ITT: Anime characters that are T H I N N
ITT: Anime characters that are T H I N N
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That looks average to me.
she's anorexic
Thank god the anime creators are thicccening the girls up
Maybe to a starving African
Sadamoto sure draws 'em tall and T H I N N
Tsuruta draws the best thin women
Other female characters in eva have the same body type, what makes Asuka in particular thinner than them?
Flat chest
They made her flat, at least in Rebuild. Everyone else is bustier.
>Wandering Island
Looks neat. Thanks user.
She was flat in the original too.
Asuka has the body type of a teenage boy
Or a regular 14 year old girl?
Original was less consistent, with more busty fanservice
Now they know that men of taste and class have absolutely no problem with flat fanservice
>Asuka has no ass
>one picture versus a million others that show "her" with a flat boy's ass
What is the point of scenary censoring in this scene? is movie, and they already showed Rei´s nipples.
If you're going to post anyone from Horizon, it should be an actual girl, like Suzu or Mazazumi, or Nate.
Kek, my exact first thought were CLAMP characters
Just blasphemous.
You don't know shit about 14 year old girl's breast
That CANNOT be real. Asuka doesn't have breasts. Trust me, thats the only thing I constantly look at.
Nice tumblr gif you got there faggot.
that's just gravity helping a bit.
Yeah, I don't look at child porn
Do you even fap to comatose girls? You lack faith and eva is a christian animé.
>not even fucking 7 year odl amozone forest girl don't post it
You don't know shit about fucking children.
More like Asuka Lankey Shikanami amirite
No, I know for a fact that this is shopped.
>not even fucking 7 year old amazon forest girl
This is basically why I refuse to watch this show.
I think you mean S T I C C
>that shirt
90% drills
5% bodyfat
She's a rail, user.
The ideal amount of THINN
Does Gendo ever feed her?
How does it feel like to have literally the ugliest waifu in existence?
He feeds her with herself
>implying Asuka isn't my waifu
Not sure why you tagged me with the trolls (, ) user-kun
Because unlike Shinji in Rei's apartment it's not a serious scene. Also because it's funnier to highlight Asuka's flatness through prop censors, like the beer can straw.
Asuka is so cute
At least 2.0 wasn't entirely a toiletfag shitfest
She doesn't eat meat, likes rice and sustains herself with medication. So, no. Not really.
Rei looks thin too, why is she never posted in these threads?
Big tits don't look good in thin girls.
That's a perfectly normal B cup. Would count as flat in some places.
Best girl.
Why does Clamp love noodle people?
all of my cum
>B is flat
You don't know flatness
B cup can be flat, you know. It depends on the size, but Asuka's average. Super flat in Rebuild tho.
Rebuilt sukz and iz no canon.
But Toori is best heroine
Asuka is muh broomstick
But Kurisu is cute.
Animation error, remember the anime shows Asuka while wearing the plug suit as a b cup.
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