blumpf is a cuck
Literally nothing wrong with DACA. The kids have been given an American education and are ready to be drones in the Amerimutt workforce.
Would be worth it for a wall probably
>literally nothing wrong with being replaced
>Literally nothing wrong with DACA.
Literally everything wrong with it.
>plays Curb Your Enthusiasm theme
Looking like my bet might pay off
Well you can forget my terrific vote in the Midterms and 2020.
He's giving a vague statement so he doesn't come off as heartless, but he'll try and get a good deal
>Vote in Trump
>Sells the entire USA to jews
What's daca?
Ahh so legal weed Trump will hand to Sessions, but DACA he will hand to Democrats? If so this is an establishment stooge and the people will replace him with something worse (or better yet burn down the shit worthless government.)
If DACA continues, Trump was a mistake and needs to be thrown out like Comey.
>Sup Forums betrays and eats Bannon like he was nothing
>Sup Forums Full of unloyal faggots
>Trump gives all the DACA people citizenship or permanent residence
>Sup Forums flocks back to Bannon
>Bannon rejects you dumb faggots like the pandering seesawing contrarians you are
What the fuck is going on? I don't know how to explain but Trump and his old crew like Bannon keep doing really weird shit, and I can see the writing on the wall, it's the sort of shit that's going to lead to his loss in 2020 isn't it. This isn't that fucking hard just KEEP YOUR FUCKING PROMISES
This... What's the point of voting for Trump if the only shit tha actually matters (deporting fucking shitty Mexican illegals) is no longer on the table? I guess it is time to fully embrace the Trump equals Hillary memes
a program that Obama created via EO, that gave temporary amnesty to kids who were brought to America by their illegal alien parents
the main problem with it is that Obama overextended his power, as changing immigration law like that is a legistlative thing, not an executive thing.
Trump obviously has a soft spot for the kids, as its through no fault of their own. He kicked the issue to Congress, which is exactly what he should have done, as its their job to decide
honestly no
trump would be wrong as fuck to give DACA a pass, the chain migration that would ensue would be fucking terrible and it would be a signal to all mexicans that anchor babies are a valid way of doing it
if he wants a deal for the wall he needs to bargain with something else
Amreimutts, and white people in general deserve it.
Who the fuck is Bannon, faggot? He is older and more tired than Trump. Bannon is certainly no better than Trump... He is tactless and does very little for tbe alt right. Richard Spencer has done more for the alt right than Bannon... And that is saying a lot!!!
Trumo said he wanted a wall and to end chaib migration in exchange for daca. I dont see the dems comming to an agreement though and the dreamers will be deported which would also be cool
"...with the RAISE act".
>He kicked the issue to Congress
Trump is 100% a kike puppet
makes moves like this instead of power moves
then throws hands up and pretends like everyone's against him
Wall + end to lottery system. Sounds like a good negotiation
he is the controlled opposition of the controlled opposition
Fuck the wall, Trump can implement military authority over border development at any point. I guarantee the lack of wall is to help track new illegals. Eventually, when America is a FEMA camp, with 80% Mexicans, 15% blacks, and 5% (Other) ICE will make sure we perform our slave duties and dont leave our designated zones. Again, FUCK Trump unless he comes out like JFK and does the secret societies speech he might as well be pne of (((them)))
most everyone is against him. He's also not creating powers for himself like Obama did. Are you saying that an executive that doesn't do so is bad?
If we know anything abut Trump, it's that he exaggerates quite a bit. I'm not rationalizing anything -- all illegals should be rounded up, chained up, and deported. But I know that Trump definitely exaggerates. What's he going to say? We're going to deport all illegals whether Democrats like it or not? That's not a smart move.
Best case scenario: Dems refuse to compromise and DACA expires, Reps win in midterms and pass immigration reform next year without anything about DACA.
>Are you saying that an executive that doesn't do so is bad?
Obama made the rules, Trump plays the part like a good cuck. Won't make the rules himself despite having the power. Then he PRETENDS he does not have the power by using congress as a divider.
He is 100% an israeli robot slave puppet nigger. Fuck him.
So what's even his platform anymore?
But why chain migration?
>Best case scenario: Dems refuse to compromise and Reps cannot pass the budget
So you want an executive with unlimited power?
I want an executive that actually does what they say they will, rather than capitulate decades old agendas that lower the ceiling 12 feet to raise the floor 3 inches.
Trump already has all the power necessary.
you are a cuck
No, an executive decision reversing another is not "unlimited power" you are thinking of the original DACA deal
>...when they agree to pass the wall in the legislation
Cherry picking statements when he outright said that he’d reject any legislation in favor of DACA that didn’t include the wall. Democrats, being the children they are, won’t do it because they naturally want everything without giving anything up
"Trump's been fine for a year but I'm gonna pretend to be retarded now because I don't know how to appreciate a good thing"
Sup Forums is Ann Coulter with memes
Told you Trump was just another neo-con kike faggot
Wait so if we keep DACA but have a wall, that will stop the 90% of DACA recipients that enter LEGALLY, HOW??? The wall is a fucking MEME.
Get kick out illegals
Why the fuck is he sitting back playing "I'm the boss" when he's so obviously aligned with a cuck's position?
You have to be next level stupid to believe anything Trumpenstein believes at this point. Le Epic Magapedes will follow him off a cliff because they're that pathetic and autistic. You daft cunts deserve everything coming down the tubes for you.
>literal who
>1 post by this ID
He's been sold the idea that the gwb policy is the way forward, it seems.
Trump is going to allow for a clean DACA and a path to citizenship for others if he can get an "overall reduction" in total immigration. That's the endgame. Thoughts?
>Current state of American politics
actual fascist
Trump is sticking to the rules as much as he can
yes, which is why he doesn't need to make shit up like Obama did
what is this? false flagging shills? tumblr shitposters? they're using year old memes, not even passable nowadays. update your lexicon
Trump is going to bring-forth in the North American anyway, so might as well cuck the GOP party to shit.
you're a cuck. there's no word games being played. you're just a cuck.
>Trump is "sticking to the rules" that means he's winning! ahyuck!
A functional wall, and the prototypes look pretty functional, with increased border security and deportations will greatly reduce inflow and increase outflow. Also, can’t remember if he negotiated on this as well, but he also wanted something else included that would effectively end chain immigration, RISE Act?
You dont know what fascism means. You think we should be harboring illegals that have more patriotism towards the countries they leave than the one they use?
"The Art of the Deal". Trump never claimed he would succeed by being an autocrat. He doesn't have the power to be an autocrat. DACA is closed-end, and ending it was never his number one priority. Chain migration is open-ended and exponential in its damage.
If he can obtain an end to chain migration, and legislated merit-based immigration, and a fucking twenty-foot WALL across the entire border for a legislated version of DACA then he's doing what he said he would do, Make Great Deals. Reagan fucked up by trading amnesty for promises.
you are saying that you want an executive to exercise unlimited power. is that not fascist?
stop with the dichotomy bullshit. there are more than 2 choices
Exactly like Trump the kike dick sucker is doing. Trumpfags are exactly the same as Obongocucks who sucked that niggers dick for 8 years, there's no difference between you two
>Trump converts to Islam
>literally the religion that killed all his friends back in 9/11
>only 50/1 odds
There were bigger odds of Trump becoming president back in 2015. Was like 150/1 or some shit. Which subversive kike made this bet line?
how much on Trump coming out as transgender?
wtf i love niggers and spics now
does this mean its time to blare nickle back from a cars sound system at deafening decibel levels while i gun down some mexicans in a previously white suburb?
Says the Brittbong, how many kids do YOU have in your infested country?
No, you're the one implying that. I want an executive that does what they say they will do. Period.
Nice source, dumbass. Where are all the fucking mods at?
Also Trump:
>"We're going to lynch all the niggers, gas all the kikes, and create a future for white children! Seig Heil!"
only way Trump will do 100% of what he says is if he grabs power. Otherwise he has to work the system. And as the system exists, he won't be able to get anything done if he doesn't give on some topics, as thats how politics works.
So what do you truly want user? You can't say you want a result and then disagree with the means he used to achieve it. Thats leftist thinking
>literally the religion that killed all his friends back in 9/11
You mean Zionism?
This is an ACTUAL 4D Chess move, you idiots.
Second generation Latinos consider themselves white - they are redpilled, religious and socially conservative. They also support stricter immigration laws.
As our minority immigrants stay longer in America the more they add to the conservative base.
Trump, by stealing the DACA issue from Democrats, will usher in a generation of based Latinos and stop the slow electoral bleeding.
Dreamers are based, but their wetback parents must be deported!
So Russians aren't white, I knew it!
Trump is a failure, hasn't even started the wall yet. broken promise after broken promise. He played us like 4d Dreidel
No Sup Forumsacks gonna stop it by any means necessary?
He already has the power to do things. He doesn't do them because the media can make normative society believe literally anything they want them to.
I.e. notice how many people think impeachment would even fucking do anything? They've been holding onto that for over a year now. Bill Clinton was impeached, what difference did it make?
None of them are children.
Some things are unfixable. Even if they racemix, there's only so much white DNA to go around.
It's easier for them to get dopamine if they have a moral high horse, even if it doesn't conform to reality.
Seriously, why are you here? It's cuckservative faggots like you that ruin countries.
If you're okay with DACA, that means you're okay with being displaced.
Fuck these bean goblins.
>mandatory e verify
>merit based immigration
>no chain migration
>no lottery migration
>daca recipients can't vote for 10 years
I'd be okay with this deal
Cuck. Go back to the_dinalf. We don't want you here.
1 million spics will turn into 10 million in 30 years. Via population increase and chain immigration.
Trump is cucking on DACA!!!
>1 post by this ID
No better to halt all immigrants on forthw next 50 years.
Holy shit can't tell if retarded t_d cuck or just a shill. You'll support Trump no matter how many subhumans he lets in. Sad. This place is too far right for you to lurk here, let alone post.
>daca recipients CAN vote in 10 years
Jesus fucking Christ it's just slightly delaying the inevitable. They will vote after those 10 years are up and they will vote Democrat. If you really want the workers I would say give them permanent residence with no chance at citizenship but then their retarded brown kids would be citizens anyways and still vote Democrat just kicking it farther down the line.
We just need to fucking throw them over the god damn wall and kill those who put up a fight with it.
t. Gary Johnson
Deportations is what is needed. The spics born in 2000 will soon be able to vote.
No citizenship + deportation.
It is the thin edge of the wedge. it ALWAYS IS DAMNIT, they say it isn't and it is it always fucking is.
We knew this from the beginning. It's a political bargaining chip. Trump has said multiple times no DACA bill will get signed if it doesn't include border wall funding and an end to chain migration. It's a good trade off.
You're living in a fantasy world. The vast majority of DACA "kids" will vote democrat and can't even speak proper English. Fuck off, boomer kike.
There are a 1million DACA spics, they will breed and become 10 million within 50 years. And they will vote against us.
Fuck you. There is NO COMRPOMISE on illegals.
reagan did a similar compromise, and as a result we are in this situation
this is fucking stupid, DACA alone are enough to tip an election
Which is less than what ending chain migration and getting a wall will prevent.
This is not a dictatorship.