let me be clear I am not a furry but I wish to see Sup Forums's stance on them simply because there are so many.
Opinions of Furries
They're absolutely disgusting. The same can be said for people who watch anime. Its sad and disgusting.
I like my women shaved
Kill yourself, furry.
>because there are so many
no there isn't
they are a minority within a minority of sexual deviants and freaks.
not even leftists like them
There are a surprising amount of allies among them. I'd have thought they'd be very leftwing but coming into the fandom I found a shitload of trump supporters and trannybashers.
I unironically wish I would transform into a real life furry tiger.
Yiffing and scriffing is very Sup Forums
'Cos nothing says sexy like dressing as a squirrel? I'm usually pretty liberal about this kind of stuff but this even seems odd to me.
You are furry. You are trying to hide it. Plus crusader flag
they get the rope. all degenerates get the rope. all racemixers get the rope. all fags get the rope. this isn't really that hard.
you two get the rope too.
I meant in my area sorry for the misinformation
Furries are just simply degenerate losers with a fetish.
Being a furry is just shameful, some of them have talent but decide to waste it away drawing smutty images of imaginary animals & characters getting fucked silly instead of doing something more productive, not to mention there have been many instances of furries asking for gibs (Muh donations, comitions OMG PLZ GIV/HALP I & MY PET HAVE CANZURS, etc.) or just simply ripping people off.
I feel they are a plague not just do to the fact that they enjoy corrupting childern's cartoons, lying, stealing and fornicating animals, but also do to not having any sense of moral (sometimes at all), they also tend to be fetid, homosexual, ugly AF, living with their parents, and generaly just parasites... Men that refuse to grow (the females of the fandom are no better, just attention getting whores).
Furries are close to being animals, sick depraved animals that should be put down.
Any fucking sick fetish you can imagine can be related to the furry fandom (pedophilia, guru, scat, etc.), they have some sort of a mental condition and have to sexualise everything, and i mean fucking EVERYTHING, from animals to airplanes & cars.
furries should be killed
same but with everyone that consumes porn, eeew
Furries are simply human garbage. There is simply no need or reason to excuse them.
>be alien anthropologist
>visit earth for thousands of years to observe humanity
>stupid superstitious animals that don't communicate beyond their own tribe
>take a gap century
>come back to find a globally networked digital culture
>plant seeds of furry subculture on usenet
>normalize walking around all day in an opaque fursuit
>resume anthropological studies unimpeded
what in the unlimited fuck?
tickling is a very important part of childhood, these individuals had incompetent parents and never really got to experience growing up
Wikipedia says they have a higher than normal percentage of gays and bisexuals.
At least no dicks were out.
Gas chambers when?