Will the anime actually be a success this time? Or will they find some way to screw it up?
Reminder too there's the stream later.
Will the anime actually be a success this time? Or will they find some way to screw it up?
Reminder too there's the stream later.
>Will the anime actually be a success this time?
>Or will they find some way to screw it up?
When "this time" is in five years or so, a lot can happen. But one thing is certain, Age will find a way to fuck it up.
>Reminder too there's the stream later.
Nigga that shit is in 22 hours, "later" isn't exactly the most fitting word to use here.
>five years
Aren't you being a wee bit pessimistic?
Would Sharon agree to put cat ears on?
>Aren't you being a wee bit pessimistic?
It took 5 years from the start of SMs serialization to the release of the anime. And it was 4 years for TE if I remember correctly. Its not pessimism, its realism.
We have money this time though, right? I mean didn't the Kickstarter net them loads of cash?
And that was 18 months ago. That cash could have gone into Martyrs, MelMani or Kouki's cars. Or debts. Age has always had terrible business practices.
Its too soon anyway to start talking about Sin Duty, when the first LN chapter isn't even out yet.
Maybe. Depends on the incentive?
Best Eurofront girl animated when?
I doubt very highly ManiMani cost a million dollars.
I figured the initial KS goal was to cover debts out whatever, so whatever was out beyond that initial goal is in the coffers. At least maybe.
>fatrova posting
Truly the best posting.
How old is Michiru anyway? In 1999 or 2001.
Last thread got pruned fast.
They got 2 chances at anime. They actually did it WORSE the second time
Who expect/want another anime?
I want to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre with her!
Well she is 19-20 in '99, so 21-22 is a good guess for her age in Alt.
SM was way better than TE mate.
I want to ruffle Farka's hair until it's messy as hell
Fuck no man. What the fuck
SM was a jJOKE that completely changed the original story's characters and plot on top of QUALITY out of the ass.
SM only had the QUALITY (only for the first cour), and a mediocre source, but at least it didn't turn a good source into a fucking joke.
>SM only had the QUALITY
And by that I meant TTE of course.
Yes I'm still incredebly mad about the SM anime and it completely killed all the passiojn I had in Muvluv.
SM actually had a complete story, with actual pacing and TSF fights instead of harem hi-jinks. The plot went places, not just dilly dallied in fanservice. It captured the grim aesthetic of Alternative perfectly. The 666th are more interesting then the Argos Flight, and Theo is probably one of the more badass heroes in Muv-Luv. Beatrix and the stasi were also far better, threatening, and hateable main villains then the RLF.
I know SM is obviously the best spinoff.
This is why the way they fucked it up in the anime is that much more disgusting.
And I was extremely disappointed by how cheap Martyr was anyway. I sure as fuck didn't feel complete to me, at all.
>Beatrix and the stasi were also far better, threatening, and hateable main villains then the RLF.
You had me until here
>Beatrix and the stasi were also far better, threatening, and hateable main villains
Be aware, you're gonna trigger the stasi's did nothing wrong; Werewolves girls are cute and sane and Beatrix = villain? --> Anime only GTFO'' anons.
>anime Beatrix
I can't take anyone that cartoonishly evil seriously enough to find them threatening.
There's being a sociopath and then there's being tryhard.
>Theo is probably one of the more badass heroes in Muv-Luv.
He is mediocre at best. When most Muv-Luv MCs are as badass without the attitude problem or paranoia, his badassness is no distinguishing quality.
>Beatrix and the stasi were also far better, threatening, and hateable main villains then the RLF.
The RLF wasn't meant to be hated, just like Sagiri wasn't meant to be hated. While Theo's hate for the Stasi in general is understandable, his hatred of Beatrix is irrational, and Watanabe's attempt at justifying it and exporting it to the viewer is a butchery of her character and misses the point of her character entirely.
>I sure as fuck didn't feel complete to me, at all.
You're supposed to feel empty. The Trilogy ends with Takeru completely forgetting all about his experiences/character growth in the other world and the girls therein, even after he promised them he'd remember. SM is just continuing that tradition.
>He is mediocre at best. When most Muv-Luv MCs are as badass without the attitude problem or paranoia, his badassness is no distinguishing quality.
Theo is kinda badass because of his no nonsense ruthlessness. He's a soldier. He doesn't second guess himself, he doesn't empathize with his enemies or show them anything but hate, he doesn't believe in mercy, and he goes straight for the cockpit with no regrets. Compare it with the other ML protags, who are like "Why do we need to fight" or "This is messed up" when confronted by other human opponents.
>"Why do we need to fight" or "This is messed up" when confronted by other human opponents.
That's a totally justifiable opinion to have when humanity is on the brink of extinction and under attack by an unstoppable alien horde. Humanity should not be fighting each other in that situation. Theo is an asshole who doesn't think about the big picture and only cares about his tiny biased worldview.
How do we rape Marimo?
That is not badassness, but hatred of the variety that makes normal men undistinguishable from psychopaths. Making an exception for his sister only compounds it. He is so blinded by fear and hatred, that he doesn't give a damn about the consequences of his actions, had the BETA broken through he would still had thought the whole thing worth it, because at least he had killed those he hated.
At least the rest understand the pointless waste of lives that their fights with other humans cause.
IIRC, when Cui was fighting that RLF girl, she disabled her TSF and captured her instead of going for a kill shot, but said girl then committed suicide by self destructing.
There's also scenes in Alternative, like the Valkyries not confirming kills by shooting downed TSF like the 666th do in SM. They seem overall less thrilled about killing rebels then the 666th do killing stasi.
SM is just extremely cynical in this regard, and is the only series where humans consider other humans to be worst than the BETA.
So? Doesn't that detract from the "Theo is the most badass" argument as well?
The issue is less about his actions and more about his attitude and motivation anyway. And those of many of the other rebels.
What's so wrong with his attitude considering everything he's been through
Calling it heroic, good or necessary. Its certainly understandable, but its a neutral trait at best. Not really a flaw, but not good either. Being so consumed by hatred that'd you think about fragging your superior for no good reason and rather kill other people than man eating monsters is not a positive trait by any stretch.
Doesn't he shoot cold bloodily execute Katia in one of the bad ends?
Yup, Grappler-kun gives him a medal for it.
It's the first choice you're given in the game which is kinda funny.
The BETA are like a force of nature. Yeah, you can hate and curse them, but it's hard to make it personal like it is with other humans. People don't establish vendettas with hurricanes after all. You can comprehend what a human is doing, understand that it is wrong, and become enraged by it, but it's difficult to do with something as alien as the BETA.
>You can comprehend what a human is doing, understand that it is wrong, and become enraged by it,
You missed the point. Theo does none of those things, his motivations appart from protecting "his" girl, are hatred and resentment. And thanks to the equivalence of the three routes, we know that for sure now. He has no problem with East Germany continuing to be a totalitarian shithole, as long as the Stasi are gone and he has a girls smile to distract him from whats happening.
Fixed the wrong quote. Also, fuck captcha.
>ywn have a doll-sized Lise living on your shelf, wearing doll clothes, eating little bites of food, and blushingly using a shotglass as a toilet
>ywn have a little tame Beatofort and Lasergretels living in a terrarium
>ywn see doll Lise riding the Beatofort around your room while Lasergretel pouts disapprovingly
Why is this life so painful?
* "protecting" his girl.
Isn't that what matters most?
And he does have ideals. Katia is the one who he ends up agreeing with most in all the routes. Even in Lise's, it's what gets him to turn on Beatrix.
wait they announced a yuro anime? does this mean there's going to be a new game too?
>And he does have ideals. Katia is the one who he ends up agreeing with most in all the routes. Even in Lise's, it's what gets him to turn on Beatrix.
So that's why he is not bothered at all at how it all turns out while Katia is alive and smiling, but is bothered by exactly the same situation except Iris is in a coma? No, he doesn't believe in jack shit. He doesn't understand her ideals beyond "the Stasi will be gone and everything will work out". Its his hate of Beatrix and idolization of Iris what make Katia's speech have any effect in the Lise-route. It reminded him of his initial intention, as he never adopted Beatrix's ideals, even if he came close, only to come with the brilliant counterargument of "Iris told me she is evil, so her plan must be evil, even if it makes sense and doesn't really contain anything morally reprehensible".
>wait they announced a yuro anime? does this mean there's going to be a new game too?
No, they anounced a new LN series, meaning a game and possibly an anime in about half a decade.
Yeah, he was always thinking of stabbing her in the back and running back to Iris with Lise, but started having second thoughts about it after he killed Sylwia and Beatrix saved him. Katia's speech reaffirmed is commitment to his initial plan however.
While I agree with Theo is badass, you're wrong about practically all the reasons why.
So user, what are your arguments for Theo being a badass?
I'd be thinking of stabbing Beatrix in the ass too, if you know what I mean.
I was literally going to use that, with
>people are arguing whether Theo was a badass because he was a ruthless, heartless, murderhappy maniac or an idiot and the worst guy with no beliefs, no ideology, no dreams, and even no/average skills.
This Pham will do too, at least. It really hurts.
Tell me guys, what's that one Muv Luv character that you love to hate?
>and the worst guy with no beliefs, no ideology, no dreams, and even no/average skills.
Is that you "everyone who opposes TheoxBeatrix is a Lisefag"-kun? Because it seems right up your alley to exagerate that much.
No, I'm one of the Phamfags.
What was Pham for that small game anyways?
Did they ever update it?
>No, I'm one of the Phamfags.
Sorry for the mixup then. Though it was my impression that that guy was one of you.
>What was Pham for that small game anyways?
The 666th were themselves, minus Gretel of course. Can't remember if Sylwia or Pham were the strongest unit though.
>Did they ever update it?
No. It was a fun little game though.
>tfw dislike Theo but can't get mad at a Phamfag
I don't find him heroic, but his actions are at least understandable considering his history. He's as broken as anyone.
What would a TheoxPham marriage be like?
Also, how many babies?
Speaking of broken, that's like one the broken-est Beatrix pictures around.
What will Illfie look like broken?
Do we have any Inghildfags? I'd understand if there wasn't, since she didn't get much, but she was adorable.
Stop lying
face looks someone in her 30s
Phamfag here, I love Inghild too. They are very similar.
Maybe Sagiri for being an idiot in the middle of an alien invasion since his actions was meaningless in Alternative.
Making Beatrix embarrassed and surprised by taking her and Irisdina out on a surprised date together in America.
Jurgen really should have taken her and ran west when he had the chance.
>Hajimemashite, Onii-chan!
That would've been the best outcome for both of them.
So cute.
>that wasn't the image I chose
>fucking imageswap
Fuck hiromoot
So who would look better in this valkyrie outfit, Beatrix or Irisdina?
I'm going to marry this woman.
Too late, she already married me.
How should she have saved Beatrix?
Assume she really put her all into it, like she should've.
Ooh, that's right! Completely forgot about Fagiri. He's especially horrible when you consider the manga, I.e. not only Taks eyes.
I love her, why did she die so soon?
This Fin who shot Sagiri's team during ceasefire which lead to the death of Walken and Sagiri.
Deserves bullying.
Lots of bullying.
She is not to be hated.
The better future is built by the blood of martyrs. She knew it, and Walken knew it.
And the CIA knew it.
Big Swedish titties.
If it's blue, Iris.
If it's red, Bea.
Gretel is a dumb dog
I'm going to love and protect Katia!
I never said he was a badass. To me, he's a pitiable hero who has had to make horrible decisions in belief that a better future could be had. He's a reluctant hero, and it's hard not to empathize with him. As Camus I believe said, life if nothing but a chance to be good. It's not easy, and the good will die, but he encapsulates one of MLs themes - what price will you pay to make a happier day. That's what Inghild, what Annette, and what Pham knew. And in the end, what Iris and Beatrix had begun to know.
>While I agree with Theo is badass
>I never said he was a badass
Hmmmm. Are you sure you're replying to the right guy?
>That's what Inghild, what Annette, and what Pham knew.
Arguable in the first two cases, but undeniable in Pham's case.
>And in the end, what Iris and Beatrix had begun to know.
Is it that not their entire motivation from the start though? Even if in opposite interpretations of what good is?
I want to slap Lise
And here we see the BR in its natural habitat, the fetid, drug-ridden favelas of Rio de Janeiro. Unfortunately, its main predators, the drug gangs and Policia Militar, do not detect it yet, for it would meet a rapid, bloody end if either one caught a whiff of its body odor.
Rekted him mate. I enjoyed a sensible chuckle from that.