Minefield Mahjong > E-card > One Poker(so far) = Tissue Box > Rock, Paper, Scissors > Pachinko > Chinchirorin > Salvation > Frame Crossing
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Minefield mahjong was a fucking ride
>We will never get the UNO arc
FKMT you fucking hack
I wish I knew how Mahjong worked (yes I read the explanations included with the chapters, I still don't know what's happening) and it's so fucking BORING
I just finished the part where the president wins the first time, does it get more interesting from here?
I highly recommend learning how to play mahjong, at least the basics (no need to get into scoring system). Otherwise you will not understand a lot of intense stuff.
>Putting Restricted Rock Paper Scissors so low
>I wish I knew how Mahjong worked
Noone does, some just pretend they do.
>Frame Crossing that low
>yet Tissue Box is that high
Shit taste OP
You wouldn't understand.
Mahjong is a true man's game.
Brave Man Road > E-Card > One Poker > Chinchirorin > Rock, Paper, Scissors > Pachinko > Minefield Mahjong >>>>>>>>>> Tissue Box (necessary but shit game)
Fight me.
about to finish kaiji. is it work continuing with akagi? or is this one of those "read the manga" shows?
The akagi anime is awesome. Definitely continue.
I'm sure this is pretty accurate I refuse to read Akagi until I understand mahjong almost fully.
I tried reading 17 steps because I initially skipped it, it seems complicated although its supposed to be a simplified version of the gang with the players one step away from winning the round.
I think whats hard about is remembering what tiles are what and the fact there so many kinds of possible hands to make.
But anyway question how well did madhouse adapt akagi could I read it from the begining of the Washizu game? and how does Fukumoto have so many on going manga?
Neither Akagi nor Kaiji are tanoshii though.
It's pretty impeccable. As good as Kaiji's I think. Voice acting and music add pretty well to the story.
I suggest you just watch it whenever you want. It helps with learning, even if you go in knowing very little. If you see characters making hands then eventually you remember one or two. It's all about psychology and you don't need the rules to understand that.
Ten is damn good as well.
Mahjong rules are fucking simple. There are literally only 5 types of tiles to remember: The 3 suits + winds + dragons. There is also only one way to complete your hand: By drawing 4 sets and a pair + two far less common exceptions. The yaku are the only thing that might take a little bit of time to remember, but most of them are obvious as well, like, anynone would guess that having only triplets is something special.
>But anyway question how well did madhouse adapt akagi could I read it from the begining of the Washizu game?
Yes, iirc the adaption is pretty close to the source material, I think one opponent between Urabe and Washizu was ommited in the anime, though.
I liked pachinko the best. Yes it was drawn the fuck out but after rewatching it I can enjoy it more because I know the outcome. It truly showed Kaiji's genius when pushed against the wall. He tilted a whole fucking building what a mad man.
>There is also only one way to complete your hand: By drawing 4 sets and a pair + two far less common exceptions
I feel as I was reading I couldn't follow how their hands were correct or in tenpai does is the order of
same tile set + sequence set + sequence set + same tile set + pair the absolute format
I believe I was getting confused because of ron every hand I was trying to understan the set.
apologies if I sound retarded here.
Mahjong is mostly a battle of terminology for me. That and the scoring system is so fucked that it's impossible for me to understand it.
As much as I like Saki, due to the complete bullshit half the time it doesn't feel like a Mahjong anime half the time.
Watched the two Kaiji movies last night. They changed a lot, which is to some extent good because I wasn't just rewatching the anime with 3DPD (not that the anime characters arent disgusting). They also added one movie original game, princess and the slave, but overall I was kind of pissed off with how much was skipped and simplified. It was worth the watch and I cried with Kaiji again so that's great, but lemme address the elephant in the room. They added female characters/changed existing men into women. It's not a SJW plot, it's just common marketing because women watch movies too, but that was such a kick in the balls for me personally. Kaiji is supposed to be a complete loser with the ladies or at least he shouldn't give a fuck about them, yet they inserted a quasi-romantic plot point into both movies. WOMEN GET OUT, REEEEEEEEE! I'm trying to gamble over here!
To be honest, there are some things that are not so obvious.
Furiten,open vs closed hand, yaku requirement, dora and ura-dora...
I don't even know how Mahjong works, but I'm getting taken to a ride anyway.
I hate pachinko so much, yet, it was my favorite along with E-card in Part 1.
E-Card = Pachinko > Rock, Paper, Scissors > Salvation > Chinchirororin > One Poker > Mahjong >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tissue Box (the worst of all games, It didn't felt intense in comparison to all other games despite how high the stake was).
it deserves it
>Frame Crossing
you mean the bridge why is it so low its arguable one of the best things about season 1 is it low because it isn't necessarily a game? if so why add it at all.
also one poker is good but not as based as Hyodou owning Kaiji with the tissue box. Kaiji is going full retard in one poker he got to cocky and fucked up early hes probably gonna lose again.
sorry if I sound dumb but, Is that Kaiji?
I watched season 1 and 2 but I saw no mahjong.
>that part where he cuts off his fucking ear during E-card
Yup, I'm dumb.
I really want to learn mahjong but no matter what I'm too stupid
It isn't as easy to pick up as - let's say - poker, but once you get hang of it it's really fun to play.
Well, maybe except when you get constantly Ron'd with Hanemans
Just practice here: gamedesign.jp
The rules really aren't that hard to grasp, once you understand the basic stuff (yaku, furiten) everything else will follow naturally.
it took me like a week to understand the complete rules ( international ones not even the japenese ones that are slightly different), litteraly wtf.
Why is the art for Kaiji so bad?
You mean unique?
>tfw I'll never understand minefield mahjong because I don't play mahjong
learning mahjong is really easy, especially for that Kaiji part
the only requirement of MJ minefield is having an 8000 points hand, which is usually a 4/5 modifier hand. Dora is already 1 modifier for each tiles you have
this site is what you need to learn in no time
Kaiji is about a guy who had a tiny perspective that was stuck in bad choices with all the other tiny perspective people being taken advantage of by the people with a wider perspective from standing high up above. The strength of Kaiji is in widening his perspective despite his terrible position so that he can survive. Kaiji is about survival.
All of the games have the aspect of the widening perspective but most of them do this around the aspect of "cheating". Cheating isn't what the story of Kaiji is about, cheating is powerful people struggling with one another for high ground in a game they're all fully aware of with stakes that might be huge but they know they can survive because theyre intelligent powerful people.
RPS is the only game with no cheating, it was basically impossible to cheat because everything was legal. Rather than be a struggle between equal opponents it was an emulation of life. Survival of the fittest. Anyone who doesn't have RPS as the top game doesn't understand the perfection of that game's design to the narrative of Kaiji.
Eh man we like what we like it doesn't mean we don't understand shit. It was a good game but the stakes were really low compared to all the other games which were basically life or death.
the RPS stakes were, slavery, prostitution, death, etc... and the situation of those stakes is that he has no choice but to accept whatever the stakes were, THAT is the highest stakes because no one in the game knew what the punishment would be if they failed (like life), much higher stakes and true to the narrative than betting some money or willingly putting yourself in mortal danger for no real reason.
Not sure about exact ranking but RPS is definitely one of my favorites as it included a variety of strategies and twists, which as you say weren't cheating. It mainly focused on the prisoner's dilemma (as do a lot of games in Kaiji actually, like the 3 idiots arc) and beyond survival of the fittest it was an introduction of another important aspect of Kaiji - trust and betrayal, the strengths and weaknesses of both. Kaiji in later chapters is far less naive about placing his trust in other people after being betrayed so often but still realizes how powerful trust can be when it works out, and likewise we see a lot of betrayers lose in the long run.
What is Salvation?
its part 4 of kaiji
Pretty much 3 random dudes are put in a scenario where they need to trust each other or they fucking die
not in the mood to explain how the game work but its easily the best arc in the series so far.
I call it the 3 idiots arc but I wouldn't rate it highly, RPS, Mahjong, E-card, probably Pachinko are all better.
I would rate every arc highly actually.
I call it the helmet light button pressing counting "game"
most terrible stretched out pointless game in the series.
We could have had Uno-hen instead of poker-hen
Yeah it was amazing
Reading about some pinoy living on a trash heap wasn't that interesting.
At least for me.
What are you smoking, the frame crossing was some of the best.
This show is boring
I just can't stand mahjong, please no more mahjong in Kaiji.
Yeah, the moment Mahjong's basic logic kicks in while playing the flash game is such a rush, it makes that first night of Akagi 10x more enjoyable.
One poker was good until it was revealed that kazuya was cheating.I dont like it too much anymore...
>kazuya was cheating
What? Am I blind or something, because I didn't see it mentioned anywhere.
are you up to date?It was explained for like 5 chapters straight
The last chapter I read is 148. All that happened is Kazuya outwitting Kaiji.
The tiles will seduce you someday.
Shit, now i feel like a douchebag for spoiling it. Sorry.
It happens much later than that
Do you read runes? I can't find scanlations newer than that
Yeah,i recently started rereading the scanlations and forgot that i read the raws for that part
Anyway, it's almost obvious that some form of cheating has to be involved so it's not a big spoiler.