>Americans ruining everything again.
Americans ruining everything again
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I hope they don't even apologize.
What are the buttblasted niggers going to do?
Does it say who's finding it offensive in the article? I can't imagine anyone in Japan cares.
If you use blackface and no one cares is it still racist?
Masatoshi Hamada is a legendary Japanese comedian. He could easily become meme legend if you google some of his work.
Pic related
For decades leftists whined about cultural imperialism but now that they've become nanny state globalists, they expect all cultures except Islam to adhere to leftist social values regardless of context.
Assblasted soyboy manlets and obese pink haired roasties seem to be the only ones that give a shit. Based nips don't even think about it.
>The New Year's Eve show featured celebrity comic Hamada appearing in a Beverly Hills Cop skit with his face blacked up.
>Using makeup to lampoon black people - a practice known as blackface - is seen by many to be deeply offensive.
>Protest over the show have grown over the past days.
>US-born writer and columnist Baye McNeil - who is black and has lived in Japan for 13 years - drew attention to the show on Twitter, arguing that black people were "not a punchline nor a prop".
>"Need a black actor, get a black actor that speaks Japanese," he urged.
>U.S. born nigger living in Japan trying to make the Japanese as cucked as whites
JP don't give a fuck about racism let alone how black monkeys feel. Nothing will happen. This reminds me of the response that JP women's organization rep wrote back to the americans that tried to have certain manga banned in JP.
Am I the only one that doesn't understand why niggers get mad at this? They could put on white face and I would think it looks hilarious. Niggers really are chimps man.
>sparks outrage
In case there are any literal day one newfags here "journalists" fabricate controversies on the basis of asserting that x has "sparked outrage" because they and their journalistic friends decided as much. The amount of actual organic outrage is irrelevant
Hamada did nothing wrong
The legend
2018 is the year I stop being a libertarian cuck and become a full-blown white nationalist
>dur only black people can be black
Liberals and blacks don’t want equality they just want control
Hope the Japanese government kicks his black ass out
Here is the video for you pervs to masturbate to
So what you're saying is you wouldn't give a fuck if white people were mocked somewhere around the world on a holiday celebration performance?
Based Hamada
I encourage everyone to watch this show he made a few years back called "Gaki No Tsukai Batsu Game No Laughing" funniest shit you'll watch all year I guarantee it.
Jews did this
expats were a mistake
Here's a few screenshots from the show
White people are made fun off all the time without consequences. Fuck off back to plebit faggot.
All Western mass media relentlessly mocks whites
Meanwhile in Africa.
>niggers and liberal queefs cant discern jest from actual racism
This is the issue, they are now using it as a means of control
There is no outrage over this in Japan.
This is fake news.
tbqh I'm not outraged at all, who was outraged? one guy?
Fuck off.
We know, everytime one nigger complains on twitter it's considered an outrage that deserves immediate action, at least in the U.S.
The black man will see how little asians care when they fully colonize Africa
>Eddie Murphy making chink face
>liberal fag writes an article
>x thing sparked outrage this weekend
Just a means to produce a narrative they never name the group or the people
>western media
Yes, I'm talking about non-white countries making fun of white people, there is sure to be an outrage then, but guess what, no one has ever seen someone in Niger or Somalia walking around with flourface on.
Who gives a fuck? Gaki has been doing blackface in skits for almost two decades during the New Years punishment games, like Apollo Creed in the Rocky sketch and that Japanese Eddie Murphy impersonator. They've even had a black temple priest and a black sushi chef where the entire point of the sketch was "the mere existence of black people is hilarious." But now all the sudden it's a problem? I doubt anyone in Japan will give a shit, although they might be extra annoyed since that suicide forest thing happened so recently.
>except Islam
Note that even Jews are falling victim to their own poison pill, re: opposition to Israel, weinsteingate, etc. What is special about mudslimes? Why are they the niggers of the world in the eyes of leftist shitstabbers?
Dont you have lefties in Japan?
Open borders for Japan when?
He's a comedian, doing a comedy sketch. We can laugh about things like that instead of choosing to be offended. Japanese people have their own unique culture, and we can all respect that. Fucking journalism is always making a mountain out of a molehill.
Baseless assertion
>blackface is widely deemed as racist
>only murica, and even there not everywhere and only in recent years
This SJW arrogance never case to amaze me.
>except Islam
Dont be deluded, they cuck muslim countries too.
That happens every year
This year it was "24 hours as an american policeman"
No one in Japan cares, it's the white and black people outside and in Japan who care. It's always that fucking way.
You mean like every hour of every day? I went to see this movie in theaters
Fucking god Damon
animals can't be racist
they just are what they is
Only the author of this article and his/her/xer’s friends are outraged
>sparks outrage
Translation: MSM trows a tantrum.
Chirubake-san did nothing wrong.
Its good to see we still have some influence on Japs.
I hate niggers so fucking much
Show me an example of whites being displayed in a satirical way by a country that isn't USA, Russia or any of the European countries.
Also, the thing you posted is a comedy movie meant for entertainment and is not to be taken seriously in any way, if you feel offended by it, you probably have some serious issues.
This was really reall poor humour. Like embarrasingly bad.
I dont mind the premise at all. The execution was god awful though.
Yes we do. We call them English teachers and we kick them out after a few years.
Who do you think?
Nobody gives a fuck except for niggers and other retards.
The OP was literally a comedian so by your logic it was fine. And i agree
Please somebody tell me they made Hamada dress as Eddie for the whole thing this year, please tell me somebody is working on subs now so I can watch this shit!
I knew I could trust Japan
She looks part nig nog.
Or is she just ugly?
>Those fucking nips don't know how racist blackface is
>get a black actor that speaks Japanese
>Robert Downey JR can wear blackface but it's OK because he's a Jew, goyim
The guy in the OP pic is a comedian too. It's not as if it's even a racist depiction of a black man, with the stereotypical bright red lips. If you feel offended by it, you probably have some serious issues.
>Protest over the show have grown over the past days.
Literally who and where are "protesting" this shit? What are they going to fucking do, boycott Hamada's show? These idiots probably never heard of him until today.
>implying the subs won't take until August to come out like they did last year
every year we stray further from god's light
Japan don't u guys want immigration so you can be blamed constantly for the shortcomings of the negroid race??
The nurse one is the best
black people are seen in the same way as zoo attractions in Japanese media
there have been black guys on gaki before plenty of times, but they're all there because they're "the funny black guy", their race is their identity and attraction, and no one wants anything else from them
also i fuckin love how this black sperg is feigning outrage about hamada's blackface, but is he gonna just ignore the decades of transgender jokes on their show? lmao
japs can't be racist they're already PoC
I don't get it, Dave Chappelle did skits in whiteface and it was hilarious. Nigs need to get thicker skin
The only thing PoC actually means is "aligned against whites", hence Asians' context-sensitive quantum PoC-ness based on whether their stance in a given situation serves to undermine whites
>sparks outrage
>came under fire
>sparked a debate
>widely deemed as racist
Translation: "I am outraged that japanese people don't hold the same opinions and views as me and this should change. This is news."
the jpn show is a comedy show you fucking cretin
Find me a nigger that can fluently speak Japanese, and I'll find you someone with actual outrage.
Half-Jap here. Lived there for 8 years and can tell you that shit like that is hilarious to most Japanese. The remainder who don't laugh aren't offended; they're just humourless about everything. Pretty serious race - when they're not ridiculing others. God bless Nippon.
Everyday I grow more comfortable with the idea of the slants genociding us and taking over the world if the 56% apocalypse comes to pass
Better to have us Japs holding your leashes. We probably wouldn't treat you very well, though.
A zebra died and went to Heaven
He see's Peter at the pearly gates and asks him
"Am I white with black stripes? Or am I black with white stripes?"
Peter was perplexed and quite interested in the answer himself, he replied "I have no clue, lets set up a meeting with God"
Peter goes and arranges a meeting between the zebra and God
As the zebra stands before God, he asks Him
"Am I white with black stripes? Or am I black with white stripes?"
God answers "You are, what you are"
The Zebra, although not the answer he was looking for, was satisfied enough to not question further and went on his way.
A few minutes later he runs into Peter and Peter rushes up to him and asks
"So?! What did God tell you?!"
The Zebra replied
"He told me that I am what I am"
"Ohhhh' Says Peter, "So you're white with black stripes!"
The zebra was confused, "what do you mean?"
If you were black with white stripes he would've told you "You is, what you is"
Implying they'll look any more favorably on you, mongrel