What are you watching this season?

What are you watching this season?

None of your business.

Why do you want to know?

Nothing my internet is shit

My life being wasted

Rick and morty

holy shit ir's been 6 days already !


Anime, maybe

Is there anything worth watching this season?

Samurai Jack

Wa-watch out

Fuck off NSA.



Toilet flushing.

So far Alice, Titens, Sakura Quest and Tsuki ga Kirei. Also the Kemono Friends 12.X series. And maybe I'll pick up another anime original if Sup Forums starts clamoring about it.

Seems like a good season for originals. But it's also a good season for vidya so I'll have to make time between playing Persona 5.


I'm watching you touch yourself

only one so far has been Frame Arm Girls

My weight.