Get fucked weedfags

Marihuana is alien to Western Civilization and was thought of by your ancestors as a scourge. If it wasn't for the Satanic doctrines promoted by rock and rap music and gobbled up by the hedonist masses, you'd be just as opposed to marihuana as 90% of the country was a half century ago.

Other urls found in this thread:

>maybe if we make it illegal people will stop doing it
That's a real good idea. The logic is sound

>maybe if we make it legal people will stop doing it

Why don't all the anti weed nerds ITT post their weight :)

>maybe we mind our own business and focus on our own lives instead of trying to control the lives of others

In colonial times growing hemp for war effort was mandatory for all who owned land in Denmark, you are an if you dont think someone smoked the flowers

Risking any form of a conservative/libertarian or freedom itself in the name of spite?

You and I both hate weed but is it worth risking the surrender of our future to a one world government?

The communists will use this as a great deal of ammunition, everyone knows this.

>Marihuana is alien to Western Civilization
Great history knowledge there bro.
"The classical Greek historian Herodotus (ca. 480 BC) reported that the inhabitants of Scythia would often inhale the vapors of hemp-seed smoke, both as ritual and for their own pleasurable recreation." "Hemp in later Europe was mainly cultivated for its fibers, and was used for ropes on many ships, including those of Christopher Columbus"
Alien to western civilization=crucial for rope and sails that were critical for exploration and colonialism. Fucking nigger tier sage post.

>Marihuana is alien to Western Civilization and was thought of by your ancestors as a scourge.
Your own constitution is written on hemp, good job at swallowing jewish and richfags bait because the sole reason the weed was ever illegal is it would btfo many industries jews invested in (building material, paper, wood, etc.): , so educate yourself and enjoy delicious herbal sage

>maybe if we piss on it people will stop using it

Why waste shekels on shit that makes you paranoid and lazy. The high is overrated.

>and was thought of by your ancestors as a scourge
"George Washington pushed for the growth of hemp and even grew hemp himself, as it was a cash crop commonly used to make rope and fabric."

>implying a couple of Scythian = Western Civilization
>implying hemp rope usage = smoking marihuana

>muh freedom
Prioritizing consumer values ("freedom") over natural order is what began the destruction of European civilization.

According to the book Healthy Oils, hemp is another word for the plant Cannabis sativa L. Marijuana comes from this same plant genus – as does cauliflower and broccoli. However, the strains used in consumer and industrial products contain only a negligible amount of the intoxicating substance delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Thus industrial grade hemp is not marijuana. Yet, since the 1950’s the growing of hemp has been effectively prohibited.

But this has not always been the case. Going back to 1619 America’s first marijuana law was enacted at Jamestown Colony, VA. All farmers were ordered to grow Indian hemp seed. Mandatory cultivation laws were enacted in MA in 1631, in CT in 1632, and in the Chesapeake colonies in the 1700’s.


>Why waste shekels on shit that makes you paranoid and lazy. The high is overrated.
If you haven't used this garbage you aren't missing anything. The cult following behind it is the only thing making it relevant. I was hoping legalization would finally shut them up but from what we are seeing in the states that have it they only get worse.


Satan can't create
God created weed
Brest milk has the same chemical compound found in weed
Should breast milk be made illegal or legalized and taxed?

No, your countries blind support of Israel is what ruined European civilization

>if it wasn't for propaganda you would've swallowed the propaganda

Nigga you are a cartoon

>muh hemp
Hemp has been legal in Canada as far back as I can remember. We don't have skyscrapers made out of hemp. The
>muh hemp
argument is retarded.

>Prioritizing consumer values ("freedom") over natural order is what began the destruction of European civilization.
Using hemp for rope, fabric, paper, food IS the natural order. Making a big deal about the niggers and spics getting high on it and calling it marijuana so people didn't know they were talking about hemp was a con to ban hemp.

>maybe we mind our own business and focus on our own lives instead of trying to control the lives of others
While we are at it why not legalize crack and meth? You are letting children play with fire, when they are burning alive you will be the first one to hide your head like the faggot you are

all those anti weed kiddos. Hilarious!

Psychiatric hospitals are full of weedfags that turned completely schizo

The retards shilling for this shit are really dumb

Kek you're right. Sorry, I've been BTFO now that a naturalnews study has proved that CBD oil cures brain cancer. Shit! DuPont got marihuana banned so they could make $200,000 more a year on nylon rope, golly.

What does growing hemp for non-bodily consumption have to do with recreational marihuana usage?

>Hemp has been legal in Canada as far back as I can remember. We don't have skyscrapers made out of hemp.
No, but you get to sell hemp products to the USA instead of them growing it themselves. Also hemp reinforced concrete that gets stronger over time is a relatively recent invention(AFAIK).

>Marihuana is alien to Western Civilization
and where did you read that?
fuck outta here bro

>yeah guys we love capitalism and the free market should decide what should be sold and bought! We don’t like the government saying what we should or shouldn’t do!
>oh wait, trump said it’s bad!

Topkek. You morons really love to switch opinions like you are changing underwear

As we speak, teams of Cascadian militia are assembling, rifles locked and loaded, to protect our rights of self-determination.
The American Revolution started over tea, and that shit doesn't even get you high.
I would say Jeffy should watch his back, but since what he just did is equivalent to slobbing the nobs of the world's most brutal drug dealers, maybe not.
I hope the taste of El Jefe's BMC never leaves Sessions' mouth.

Don't mix me up with cointel opinion shapers, user

Sup Forums is hardly a libertarian board

>While we are at it why not legalize crack and meth?
Meth IS legal for prescription. Cocaine is schedule 2 as well. Fucking ignoramus. Neither of those have extremely high value for industrial use. Industrial hemp has no drug value. The initial purpose of the "weed" ban was to shut down non-drug hemp in the US. If you're going to talk about a subject you should at least know some basic information.

>What does growing hemp for non-bodily consumption have to do with recreational marihuana usage?

>As we speak, teams of Cascadian militia are assembling, rifles locked and loaded
Good, maybe we'll see some Waco type action.

>literally the theory shilled by good goy presidents (((Wilson))) and (((Roosevelt)))


So McCain/Palin and Romney/Ryan all over again for 2018 and 2020?

Neocons and Wasp Mason slaves are owned and operated by (((them))) just like the Communists and Leftists, this RED VS. BLUE theory is nothing more than a two sided coin of zionism.

This isn't worth losing 2018 and 2020.
Everyone knows it. Pride and Spite are worth losing our lives.

Except the places that it's been legalized there has been a steady decrease in use and ODs of other harder drugs. Trying to make a plant illegal is about as retarded a political policy as anything.

It kept it out of the public eye and consciousness at
least. Accepting weed as mainstream
is a major step in the negrofication of the US and
a continuation in the process
of turning our country into a giant rap video.

Except people protesting the marihuana ban aren't doing it because of hemp rope or organic hemp shirts. Of course, they astroturf to pretend that the marihuana industry is a good, natural, family friendly one that produces recreational weed as a byproduct.

It won't but it'll starve the violent cartels, or at least force them to quit being so violent.

>Not using weed to EAT BIG and GROW

>Meth IS legal for prescription. Cocaine is schedule 2 as well.
>for prescription
Yeah just let everyone consume drugs that they don't fucking need and that are know to cause uncontrollable addiction, are you honestly this fucking retarded? Its not about money, its about stopping people from becoming degenerates like yourself

Way to fuck up 2018 you dumb nigger sessions.
Any candidate even remotely pot friendly in legal/med/decrim state just got a fuckton more votes.

Meanwhile Oxy is just fine, huh Cletus?

Yea that or they just kick it up a notch with the meth production.

Citation needed

weed should be legal everywhere dude it saves lives and its much more healthy than alcohol

it's natural too

>Marihuana is alien to Western Civilization and was thought of by your ancestors as a scourge.

>the government is using weed to control the population t. Sup Forums Retards

Ya know except for the fact that the hemp industry could easily undermind just about every industry controlled by the government is this country. Any type of fabric or product that uses petrol can eventually be replaced with hemp based products. Not to mention CBD and other cannabinoids that aren't regulated by the FDA and give people a better, safer alternate medicine when compared to the literally legalized meth and opioids drugs that are passed out like candy.

>It won't but it'll starve the violent cartels
Cartel violence is miniscule compared to the degenerative effects of recreational marihuana. Cartels contribute to what, 500 murders a year tops? A little bit of violence and murder in the slums is hardly something to get concerned about, and could've been prevented by just deporting all hispanics and executing drug dealers like we should've.

Meanwhile, 20-30% of the population using such a substance on occasion is far more destructive.

Yes, it is an effective painkiller and eliminates the addict in question much more rapidly.

The gestalt, the DoJ will begin enforcing laws against Marijuana while still ignoring illegal immigrants and minority criminals, plus all those high profile politicians found to be sending classified documents through unsecure and illegal means.

This will bring back billions in lost revenue to drug cartels, coincidentally, the same drug cartels that have been armed by the DoJ in recent years.


DYOR . Shit is easily available online. I'm not hear to hold your hand faggot

>Except the places that it's been legalized there has been a steady decrease in use and ODs of other harder drugs.
Got a source for that?

Go on, tell me about the history

False and homosexual then

Oh, hey look at this. Our government was putting out pro-hemp propaganda at one time because of its usefulness. God forbid we have a sustainable and easily renewable resource available to us.

>make statement with no source
>gets asked for source

Wait til you're older than ~25 fag and smoke then. A lot of the negative effects go away once youre comfortable with who you are and you'll be able to just enjoy the effects.

Get stoned and get your dick sucked, its probably the best thing you can experience in life.

k faggot

Like I told the other retard. DYOR I'm not here to hold your hand.

Beats the lithium I was court ordered to take.
Don't try to use insanity as a defense. What they do to you makes prison rape look good.

Pot is bad mmmkay but the idea that there is items that are illegal to possess and ingest is fucking retarded nanny state bullshit

marijnuana is illegal because congress owned paper mills that used trees as opposed to hemp. Because those congress members wanted to keep the US reliant on tree paper, they illegalized marijuana on the federal level essentially eliminating any good uses it could have.

>Marihuana is alien to Western Civilization and was thought of by your ancestors as a scourge.
they use it to anoint Moses in the bible

T. Has never read Washington's diary
It enabled the age of sail.

Try heroin, it's better than weed.

>Agrees with op even though there is no evidence
>Spergs out because some user won't provide evidence that's easily available
>Thinks green text is an argument

Why do potheads always say shit like this? If you're not smoking weed like a retarded neet, you must be addicted to opiates. There is no other option in life.

It will give you schizophrenia.

Just smoke a phat fucking blunt and I don't give 2 shits about legal weed. If you can't get weed on the street you don't deserve to smoke it. And if drug dealers scare you, don't do drugs.

Oxy is a health crisis, pot isn't fuckbutter.

sorry I'm high and retarded.


>I love funding tyrone so he doesn't have to get a job

I know what that's like. One time I ate a peanut butter and bologna sandwich.

true, this is why I never buy from nogs though. Find a white guy to buy from.

Tyrone would do something usefull for once

I know plenty of weed dealers that absolutely hate blacks..

Who are also the absolute most degenerate criminals. This argument is retarded, you're funding criminal enterprise. Making being a criminal lucrative.

White dealers are usually in safer neighbors too


What kind of Jew bullshit is this?! Cannabis seeds contain the amino acids humans need to thrive. Monks during the Christian Dark Ages survived on hemp seed gruel. Cannabis has the longest fiber length of any member of the plant kingdom. Paper made from hemp is naturally archival quality. You don't know what you're talking about OR perhaps you're just a fucking Jew spreading Jew lies as usual.

Degenerate feather niggers smoked weed. That should tell you all you need to know about weed. They were one step up from mud huts, and even today they live in squalor and crime on their "reservations."

Marajuana is directly linked to homosexuality, satanism, and pedophilia.



I will in my 80's but that shyt for real destroys lives and is disgusting.

There is a reason it is called cannabis. The word
can-nabis comes from the word can-aan. 4/20 is
a reference to the fact that 4/20 is the cusp of
sign of taurus the bull, as in the
semitic/canaanite bull god moloch/ baal. They
used to use it get high during their gay/pedophillic/child sacrifice sex orgies in veneration off moloch. It's an inside joke about
the destruction and symbolic sacrifice of the youth by promoting weed.

No they just plays magic the gathering like losers lol

A lot of different types people sell weed.

herodotus described continental europeans hotboxing their tents all the time thousands of years ago, so no it isn't alien

disclaimer: weed sucks

>Oxy is a health crisis,
What did she mean by this?

There are other methods for dealing with addiction.

>Marajuana is directly linked to homosexuality, satanism, and pedophilia.

Go find Daddy's gun and put it in your mouth and pull the trigger until you feel less stupid you little Jew.

Why waste shekels on chips that just make you a fat sluggard? We should outlaw chips and other snack foods because they present an obvious health issue.

Y'all could just grow up and do cocaine like fucking adults

And who sells them weed? You have no idea how this actually works. I used to sell weed, it funds hard core criminals who do all kinds of terrible shit on the side.

honestly probably going to anyways

I see you can't prove me wrong, faggot.
It loosens the anal muscles that you, as a power bottom, no doubt have exquisite control of. It also helps as the sensitive lining of your anus is ripped asunder by the turgid black member you let intrude.


Weed is for losers and manchildren who can't constructively deal with their problems.

The word "can" has the same origin, from Canaanite Moloch worshippers who forced their human sacrifices into small containers. Increasing their suffering in this way was said to increase the magical power of the sacrifice.