What is the appeal of S girls?

What is the appeal of S girls?

They don't hate you for being a pathetic loser but they actually like it.

S girls want to dominate alpha guys, no doormats.

My Japanese anime tells me otherwise.

It's something that only M guys can see

Being an M faggot.


I love them when they're S and not a complete tease (like )

I want to fuck that face.

It's fun to bully S girls who think they're dominant.

Not sure, but I want to skullfuck a male rapist so they know how it feels as they die

What's the opposite of S? Because I'm sure this degenerate retard is that.

Can I ask you what was going through your mind when you posted that?


That's pretty gay.


No appeal.

Only "men" who are fucked in the head like being abused and humiliated, they should just become traps already and assume their feminine role in society.



I'm confused. What -isn't- appealing about S girls? They want to see the M squirming around but ultimately unable to resist a forceful kind of play.

>that moment when a S girl awakens

Femdom is the thinking's man fetish

>ywn get bullied by a bunch of japanese schoolgirls

Masochism, or people who like pain.

Why do you call it S and M? Why not call them by their full names, sadism and masochism?

People are getting really creative in justifying their homosexual urges.

>why do you shorten big words
To make them shorter.

Fuck I really want to bully a dumb sissy user.
Forget about femdom I'll show you a true man's strength.
Or have an S girl force an M to suck me dry.

Removing the girl from the situation makes it less interesting. I can't recommend it.

Fuck off and take your gay ERP shit elsewhere

First quoted here, stop assuming assumptions. I just want you out of the gene pool.

This. There's no thrill of power in dominating the weak.

Is this from Shakunetsu Ping-pong?

You got it.
