**2位/**2位 ○ (*10,949 pt) [*,*15予約] 17/04/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1(完全生産限定版) [DVD]

**2位/**2位 ○ (*10,949 pt) [*,*15予約] 17/04/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1(完全生産限定版) [DVD]
**4位/**3位 (*14,960 pt) [*,*41予約] 17/04/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
**8位/**8位 (***,624 pt) [*,**6予約] 17/05/24 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 2(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
**9位/**9位 (***,851 pt) [*,**6予約] 17/06/28 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 3(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
*11位/*11位 (***,714 pt) [*,**4予約] 17/10/25 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 7(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
*12位/*12位 (***,692 pt) [*,**4予約] 17/07/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 4(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
*13位/*13位 (***,679 pt) [*,**4予約] 17/09/27 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 6(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
*14位/*14位 (***,622 pt) [*,**0予約] 17/08/23 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 5(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]

Is this the power of Vyrn's cuteness?

Other urls found in this thread:


The power of gacha, you mean.

That's the power of a cash cow.

The power of shady and unfair marketing tactics

Link me stalker site
It was rankster something something

Cygames won

Nah, it has to be Vyrn.

I just pulled it from rio2016.2ch.net/anime4vip/ 's threads.

You can fuck off now, furrfag

It's just CyGames being massive likes, that's all

Nah. But you can stay mad.

You got something against Vyrn?

We've known this was coming for months now.

Why 7 BDs for standard 12-13 episodes anime ?

More money.


Gotta get those bonuses.


First volume comes with a limited SSR character.

Sparking one in game costs 400$. Here you get one for 60$.

Other volumes also come with stuff more valuable that volume itself.

They are making 0$ with those volumes, it's all a plot to make insane sales numbers they can brag about.

More like $800.

First volume bonus is a unique character that could be good or bad. You can't really compare that to spark to it.


Katalina doesnt seem to care about Vyrn at all in episode 1 or 2. Is her apparent love for him game-only?

4koma only.

>hurting Vampy
This faggot lizard crossed the line.

Deal with it.

In-game her love for Vee is limited to occasionally thinking he's cute
The 4koma blows it completely out of proportion for the sake of comedy



How? This shit waas so generic I couldn't finish the first episode. Drawn and animated nicely but the rest is just fucking shit and I hate mascots.


Is he a lizard?


That fucking April Fools joke is the reason I can't ignore the mobage now.

I started playing two days prior and can't stop now. Send help.

quit while you can, i've been playing this for over 1 year and it only gets worse

The voice of that little cunt is annoying as shit.


it's too late user, you shouldn't play it from the start.

100% fur, add the rainbow horse and you all will be happy family.

Reply to this post if your wife will never appear in any Granblue animation.

>making $0
They're giving out digital goods it costs them nothing.


Give me a free Lucio for these sales, Thanks Cygames.

Sup Forums guild when? /gbfg/ guild are shit

Because its a really popular mobage.

Also its one of the only new normal fantasy adventure series in ages instead of some garbage mmo/isekai.

Mostly the mobage thing though

>implying that the most of /gbfg/ posters don't post on Sup Forums
But seriously you could just make one. Or join a guild that isn't shitposted.

Holy shit why has this not been talked about?

Cause episodes 1 and 2 have been out for over a month.

>Digital goods in gbf costing anything other than an overworked wrist.

It's not like they could sell those in game or anything.

Do you even know how much money nips waste on this game when a cute new limited character is released?

New SSR Kat would make them mountains of $.

I can't believe that Orchis will be the only really popular character appearing in anime. Who the shit thought that was a good idea?

FUCK she is so perfect. I don't think I would be playing this game if I didn't have her.

I loved her since RoB.

Too bad she's not getting her shit together until late into the story. She's just a bland rei#clone early on.

Still cute.

Main story is generally pretty terrible with the exception of Albion. It started getting good at berserk Yugu and serious Rose Queen.

Artist forgot one though.

Yet again they can easily get that back with another ssr in the future with not that much effort. Imagine if they make a ssr Sen or Danua limited (Not summer), you easily get thet money back or more without much though putted into it since they know those characters can move mountains of money.
This ssr cost them nothing and they know it, also we don´t know how good it will be, characters that have been given outside of the gacha have not been good so far like light zoi, nips are making a gamble by buying this.

It costs them money the thing is they make so much they don't give a shit. This anime is just a crappy advert anyways and they learned from Bahamut fiasco.

Won't be surprised it we'll get 2-3 spin off series about popular characters like Vira or Vania within few years.

why hasnt aniplex managed to convince TM to okay an adaptation for FGO

if nasu loves rolling in moolah now he'd probably drown in the tide of money that would bring

Best song

The ingame bonuses for getting all 7 volumes are pretty big.

Normally I like the obnoxious cute mascot, be it good or evil. I just can't bring myself to like Vyrn though. Something about him just bugs me.


Sup Forumstelier exists. Too bad they are full.

the animation quality was rather high considering this was literally just meant to milk the fanbase of money and it didn't need to look pretty at all.


new crew when?
the shit one I got in for the bonuses barely gets classified
though I can't do shit in a fire gw anyway

>digital goods costs money
If anything they are making shit load of it.

>the animation quality was rather high

I get the feeling its just traced CGI.

The ingame bonuses are no joke. You could buy it for just those and not care about the anime. In fact there are also bonuses for watching the anime live on TV where you need to scan a code. Dirty marketing shit to boost sales numbers and TV ratings.

That's their intention but their scanning program is too stupid so you can just scan an edited image while the anime is airing and not even watch it.

It isn't any different from giving away concert tickets or Meet and Greet your favorite VA Passes for other anime.

Here comes the pain train.


>offering digitals goods that they control and produce
>losing money
user, are you a retard?

Run while you can, I've been playing for over a year now. Save yourself.

Fuck off with that cancer guild

There are a ton of new guilds.

Mobages are the worst type of games, in fact you would be better gambling or playing pachinko.

I quit while I was ahead. Too bad some of the people I used to play MMOs with are now hooked with cygames and their bullshit sinkhole """"game"""".

GBF is one of the most generous mobages even now, though. Unless you really care about MVPing every raid, doing more than qualification in GW, or doing everything right when you start, you can just do what you want and play as you will. Unlike other mobages, you can play nearly forever since they hand out resources like candy.

GBF is probably the most generous mobage out there, but only because the Japanese government had to step in

But yes it's still a huge money sink

Most people on /gbfg/ come here anyway

>it's still a huge money sink

Can confirm, I've been playing for about 2 months now and have spent $50 on it, and will spend another $25 each suptix.

>b-but there's no Djeeta
>it's going to bomb!

It's a money sink if you want it to be. No one's forcing you to buy tickets or star gachas, and no solo content in the game requires you to have top tier SSRs.

I've been playing for almost 8 months and never intended to spend too much. Almost $800 in and I'm still considered a low spender.

There are a ton of people in the community just have proxies buy the DVDs (since cheaper and same bonuses as BDs) and just having them email them the serial codes so they don't have to pay for shipping.

user, it's not like they are giving you a ticket to pick the character you want. They are giving you characters that will specially made to be basically not worth the 60 dollars

It's 14 episodes

I've been playing for over a year now and spent exactly 0$ because cygames drowns me in free stuff.

DJ is in it though. Her VA was cast on it and they said she will appear in some way

GO did get an adaptation

having cute SSRs is what makes the game fun though

I've been playing for six months and I've spent nothing so far. Really, if you're willing then accept the RNG and build your party around what you get, rather than going after specific characters, you can easily play GranBlue without spending.

Why not just adapt some grandblues strips? with 14 chapters they can barely get to Vira and that would be pointless

Reminder to laugh at Attack on Titans sales as well.

>damage control
She's not the main character, Gran is, which is what EVERY thread so far has been full of people complaining about.

that's the catch for new players, but it's only a a black hole for your time, at least when you gamble you spend little time on it and there's a small possibility of winning money, but with mobages like GBF you only get a short rush of adrenaline, this is way worse because even kids get hooked up to that. Mobages is gambling but without any of the advantages.
Thank god that I learned my lesson after wasting my highschooler years playing mmorpg and wasting money in gachas

I don't even suptix "core" characters. I just follow my dick.