Marrying a non-virgin girl, a Christian perspective

Does God aproves of this? I have an ex who lost her virginity with another man, and I probably think she had sex with other guys, but she just got with the 'I had sex WITHIN a relationship' trick. I was thinking about getting back with her, but it struck me that we could get marry if I do. And I don't want to marry no non-exclusive women. I would prefer very much to be alone for the rest of my life than doing this. I wanted to give my life, my strength and my spiritual strength to the women I married. All I asked in return was her to keep her body ALL mine. What are your thoughts on this?

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Last bread was bretty gud, bumping



What are the chances...

Why did you re-create the exact same thread again?!

The Bible is really clear that you should marry a "virgin of your own people", and the Bible is extremely clear that fornication is a grave sin.

What more are you looking for?!


Depends on the circumstances. If it was against her will, it doesn't really matter. If it was willing, but Christ has truly changed her from the person she was (probably not the case for American Catholics), it doesn't matter.

To carry on the discussion, and to spread this theme among of this Christian thematic to potential of millions of other eyes!

you are a bit of a dim lad to even consider this mattering

There's a good rule used when hiring people for important positions, and it applies to marriage too: if you have any doubts, then the answer is "no".

The risk is too big to gamble here.

Thats actually great advice


That's St. Peter's right? Always wanted to attend the Christmas mass there, maybe one day

I think so, I saved it randomly from pinterest, while looking for Christian art

NEVER get back with an ex. EVER. From no perspective, Christian or not, is it a good choice. It is better to build a new relationship than to attempt to salvage an old one. She will not stay faithful to you if had to fucking ask her "to keep her body" ALL yours. She knows she can be unfaithful to you if you have to bargain with her to make sure she doesn't cheat. Become stronger in body and mind and find yourself a better woman.

1) there's no such thing as god.
2) there's no chat any woman wants you.
3) there's almost zero chance of finding a virgin woman.
4) you're a gimp.

UK tellin' it like it is.
All women are whores. You will never find a virgin woman in today's western society, OP.

it is sadly not catholic anymore

There is a God.
I know five Christian virgins.
All of them are cute to average looking.
They're single.
I'm a Christian virgin chad.

I have faith in the lord's good will. So I will not surrender in a world so desperate for good families. The fight is greater than you and I, for us both to find the virgins.

Also nice trips

Welcome to fantasy land!

Stop lying you sinful cretin


This. OP, it’s time to man up and raise Tyrone’s baby with your roastie gf

It's okay, user. You can be a Christian too.
You can't get back your virginity though, which means you don't deserve a virgin wife.

It's a hard question, OP. My girl was a virgin when we got together, but then I was too weak to not have sex with her after a few months. We've been together for three years now, though, and it obviously pretty likely that we will get married some day.

But honestly, it would've been disturbing to me had I know that she'd been with other men before.

But you should follow your own feelings on this, as some people simply don't care about such purity.

First off, Sup Forums is not a Christian board. It is a board for anime fans to discuss politics.
Second off, you are nothing more than a weak willed person for throwing your virginity away for the sake of degeneracy, but then demand that your future woman remain pure.
You are nothing more than trash and deserve the world we are in.

I'm in fact a virgin male, and a devout Christian. But if you're not lying and you know good Christian women I ask you to be grateful and not boast of your blessings.

Most of us out here in California have nothing but savages - quite a rough ride!

Now get your balls tidy and marry one of them already

You should only marry her if you have 5x more partners than her

just kill yourself you insecure faggot

To be a good Christian man, having a good career to raise your family and take care of your wife is more important than virginity

>"Likely that we'll get married some day"

After 3 years dating. The horrors of premarital sex everyone, gross.

>First off, Sup Forums is not a Christian board

I don't like roast beef sir

Remember Tamar

Hypocrisy will surely doom you. i really hope God is real so he will punish you vile beasts

Address my second point, you degenerate Christian. Non virgins dont deserve a virgin wife.

I apologize for boasting.
I'm California born and raised so I understand how you feel.
I long to visit the bible belt in search of a suitable wife as the virgins I know aren't fitting for my personality.

Go ahead and have someone else's baby

Hypocrisy? In my opinion he was being generous. I have been with 4 women but would never even consider marrying a non-virgin. (They were all non-virgins already when I met them)

>Non-Virgins don't deserve a Virgin wife


When we got together I was just 19 and she 18. Don't you think it's a little early to get married?

I agree with your sentiment, but you also have to be realistic.

The main point is: have you already discussed the education of your sons with her? Will you bring your children up as devout Christians? Remember that the future of your family will affect God's judgment.

>Virgin women feel repulsed by virgin men
>Willingly they prefer to marry 'experienced' men than virgins

On a religious side, both are sinful. On a logical side, women are made for reproduction and men for struggle and work. Women don't care much for male sexual hit count, they in fact prefer it to be HIGH, as it is perceived as a high status ornament to them.

My opinion on the matter is that we should all submit to Christ, and stay firm on the narrow path to sanctification of our souls.

My path exactly. I long for a large family gathered around eating some Elk meat hunted by myself and my eldest son. Pregnant wife cooking up a stew.

Man, life can be so great.

Yes, she cried by my side while watching Passion of Christ. Her father was the one who convinced me to give it a try at Christianism.

1. Daughters of single mothers.

Often means Daddy issues. And a mother who was dating a lot because Daddy was gone. Daughter grows up dealing with lots of tears and angst from a perpetually dumped Mom. And no good male supervision / role model. Some daughters of single mothers escape this (grandpa strong in her life; or a really good and stable stepfather before her wild years, maybe).

> #2. cutters

> #3. women with tattoos and eccentric piercings

> #4. women who have ever had an eating disorder

2-4 are self explanatory

> #5. Women who have had more than 5 lovers.

Studies have shown that a woman's ability to pairbond drops off significantly if she has had more than this. Which coincidentally matches Grandma's common-sense advice. Sad to say, but she is almost certainly worthless as a wife if she has had more than 5 lovers.

> #6. Redheads.

Hands down this one is the most controversial. To me it makes no sense, but I have never a redhead. Also, this probably refers to natural redheads.

> #7. Bi-sexuals.

Fun to sex with. A sheer disaster to marry. Avoid bisex women.

> #8. seems to be often about attention-seeking.

> #9. Weaboos and Wapanese.

Western women (even those who are genetically Asian) who live only to anime and Cosplay and who believe Asian culture to be superior in all ways

> #10. Victim women.

Not referring to women who have been victims, necessarily, but referring to women with a "victim mentality".

Women who need rescuing will carry that need with them from relationship to relationship. Do you want to get destroyed by that emotional woodchipper?

Sorry you keep trying to justify your degeneracy. Ruining the west you are and not even following the teachings of your church you profess.
Some Christian you are. Degenerate

Great, I hope her faith is sincere. That's literally all you need for your marriage to work properly.

She is by far the best woman I ever had, but she is not a virgin, and she sticked with retards when a little bit younger. Thats all my complains about her. At least the ones I am aware of.

Gingers are the damn cutest girls out there. If I'm lucky enough to get a QT ginger girl who's also a Virgin christian, mother by God I'm marrying that girl.

I will put it all on God's hand now, I will let him sort it out the most of it.

In reality, if it hurt (her) the first time you penetrated her and her vagina wasn't like a ham sandwich, she is probably as close to a virgin as 99% of us will ever have.

I had tighter women before, something that really surprised me.

You're so obsessed with other men's cocks that you'll let your obsession ruin a relationship. Try not thinking about their cocks for a few days then see what happens.

If you can't stop thinking about their dicks then you're gay, and shouldn't be marrying a woman anyway. If you can stop, you're clear for marriage and your gay is cured.

Godspeed, fag.

Stay the fuck out of my land, Calinigger.

Trips of truth

"a christian blablabla"

Stop being a faggot. The Vikings robbed women after they killed their men. They didn't care if they were virgings, they were their women from then on. So fuck yourself if you have a problem with that. Why should a pathetic weakling like you deserve a virgin. To spoil it with your emotional retarded seed? Fuck off.

>Look where Swede is right now

Stop watching Vikings series and using it to measure reality, you faggot scum

True enough, was watching it this Christmas and most front seat guests were visibly not Christian, some didn't even have the respect of lowering their heads during prayer. Absolutely shameful. On the bright side I've read in a magazine (yes, I know) that Francis is the most opposed to Pope in recent history, both outside and inside the clergy, and that a significant number of Cardenals have basically declared war on his tolerance policies, so not everything may be lost just yet

Th-those digits thou

i don't watch vikings you pathetic loser. Sweden is sweden now because the badass warrior settled elsewhere. The Swedes ain't vikings, the swedes are the low tier Thralls that stayed home you dumbass cunt.

A non virgin doesnt deserve a virgin

Who wants a fucking virgin anyway?!
I want a fire spitting Whore!!! A WHORE!!!!!
did you ever fuck a virgin.
in the middle she says things like "nah i don't want that". "that i don't like" and on and on. Fuck that shit. Give me fucking Pornstar.

Why did virgin women mostly chose to marry non-virgin man?

>Praise Vikings
>Become Swedecuck, lord of BBC and neutral gender Jesus


Jesus, the digits on this thread

you fucking idiot you can't even read.

A non virgin doesnt deserve a virgin. Youre a degenerate Christian. A liar.

I didn't said they 'deserve', I just asked why those same virgin girls chose non-virgins males to mate and marry.

A non virgin doesn't deserve a virgin. Youre a terrible Christian. A poser. A fake.

Literally underaged.

KEK. Nice talking points, decadent roastie.

That whole idea is a liberal boomer meme so no, nothing wrong with getting married early. By all means lay out your excuses though

Lol, I want you to see what youre saying here. Youre basically claiming that men are exempt based on the "fact" women "prefer" nonvirgins. You're attributing the wrong thing here. Men who are charming, which women want, can have sex whenever and with whoever. virgins are less attractive since theyre not smooth with women so they still arent attractive. Its a loop.
So men want girls who arent sure sociable with women. Women that aren't sociable with men are usuallt virgins. Youre attributing things to the wrong things here.
But, you as a bible thumper, a virgin man deserves a virgin woman. Anything else is sinful. Dont weasel out of this by creating some weird fallacy to excuse your sinful ways.
Or just drop the holier than thou act and be honest. Just say you want a virgin. No reason to lie to us. This is the underbelly ot society. Everyone here is broken anyways.

I'm not attributing nothing. Men care about feminine chastity, while women feel repulsed to it. The only reason to think of it in bad terms is because JESUS CHRIST said that fornication was a grave sin.

Roasties don't care about further dilating their ravaged pussies with Chads who fucked their entire group of friends or porn actors, in fact, they feel more turned on by a man with such sexual power. It only makes them more repulsive. Women instinctively drift towards the more decadent and immoral of men.

It was JESUS CHRIST that told us not to engage in such activities, if it were up to women, they would keep selecting criminals, gangbangers, drug addicted and ex-con bad boys they love so much, to enter their disgusting filthy holes and to habit there forever long.

Only Christ is the light, and because of him and for him, I recognize the evil on casual sex. Not because of women, the same ones that promote corruption and embrace the swine decadence of their role as reproduction guardians of the human race.

Roasties can get BTFO for all I care, only reason I don't openly hate them is because Jesus told me to love all, so I just hate the filth they call of a lifestyle, not them themselves so much.

And yet the Bible is ESPECIALLY clear that no one is irredeemable (you know, the whole reason Jesus died and all) and that marriage is NOT forbidden between a man and a woman who is not a virgin. It doesn't forbid non virgin men to not marry, either.

The earlier you get married the better off both of you will be.


11. single mom's
12. coalburners
13. Long term unemployed if not a student
14. Women who love to travel despite having a bad financial situation

Golden hoard wants to steal other people's women now. There should be laws against Californian migrants.

I don't know much about the Bible, but how do you redeem a whore/slut/prostitute/porn star? She can't un-experience any of that. Men with small wangs truly are cursed, their wives will always be fantasizing about some previous guy they fucked.

You still missed my point. You're still making facts that arent true. That arent even correct. Youre just assuming thats why and then spouted off a whole rant about god.
You have no basis for your assertion that is why nonvirgins are unattractive. Its merely a guess.

She asks God for forgiveness, is sincere and doesn't do it again. Done

Disgusting roasties have no point, so I'm not missing anything at all.

Statistics show a correlation between sexual partners and marital problems/instability. I could not stand being married to a women who has had sex with other men. Ignore the angry /r9k/ NEETs here, there are plenty of women who are still virgins.

The damage is still done. It's like riding a bunch of awesome roller coasters for years, then riding the kiddy rides for the rest of your life afterwards. You'll never truly enjoy them.

Again, I'm approaching this from a completely practical angle--I'm not seeing the pragmatism of God's forgiveness in this case, unless he can erase women's memories of all their past sexual experiences and restore their hymen. But I'd be massively skeptical if you told me that was possible.

Nice ad hom mate, you just have no argument besides reee ing about what Jesus said.

>did you ever fuck a virgin.
>in the middle she says things like "nah i don't want that". "that i don't like" and on and on. Fuck that shit.

Forgot the duct tape eh user?

You think the comparison between having sex with strangers and sex with your spouse are likened to a wild roller coaster and a kiddie ride?

No wonder you don't understand.

Redemption obviously doesn't undo something. It's forgiveness.

If an ex prostitute saved your child's life somehow, if you weren't foolish you would likely see that as a redeemable quality.

Sure, then I'd owe her a favor, but why would I want to seek her out romantically? My analogy still stands. You don't understand it, apparently, but look at it like this: people become desensitized, and there's no restoring that. It applies to roller coasters, food, drugs, sex, everything. Fucking figure it out, dude.