>We're the party for states rights
>We're the party for small government
>States are choosing to legalize marijuana? Oh no no no, big Republican government knows what is best for the states
We're the party for states rights
Other urls found in this thread:
We only have to put up with the retard elf for three more years
Shills out like clockwork
It's almost as if Republicans actually care what the Constitution says.
Neither party gives a shit about the Constitution
Morality and virtue over everything. There is a correct way to act this world and by allowing an undisciplined country reign free, you will see the downfall of our society. If we all understand how to act the world, we wouldn't need big government or laws for that matter.
>Democrats are bad because big government, but big government is good when Republicans do it because I like Republicans
I hope they know I will kill anyone that tries to take my legal cannabis away. This is an issue I will die for. We will not regress with cannabis, only move forward.
No, good laws are good because they prevent unruly behavior. Virtue and morality are something we need to conserve in our growing globalist world. Conservatism just so happens to be the party of the Republicans, or do you not agree with conservatism and tradition?
Trumps ghostwriter
Funny how you didn’t link anything.
That’s not what the digits say.
Hmm. On one hand, state's rights.
On the other hand, Lincoln did win the war and weed is a degenerate drug
Tough choices man
> states ignore federal law
> Obongo ignores states defying the feds
> liberals love pot
> California has a brain fart and makes rec Marijuana legal
> empowers Trump to go after political enemies
The logical, ruthless, and strategic option for Trump and Sessions is to invade California remove their two senators, arrest liberals for pot, turn California into a red state with an "occupation" government.
Then use Blackwater to quell minority insurgents.
"California is in a state of insurrection. We must deploy the Marines, now. We must arrest those who which to turn California into a narco state. A shipment of California weed was intercepted at the border between California and Arizona. War!"
California and Colorado are in a state of insurrection, becoming NARCO states.
They must be invaded.
Letter of Mark and Reprisal when?
Deploy the army!
Subjugate the rebels!
Those who wish to turn Colorado and California into narco states must be crushed!
>It's almost as if Republicans actually care what the Constitution says.
Oh... show me where in the Constitution the Federal Government has the authority to tell me what plants I can and cannot own.
Alcohol was once banned by a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT because the constitution does not grant this sort of power to government. No other Constitutionally valid way to do it! And that Amendment was later repealed by another.
So don't give me that shit.
This is how I feel about it. They offer no evidence to support it's prohibition any longer. All of their lies and disinfo has been refuted. Stay the fuck out of people's lives and get your sorry old ass to work on addressing real crimes, Session. Antiquated old fucking piece of shit. Going for the low hanging fruit. Cops are worthless.
What part of the constitution makes marijuana illegal?
Mind your own business UN Jew faggot. Nobody asked you. States are doing fine with their pot laws. Kikes just want to try to stifle this market so they can continue to control money.
Definitely agree here. Shit blows
we love the federal government now
Kek, Trump's gonna be one-and-done, what a fucking idiot. Get ready for blanket amnesty.
All these faggots are authoritarian ideologue. They don't care what's actually good for the country and what works.
I want to see if people's love for pot surpasses their hatred for the left and the media. Trump being so polarizing could cause people to unironically support anything as long as his opponents continue to unfairly hate him.
>muh muh plant just a plant just a plant it's just a plant muh plant guys it's just a plant muh plant muh plant
never trust an addict, their brains are being controlled and they will stop short of nothing to protect their precious addiction.
Yeah, I've noticed that if someone ever said they support making pornography illegal I would lash out and tell them it doesn't hurt anyone. Really shows how weak we really are to our vices.
They got their marching orders and it's like the tide coming in.
>muh muh plant just like porn it's just plant just a plant it's just like porn a plant muh plant guys porn it's just a plant muh plant like porn muh plant just like porn muh plant muh
You're right, porn is worst.
neocons are at it again
what about the 10th amendment, nu-fag? While you were watching hentai in civics class in 9th grade (or are you still 13?), you must have missed the 10th amendment discussion.
>The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
And every state that has legalized used a constitutional amendment to legalize - arguably the most democratic feature of our entire governmental system.
Why don't you leave this discussion to the adults, kiddo.
lol, nothing funnier then assblasted 12 year old stoners trying to act all tough like they'd do jack squat. AG doesn't write the fucking laws, he just executes and enforces them. Instead of directing your anger to a man just doing his job, direct it to the actual fucking people who write the fucking laws in the first place you dumb retarded 12 year olds
Trump wins again!
Not an argument.
makes sense - they're used to their parents yelling from upstairs to tell them what to do and not to do.
seriously it's laughable. so spammy, it's like they don't even try to hide it
Wow, it's almost like you actually have to repeal the fucking amendment first! All pot smokers are fucking retards
>AG doesn't write the fucking laws, he just executes and enforces them
The AG's job is to uphold the constitution, and as per the 10th amendment, these states have the constitutional power to legalize weed within the confines of their borders. Although the CSA may prohibit marijuana possession, sale or consumption federally, it's not a constitutional amendment federally - so states have a right to govern their own laws about legalization, and execute their constitutional right to amend their own laws.
You're using the same EU-tier logic that makes europe such a shitty place when it comes to social policy, not to mention that all this directive does is help the pharma jews who are losing their opioid profits to dispensaries.
>Wow, it's almost like you actually have to repeal the fucking amendment first! All pot smokers are fucking retards
I'm not a pot smoker. Unlike others in this thread who have empty talk about reading The Constitution, I actually have done so. And so can you - usconstitution.net
The 18th Amendment
>1. After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.
>2. The Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
>3. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by the Congress.
This was repealed entirely by the 21st Amendment, and never granted federal authority to ban ANYTHING besides alcohol in the first place!
So don't talk shit about respecting The Constitution you actually loathe.
Perhaps this will motivate state senators to propose actual bills that will end the prohibition. Sessions said that's the only reason he's doing it... it's the law. Change it.
When you have to get your God Drug legal but people are now fighting the Zionist shills fighting to legalize it.
>When you have to get your God Drug legal but people are now fighting the Zionist shills fighting to legalize it.
The person arguing for Unconstitutional Federal Authority is pretending to be anti-Zionist.
Nice try.
So what you're saying is instead of using the limited federal resources to go investigate Clinton corruption, go after pedophile rings or border jumpers, Sessions is gonna go after people for a plant that most of the country wants legal?
Sounds pretty fucking retarded.
Except the lawmakers are all in the pockets of big pharma, so there will be no action on this front.
>(((big pharma)))
>enforces federal law
>Obama had 8 years to legalize weed federally but did nothing
potheads sure are retarded
Oh ok, so lets abolish the FDA then? All drugs, all chemicals, all plants are now legalized because the constitution doesn't say anything about Xanax.
I’m so fucking mad. Can Sessions fucking kill himself already? This will destroy Trump.
>enforces federal law
The Constitution... not so much. There is no Constitutional basis for the law itself. But you don't care about The Constitution at all. Not really anyhow, if you where honest.
>Oh ok, so lets abolish the FDA then? All drugs, all chemicals, all plants are now legalized because the constitution doesn't say anything about Xanax.
He's what you CAN do. Pass a fucking Constitutional Amendment allowing this shit. We did it to make alcohol illegal. We did it when we realized that was a bad fucking idea. It isn't so hard.
>The Constitution... not so much. There is no Constitutional basis for the law itself. But you don't care about The Constitution at all. Not really anyhow, if you where honest.
the AG doesn't write the law, he enforces it. get the fuck over it you fucking stoner pussy, Obama had 8 years to legalize it federally and didn't do shit.
Read the original memo very carefully. It didn't hinge on state's rights, simply the Executive's ability or willingness to impose any given law. Obama suspended enforcement of a Federal law without revealing he cares at all about State's Rights. Not surprising because he was a Federal strongman.
Sessions isn't "DEFEATING STATE'S RIGHTS!!!!" by removing the "yolo law doesn't count, lol" memo. He's refusing to suspend enforcement of a law. If you don't like the law, you get to change the law or fight it in court, not call "take-backsies."
You're going to die over a fucking icky-sticky plant that rots your brains? Good riddance.
It's not quite a nothingburger. It means the individual Attorneys General will have to go ON RECORD saying they're planning to defy or suspend Federal law in their state. It will open up the door for Congress to deny requests for anti-drug grants in the given state.
Think about it. "Oh, you mean I should be giving you anti-drug money when you've decided to suspend the Controlled Substances Act? Okay. No. You're not getting a new Bearcat for the Denver Police. You don't get money to enforce laws you've decided you aren't enforcing."
It's going to pit Attorneys General on the state level against police unions, concerned parent groups, and opens them up to scrutiny come election time. It's fucking brilliant.
The "drugs are bad" strain of empty headed moralizing is the same reason elementary school kids are taught to apologize to blacks for existing and why people feel afraid to say they don't want tens of millions of mestizos taking up residence in our country.
The law needs to be changed at the federal level. This is fine.
>the AG doesn't write the law, he enforces it. get the fuck over it you fucking stoner pussy, Obama had 8 years to legalize it federally and didn't do shit.
I'm not a stoner. I don't care about pot specifically. I care about respecting our Constitution which is the most SUPREME law of the land. Unconstitutional "laws" are not valid laws. So what is it he's enforcing then?
I'm going to guess you don't understand what a Constitutional Republic is and how it functions. You probably slept while this was taught and/or your teacher was totally incompetent. Learn a thing or two before opening your mouth next, thanks.
You don't seem to know how it functions
The federal government is supposed to adhere to the constitution, but in practice it does shit like pass a law criminalizing marijuana federally
Sessions didn't make the law and sessions wouldn't be able to enforce it if it weren't one
Stop caring about the abuses and start caring about the ability to abuse in the first place, because the abuses will happen if they can
Oh... remember this post once they pass a Federal law to confiscate all guns. Such a law would be in violation of The Constitution. Such a law isn't valid. Doesn't mean some jackbooted thugs won't try to enforce it! But that doesn't make it valid. Don't legitimize their behavior.
Reflect on your foolish words.
True, but have a higher level view. While no directions have been given to indict and prosecute, it is a nod in that direction.
1) This is clearly just a test for states rights. The WH wants to see how far they can push them and view marijuana as an easy target for this “experiment”.
2) Sessions is highly invested into the prisons in this country, what better way to keep them full and fill the coffers than with “bad people” who smoke?
>don't legitimize their behavior
Only a drooling brain dead fucking retard could derive that meaning out of my post
I never said it would be valid you cockbag
So the correct reaction is directing outrage at federally elected representatives to change the law, not somebody merely enforcing it
I don't get mad at niggers and spics getting welfare, I get mad at the representatives and their legions of retarded voters for allowing it to happen
I live in Alaska, fucking with the marijuana money is a good way to turn this state blue.
fuck you retard there are a handful of people making money on weed.
The rest of you are just useless toners that 99% vote Democrat
State laws can’t overturn federal laws. A state is no more able to legalize marijuana than they are to legalize slavery. Sorry your degenerate habit is now once again illegal though, but seriously ALL obama-era rules have to be thrown out
lol this is like when they tried to smear ted cruz for enforcing a sex toy law
Not even saying there should be outrage, but to keep our eyes open... more is at foot than a simple declaration of “following prior federal policy.”
Exactly my point. Incompetence or alternative agenda?
Just remember
States right > Federal power
Its a shame that liberals are not coming around to realize this just yet. (Except for government overreach for abortion which I think should be a state decision)
I trust the decisions my fellow statesmen make more then I would trust any federal agency or decisions.
Remember people have diffrent priorities and they vary from state to state. You like the idea of a more universal healthcare system but think it should apply to every state? Well your state could of had one years ago like Romney did in Massachusetts and I hear it worked pretty well. You think its a bad idea well then your state doesn't need to have it then.
It really doesn't matter to me when I oppose it on it's face anyway
Why is booze ok tho? That's a lot more degenerate than weed. With booze, your chances of raping / getting raped increase rather than with weed, where you'll just order a pizza.
Enjoy your Muslims and illegal Mexicans fag
Liberals aren't for any principle let alone States rights
If they appear to be it's literally just that it's convenient at the time to support States rights
Except they can. Slavery has been addressed in the constitution.
>What is the 13th amendment?
Marijuana has not been, nor any drugs unless semantics of “genera welfare” comes into play, but that’s too far open to truly define.
>I never said it would be valid you cockbag
Why then would you defend enforcing an invalid "law?"
Explain yourself.
>State laws can’t overturn federal laws. A state is no more able to legalize marijuana than they are to legalize slavery. Sorry your degenerate habit is now once again illegal though, but seriously ALL obama-era rules have to be thrown out
The Federal Government doesn't have a legitimate aka Constitutionally valid authority to make these laws. Why complain about the states then?
And the irony here with your post - States once COULD legalize slavery... and they did! It was the 13th CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT which changed this.
Do some fucking reading - usconstitution.net
Second time I dropped that link in a single thread!
war on drugs in general is stupid
sessions needs to be canned
>It's going to pit Attorneys General on the state level against police unions, concerned parent groups, and opens them up to scrutiny come election time. It's fucking brilliant.
It's only brilliant if you just want to watch the world burn and don't care about future elections.
Banning drugs is the same as banning guns.
You're a brainlet if you don't agree.
True. The anti-weed people are motivated as the same thing as people who put 'hate has no home here' signs in front of their house.
Bannon = chaos... and if you haven’t been paying attention that’s been the agenda of the state for months now.
>Liberals aren't for any principle let alone States rights
Neither side is consistent on states' rights. This is not a super clever insight.
why are stoners so incapable of complex thinking? and you say it has no negative effects
I didn't defend it dumbass, learn to read
I'm saying your solution of expressing outrage to get somebody to not enforce a law is fruitless fedoraism. Someone like a sessions engaging in the behavior you're complaining about won't give a shit. And even if he did, and even if the person in charge stops enforcing a law, it has no bearing on the future or the next person.
It's like complaining about the IRS enforcing income tax, rather than complaining about income tax
Fucking moron
>Bannon = chaos... and if you haven’t been paying attention that’s been the agenda of the state for months now.
First off, Bannon is what we need.
Second, Bannon got fired months ago so don't blame this shit on him! This is Jeff Session's baby.
Because it's not complex idiot, it's a hugely unpopular policy that will hurt Republicans in the next election and hurt Trump for reelection.
>15 year old stoners think States can just ignore federal law and the DoJ can just ignore the laws they don't like
Don't skip your civics classes, kids.
Yeah, it's only "brilliant" if you want the Attorneys General to be responsible for their actions, and answer to their constituents.
>its conservatives that want weed legalized
get the law changed then faggot. you can't just ignore laws you don't like.
If Trump allows this his next term is done for. Republican party would be done for.
Libertarian type conservatives are
>"uh huh no they arent because xyz"
Then either you would be wrong or the people you're referring to aren't what you think they are
And liberals are just not consistent, they are actively opposed to States rights unless it is immediately useful.
>just not
Not just*
So sessions implementing Marijuana laws; but not immigration or deep state extermination, is a good thing? You are fucked in the head. Banning Cannabis means more Cartel, simple as that. Allowing DACA means more cartel. Simple. I grew up wuth these illegal mexican rats, Trump is a joke for whimpering about "the poor illegal kids" and is selling out innocent evolved white kids to the fucking nigger horde and anyone who supports that is trash.
You wonder why people like Dylan Roof exist? Wait until Trump betrays America and it collapses.
You just wait on this one. Trump is going to smash all the hippy doper shops, then legalize nationwide to make all the dudeweeds vote for him.
He is pulling out scrub to plant an orchard.
>we don't believe in states rights
>except when Republicans are in power, then suddenly we do
>same deal with the deficit
You are incapable of reading
I expressly said it was bad
Kill yourself and don't reply to me
Nothing funnier then a boot licking faggot thinking this will somehow stop my dealer from supplying me with weed that won't be taxable and wont benefit anyone but me and my seller.
stop shilling faggot
das right
>t. Redditor thinks I was referring directly to its statement