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People liked the unusual look. If you didn't then that's fine.
Most of the people watching anime are otaku and like being pandered to.
It's a bit like a harem with a twist and one girl actually wins.
The plot is interesting, actually goes somewhere and it's not too predictable.

Not saying your opinion is wrong or bad, but it's really not hard to see why it's popular and well liked.

why would you watch the anime when the VN exists?

It's because they're unapologetic teenage redditors.

>Implying that we want to relate to Okabe
Please, OP is already being cringy at expressing his"hate?" with not even legit reasons, so yea. OP is literally shitposting for me.

Nice blog, 3/10, made me reply.

Have you really seen a shit ton of anime if you only got round to watching Steins;Gate in 2017?

>I've seen a shit ton of anime
Memetic words. Prove it.

First off, stop blogging.
Second, no one wants to relate to Okabe. If you played the games you know how fucked up and stupid he is. I think I can speak for anyone that played SG;0 here when I say
>...THIS is the man that created time travel?.

>otaku-pandering caricatures
That's exactly what they are supposed to be tough. A comic exaggerated view of the japanese otaku. They talk about "@ch" all the time, for fucks sake. That would be the equivalent of a western game having a nerd who talks about Sup Forums all the time.

>actually linking to MAL
And then they ask how I know they're redditors.

>feeling elitist because of the anime forums you use

yikes, what a world you must live in

There's your answer OP.

Don't you just love how everything past a certain age that is still relevant gets shitposted like this?

It's Kongroo.

I am a bit troubles because of the first time Okabe received the D-Mail.
the reason he couldn't watch the video was because he hasn't established a causal relation to the Okabe that sent the D-mail yet.
But if that is true how come he could receive the D-Mail?

Yeah, it makes no sense otherwise.

because literally everything in Steins;Gate is an asspull. It's some of the laziest sci-fi ever written.



That's not a D-Mail, that is a Nostalgia Drive Mail, it is different.

This must be one of the most egregious shitposts I've seen in one of these threads. You guys aren't even trying anymore.

t. Redditcuck

>using cuck
Go back to Sup Forums as you are not better than the average reddit user.

Generic as fuck taste and linking MAL is enough reason to kill yourself.

And here I thought they were trying to be "scientifics"

I don't think so cucky.

The anime really muddles the original look, which really blows ass.

>I watched the first episode of the anime dub: the thread
it's not even a good shitpost

Since when is this considered as a shit ton?
Oh wait, that's right. This whole thread was just a bait...

obvious bait