What kind of anime do you hate the most Sup Forums?
What kind of anime do you hate the most Sup Forums?
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I fucking hate anime where the only constant joke is "tee hee I'm such an otaku". Am I supposed to laugh the 20th time the MC makes an anime/VN reference? or the 50th time his obsession for VN/anime/manga is the punchline? Truly the reddit of anime, the big bang theory of anime.
the kind you like unless I also like it.
in truth, mostly kyoani shit and whatever comes from the decripit pit of jc staff/xebec paste-on-eyed horseshit.
Moeshit, monster girls, keijo.
The kind with talking. Also this strawpoll has a lot of my least favs:
reverse harem with the fucking idiotic MC has zero clue what the fuck is going and does nothing.
Things with poor animation, unpleasing colors, and uninteresting stories. So like 90% of anime.
>Serial Experiments Lain
Yes indeed, Lain is the worst mecha anime, perhaps because there's not even fucking mecha on it to start with
>Dream Hunter REM
>Casshern Sins
these are good
Moe and Lesbian cast shows are garbage.
Magical girl shit
Anime with bad endings
I've grown out of my battle harem phase and now I can't fucking stand them.
Fanservice driven romcoms I guess. I just don't watch these so it's not like I HATE them.
Mecha too.
I also enjoy World's Strongest Man Kurasawa
Found Mecha Talk
Oh and I started watching VOTOMS recently cause of /mo/ and it's GREAT.
t. one episode under my belt; no spoilers
Just curious, what do you watch?
It has computers so it is technically /m/. Also it currently holds fourth place so I guess SEL fans just got BTFO? The poll could have used Bokurano.
>Mecha Talk
give me the quick gestalt
inb4 404
Watch the OVAs when you get the chance. Case Irvine, Finder, and Merowlink are very standalone so they can be viewed at any time.
OP and Bleach posters can stay
The ones with niggers.
Overrated light novel adaptations
I'm amazed Skull Man hasn't gotten one vote, it was a total insult to Shotaro Ishinomori
Anything that's good and not genreshit
Well I can understand why mech anime fans would hate it. It has computers, but there's no robots at all, I wouldn't say it even belongs in /m/. If you're looking for giant robots and action in Lain, then you'll be disappointed and hate it, because it's a slow paced psychological anime.
Seriously, who thought it's /m/ material.
>What kind of animu do you hate
Seasonal wifus
I like psychological anime and Lain is still 1/10 cancer.
Haha, nice shit taste you have there user
>hating anime kino
>It has computers so it is technically /m/
Not sure if you are retarded as fuck or retarded as all fucks.
As for OP's question: shounenshit and haremshit.
More like I'm smarter than you
Deport shounenshit
Literally anyting from the shoujo genre, I'm ok with romance, but not if it's specifically a shoujo work
I highly doubt it, keep stroking your small dicked ego though faglord.
Infinite Ryshitius and Active Raid need more votes.
Lain is cool as fuk tho. Hard to understand sometimes but cool.
Don't hate the anime, hate yourself for being a retard, I fucking swear, I can't believe that there's people that gets into Mirai Nikki looking for a comfy romcom.
action, battle harems, mature anime for mature people, otome
Shows that only appeal is that there are girls in it and
Ecchi/Harem and the like...
I'm here for the story, not for the curves.
I understand that fanservice can help and all, but a tiny bit of subtlety wouldn't hurt. Seeing panties and cleavages everywhere quickly gets old and gross.
Not at all, it was an incoherent mess
Why are you watching ecchi/harem IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT TYPE OF SERIES.
Some people are just stupid to be stupid
Southern Cross was pretty bad but second place? Really?
It's like watching a sports anime, and being mad they play sports
I am your 'average' guy.
School have an arena.
Bad Guys looks like common fodder.
Everything is a genre, user.
Pretty much.
>I'm gonna watch this ecchi/harem for the story
>What the fuck there's no story
romance shit
isekai shit
high school hijinks shit (Cromartie doesn't count)
anything for sad fat neckbeards to self-insert
generic shounenshit
Anything that attract Sup Forums faggots.
buzzwords the post
To be fair there's always something that seems interesting and you decide to try it despite it being that genre. Sometimes it works sometimes it reminds you of why you hate the genre.
>Hate sports anime and think they're boring as fuck
>Find One Outs, sounds interesting
>Actually like it
this, romance genre where the MC saves best girl an ends with a hug
also any intentional cringy anime, anime is cringy enough without it being intentional
>IBO ranks a solid 3rd place
Anime Suki BTFO
I don't watch them. Because I hate them.
The question was "what kind of anime do you hate the most", doesn't mean I watch them.
I've stopped watching/reading those. Aside from rare exceptions.
You should go back there already nobody cares about your shitty forum.
Seinen, sports, anything that's too real and overuses drama.
It just seems that someone who was after good writing wouldn't pick a harem/ecchi
Likes: Romance, drama, psychological, josei
Dislikes: Sports, shounen, ecchi/harem, horror
The rest (mecha, fantasy/sci-fi etc) are neutral
Keit-Ai is a shitty meme perpetuated mostly by one retard.
anyone else expected Dime Dollar to get more votes?
Which is?
Harem Anime.
things that rely on Fanservice and potential relationships that go absolutely no where and commit nothing to character growth or plot
Anime that uses textbook animu tropes or female characters to make up for the lack of anything interesting.
I usually didn't check the tags and all. I just wanted a good story and gave its chance to anything. I wanted a nice story, and sometimes I got it. But at some point the ecchi/fanservice gets too "gross" for me.
I've seen like 3 mecha shows, CG, Eva and 1st season of Aldnoah Zero. There are a few shows in my backlog that maybe worth a while but generally it's garbage.
Let me guess, a woman.
Your favorite
Amen. Fuck Canadians. Most of them likes the smell of their own farts. I fucking hate them so arrogant they are.
This. I agree. Reblogged
I don't care I just want to say I hate these two faggots and I hope they get raped.
But the same goes for the opposite, too much naked "men" (sexualising 15 years old isn't my thing) gets gross quickly too...
All of them tbqh
Movies are better than anime
I honestly dislike stuff with sexualized loli
DEEP shows that hipster faggots and douchey pseudo-intellectuals flock to and hype into the stratosphere because they think liking it (and telling EVERYONE ELSE they like it) makes them smarter, better, more sophisticated than everyone else, when in reality the shows are objectively shitty and they are in denial.
Comedies that start relying on psycho bitches. Baka to Test was funny but then it started getting ugly.
t. brainlet
Give examples of these objectively shitty shows
You mean like how everyone is flocking to Kemono friends and claiming it has deep undertones?
I'm a DEEPfag (or at least I think so, I loved Ergo Proxy and GitS) but I try not to be pretentious since I know a lot of the "depth" is just ambiguity.
Still, I like DEEPshit because there's a lot of subtlety in those type shows and room to let your imagination try to figure things out
Tatami galaxy.
Not a kind of anime but I hate it when the director/production staff has an obvious waifu. Very few times it turns out well, and it ends up ruining the show. It doesn't help that characters who tend to have favoritism from the director end up being pretty shitty.
Pic related is the best example I can think of this.
t. cockwomble
You probably think shit like Bakemonogatari is DEEP, or that low-budget corner-cutting animation and bad key frames are intentional artistic expressions meant to be the height of irony that only true anime fans like yourself can see and appreciate.
Do everyone a favor and kill yourself spectacularly on video so we can watch it for lulz on LiveLeak.
Any light novel adaptation that has more than 3 words in a title.
i'm honestly not sure where this mentality came from.
If the show is just being what it is and people blow it out of proportion, why does that make the show bad?
Found DigiBro minion
Generic high-school settings. Just no. "Baka-hentai!"-comedy. If you want me to drop your show on the spot, put one of those 'jokes' in. Pedo bait like Bakemonogatari or No Game no Life, which literally introduce themselves to the viewer with detailed panty shots of children. Cringy edgelord bait like Youjo Senki. Brainless waifu bait (every second thread on Sup Forums is made of this shit). Disgusting pervert fanservice like in the pic and self insert isekai for fat, unwashed neet losers. The target audience of those seems to be literal human trash.
I fucking hate when people likes anime I didn't liked it, FUCKING HATE IT.
Iron Menstruation is about to pass Southern Cross in sheer suckitude.
>hating Mikono
Wait, people actually listen to him? The guy is way up his own ass most of the time, and thinks K-ON! and shows like it are the best anime in existence, and literally never shuts up about it.