorable rebirth until you eventually you get a shot at enlightenment which is incredibly, infinitesimally rare and most people waste anyways.

If you are going to reincarnate (because of not having attained arahantship) your state of mind you have reached in this life will largely determine what are you reborn as. If you're living Hell in this life, you will literally live in Hell in the next life, which is what you are already doing anyways. Same with people who behave like animals and so on.

Mind over matter, my dude.

Picture attached is an Asura, more powerful than humans physically but considered a disgraceful form of rebirth since they're governed by their passions, always angry and at war with each other and everything. Enlightenment is considered not possible for such creatures, hence why they're considered a lower rebirth.

I severely doubt that considering the fact that being cold and tired were not issues before the curse. I've never had an issue 2000kcals before the curse. Not only that but I'm pretty sure for a 6ft sedentary man, 2000kcals is a healthy intake.

Nofap, stop watching porn and start reading neitszche and you'll know what I mean

This used to happen to me as a kid frequently before falling asleep. My mind would fixate on any sound and then it would just blend into this louder hum that drowned out everything else. If I touched something like the bedframe or my arm it didn't feel the same as any other time. It was almost like a trance-like state, but I was far too young to do anything with it.

Often I would feel uneasy or unsettled like I was alone or disconnected even though my parents were in the other room. It was both intriguing and a little scary. At one point I tried to explain it to my parents but articulating the experience was far beyond my ability. I stopped myself from telling our family doc because I thought he'd try to put me on some bullshit medication for being unhinged. It went on for years but eventually stopped. I think I may have been inadvertently putting myself into a meditative state without realizing it. The two things that always stood out were the loud audible hum that was overpowering and the way my sense of touch changed drastically.

Maybe study the Buddhist chakra system. Even in Christianity we use phrases like "open your heart" to describe what I interpret to be effectively the same thing. The heart chakra is one of the easiest to learn how to use.

There's an interesting book by the name of "Quantum Touch 2.0" that covers some of this from the perspective of touch healing (and later touchless healing). I accidentally stumbled in to touch healing a few times in the past, so it was interesting to see that apparently there is some veracity to what I thought I was experiencing.

and if you must fap, at least fap to lesbo porn so you don't condition yourself for cuckage, lol.


No, I mean literally parasitic thoughtforms that siphon your energy away and bring less misery into your life provided you fulfill the contract. I've seen the effects that were had on my dreams, on my body and on my mind and thoughts.

No problem.

I'll consider it but since I had no health issues before the curse, I'm quite sure the curse is the cause.

Sorry for the breaking my responses. Sup Forums kept insisting that my post was spam or something.

Dunno. At the time I was just following intuition after it started to seem like there was something real going on, not just imagination. Probably a better idea to follow some well-established doctrine, since I do think there are dangerous forces out there where you can get messed up or wind up being a vehicle for enacting evil if you're not careful.

Down the road I got a book about yoga and almost every single one of the beginner's forms were things I'd made up on my own just on intuition. That was a surprise. But I think it lends credence to the notion that there is some kind of universal wisdom or something behind these various historical practices.

those are born from temptations and distractions. you destroy them over time exactly as I described


I have the Galactigates now, Dahnald. I shall use them to project my aura across the multiverse and bring true conservatism to the minds of the people.

Now hold onto something, Dahnald, we are about to leave the Berenstain dimension.

They feed on fear, doubt, weakness, and the usual things. Those kinds of curses often work because you've basically locked yourself into cursing yourself. Undoing that seems tricky, but if you're out to do it yourself you'll need to build the strength to retake control over yourself.

I don't know about exorcists or anything like that, but apparently that's for real. Even the Vatican hired a whole bunch of them the other year.

Nofap is a meme

It's real but it focuses to much on getting material things. Our outer world is a manifestation of our inner world.

It's worth trying if you think you might have some sort of addiction. Or if you're having problems working up the balls to go chase girls or something like that.

guy/girl porn really does condition people towards cuckage, though, doesn't it? literally busting a nut watching another dude sex up a woman

how long have you gone without noporn/nofap? Believe me, I didnt believe and I wouldnt expect anyone else to believe it until they do it for 4-6 weeks. I've evolved, almost like I've regained my innocence. When sex isnt constantly on your mind you have the ability to focus on other things with ease and you unironically become more creative.

hypersexuality is the path to homosexuality
never cross the line into porno of any kind. it represents and becomes catalyst for the destruction of the family.
appreciate the beauty of the naked female form- do not defile it with excess. Basically what I'm telling you is models are the line, my friend. Cross it at your own peril!

Wow dude, you cracked the code.
Voyeurism was never real and it's all a conspiracy to turn people into cucks, especially lesbian porn.

How exactly should one meditate?

if you're a guy, you prob give off waves that women can pick up on subconciously, potentially making them more attracted (with the nofap)

wait, wat? i said if anything, watch lesbo porn to avoid the cuckage conditioning

How do I strengthen my bond with God?


Temptation of what, exactly?

Thank you for this post. I truly just need to let go of whatever's holding me back from connecting with God and connect with God.
Thank you.

This makes sense. If I just let go then they have nothing to eat. Simple.

Thank you all. I hope to strengthen my bond with God, once I know how to.

Many recommendations begin by using focus on your breathing. Note that breath is something that you can do conciously or subconciously (SPOILERS: you are no breathing manually lol!)

It can be something simple to start with. Inhale with your diaphram for a count of 4. Hold it for a count of 7. Exhale slowly all the way for a count of 8. Repeat. Keep your attention focused on counting and feeling of inhaling and exhaling. Set a timer and do this for 5 or 10 minutes every day, maybe before you go to sleep or first thing in the morning.

If you can make it for 10 minutes, try 15. Now by the time you are done looking into fancier methods you have already gotten started on the basic training of discipline and focus. btw this particular method can be effective in desensitizing yourself to physical pain, stop yourself from vomiting, etc. just through control over your body and attention.

Wim Hof once ran 26mi in the desert without drinking any water. I use this example because it's an example of a man performing a feat under scrutiny.
This is dangerous, because we do need to drink water, and our presence on this earth is, of course, as physical as it is spiritual.
But more importantly, IF your body and soul are well connected, your body can derive energy from that which feeds the soul (which isn't food).

Consider what determines energy metabolism. The mitochondria. What informs our cellular metabolism? Ultimately our DNA. DNA codons have been shown to turn on and off involuntarily, such as from traumatic events. This happens. The implicit assumption is that it's strictly voluntary.

When the soul does not guide the body, the body is free to degenerate. But you can inform your DNA through meditation. This is, essentially, what Wim Hof has semi-consciously done to his body at a cellular level.
But it isn't possible to do this by identifying yourself with your body alone. You are above your body, and the flesh must be learn to respond to your soul.

This link could give you a good point of view and dispel many myths:

Meditation isn't exclusively the "concentrate in your breath and try not to think of anything" that Westerners have been sold so hard. Meditation is a term for a group of techniques for psycho-neurological transformation for varied uses, some of them of diverse ancients origin such as those from Buddhism, Hinduism and other religious traditions.

Meditation generally means concentrating on an object be it your breath, a literal physical object in front of you or something abstract like love, kindness, etc. While the first is meant more for the attainment of concentration for mundane uses (lengthening your attention span, etc) the two latter are examples of meditation for psychological transformation (changing the overall attitude one has, etc).

One thing you should have for sure, and it is to know very well what are you trying to do and how will you do it. Meditating is not sitting down with the legs crossed, it is a form of mental exercise and it should take effort.

It's fucking maddening. I made it to 20 minutes once, but even then I was about ready to jump out of my skin and claw my face off by the end of it.


Try some of those buddhist singing bowl videos on youtube or just a guided meditation, the later worked for me the first time i tried it. The first is just a humming sound you're supposed to focus on, i think.