Is there any other character who can genuinely compare to the obnoxiousness of this girl?
Is there any other character who can genuinely compare to the obnoxiousness of this girl?
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>implying there is a worse character in anime history than Mugen from Samurai Champloo
Its been almost a decade since I watched Escaflowne, is it any good? I only remember the giant robot and the cute furry girl.
There is.
seen that character take it up the pooper
Escaflowne is good except it needed more episodes to become a masterpiece.
Too bad.
>died in EP2
That's where I knew the show was trash
Saving this thread with the proper Sup Forumsm/mo/
I liked it, but the shit with the Tarot cards every episode was totally irrelevant and occupied too much.
Prequel series when?
hey she was ok
she was a slut and had bullshit powers but I didn't hate her
She didn't even sleep with anyone.
she was after the dick of pretty much every guy in the series
Definitely a good choice.
I'll add C-Ko to the list. Someone needs empty a clip into her head so they can be assured they'll hit that walnut-sized brain she must have.
It saved some budgets for the fights. You have to think more economically.
Apart from being obnoxiously boy-crazy I don't mind her, poor Van though.
How's the movie? I'm too lazy to rewatch the series.
The soundtrack of this show is amazing.
Watch the series.
It's good as a stand alone movie. High quality animation for sure.
Main differences in the movie:
- Hitomi and Van have met as children for a few seconds
- Hitomi is melancholic and not that quircky, she does not have her grandma's pendant and she does not lay tarot cards
- Fanelia has fallen before the story
- Allen is the captain of a pirate ship and minerva his bitch
- A lot less characterization and nothing on other kingdoms
- Dilandao is not Alen's sister and male
- Volken is the main antagonist, not Isaac Newton
- I still cried at the end when Hitomi and Van had to part
She's not even the most obnoxious girl in her own series.
The movie felt like someone borrowed the franchise (characters and all) and simply made a Seinfeld version. No plot but it looked pretty.
Forgot my pic like a fag
She wasn't that bad. Probably the worst thing she did was Lie to that princess about her future to get her to marry the merchant's son, but she regretted that straight after.
It looked pretty, the new setting/mood was nice, as was the music, but it was much too different from the series to build off of it, and everything was far too rushed to properly stand on its own.
I was 14 when I watched it, so I liked the more angsty tone, but looking back, it just wasn't a very good movie.
I never saw her show. Just her movie.
A better question is: Why can't there be any isekai anime like Escaflowne anymore?
>*gregorian chant
She's less bad in Japanese. But she's the same as all those other female leads that keep saying the male lead's name over and over and over.
How can you hate Mugen?
>poor Van though.
Rest in pieces.
He's used goods.
poor poor Van
This episode really made my blood boil. I had never felt genuine hatred for a character before this moment, but Hitomi surely got it.
Why Hitomi? It was the Emperor doing it with the fate machine.
What? He wasn't even the worst character of his own show.
Because Hitomi was a complete bitch to Van in this episode for no reason.