White-only organ donation!

The UK is planning to change the organ donation system

It might be possible to opt-out for non-whites under the new law.
This is currently unfortunately not possible under Dutch law.

Hopefully, if this UK revision works out for race opt-out, it can maybe be an example for other countries.

TL;DR: Maybe soon we can donate our bodies only to whites!

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How did you get that from that? It means they're only going to harvest white people, has nothing to do with who it gets donated to

Poison yourself when you're close to death. If you're dead for more than a few minutes before they can harvest your organs, they'll be useless anyway.

Are organ donations mandatory in the UK? It's not a donation if you're forced to do it.

is it true that if you're a organ donor some doctors won't try as hard to save you just so they can harvest you?
i always thought of being an organ donor but i'm kinda afraid they will let me die because some rich fag needs a new kidney...

so let me get this straight; the state owns your body and can decide to chop you up for parts unless you specifically tell them not to?

>The health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, is to launch plans for an opt-out system of organ donation, asking people to overcome their “fatal reluctance” to discuss the issue with family and friends
>Under the plans, everybody in England would be presumed to be happy to donate their organs on their death, unless they have signed up to a register stating that they do not want that to happen
The more I browse this site, the more I realize how cucked Europe is. Mandatory organ donation makes TV licenses look tame.

i believe most organ donations come from accidents.
I want to know what happens if they ignore the optout and just harvest you anyway

>It might be possible to opt-out for non-whites under the new law.

>Maybe soon we can donate our bodies only to whites!

which is it you fuck. Are whites harvested with any exclusivity, or are they recipients? Your articulation of language is so bad you said the opposite shit when sensationalizing.

>i believe most organ donations come from accidents.
Yeah, but you're probably die in the hospital then, not on impact
>I want to know what happens if they ignore the optout and just harvest you anyway
Jews harvest organs without consent

>is it true that if you're a organ donor some doctors won't try as hard to save you just so they can harvest you?

Potentially, if they have some existing convictions, financially it doesn't change anything for them. They already control price of the service for organ transplant, there isn't a benefit for reducing supply.

Increasing or reducing. because typing is hard.

In my country on the last page of your health insurance papers it says: Sign here if you wish for your organs to not be harvested.

I am absolutely not an organ donor

In Canada at least you can get massively sued. NHS probably has a similar system as most of the supply line goes through the public system.

Opt out organ donation is what we're trying to go for, but mandatory is straight fucked.

I've heard rumors of Ashkenazi Jews being targeted for organ harvesting due to rarity of compatible donors and how rich some of them can be

Me either. They tried to shame me at the DMV but they're my fucking organs wtf I'm young and in good health I don't ever want an ER doctor to look at me as a collection of viable organs

That's right goy, you don't even own your own body

>consenting to organ donation

He hehe, good goy!

No they are only mandatory in Wales but there's an "opt out" if you don't wish to donate, they want to introduce it into England and Scotland.

Some white doctor at Kaiser Permanente stole my uncles organs without asking for permission

We saw those crackers go into his room with a cooler after he died and come out looking like fucking rats, they were so ashamed they wouldn't look at us in the face. Of course we didn't say anything, I was young and my family are immigrants.

Most people in this country are on prescription drugs, illicit drugs, smoke or drink and any one of these factors can rule out a donor.

Keep doing drugs everyone! Your organs, your choice!

Same. I was shamed into becoming an organ donor when I first obtained my State ID as a teenager. At the time, I wasn't aware that organs must be surgically removed from a person prior to their death, as they'll otherwise be worthless... I'm happy to no longer be one.

they'd get sued...

problem at the moment is at the other end of the scale-they're overly cautious and have families standing in the way - the NHS still asks the families for consent even though they're not legally obliged to

so this means someone could have signed up to being an organ donor on their driving license, gets into an accident and in spite of their wishes some grieving relatives who don't want to be bothered by the request form medical staff turn it down and the organs get wasted

It won't stop them, my uncle was dying of blood poisoning. His body was covered in spots
Those whites kept him on life support only to keep his organs fresh, they had to prepare for their harvest/operation.

Once their team arrived they pulled the plug. After they rushed out with the cooler full of his organs they told us he had 'passed on'. This is a hospital in southern california