When have you last thanked a veteran?

When have you last thanked a veteran?

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Always. Don't forget to clap!


I put candles on veterans grave on 100 independence day.

so cringey.

Every time I cash my paycheck. (I work in couples counseling)

Thanking globalist mercs....

>Essentially get free healthcare for life
>Get free tuition for life
>1000 Programs that give you free shit for life
>Get paid to go to school
>Probably getting paid every month by the Government for life
>dude thank me for my service


>"thanks for wasting my taxes to fight for the ZOG"

Was waiting for a nigger to tackle him

>Affirmative Action but in everything from jobs to education for life

Fucking kek, thank me for my service for not being such a Welfare Queen.

I don't. They fight for Israel.

Why would I thank somebody who fought for Israel? Veterans in our country should be shamed and ostracized, not "thanked" for being kike puppets

Modern "Veterans" are 1 of three sorts.

1. I'm in the military because of my ideals, and I'm ready to kill for them. (usually a Southern user.) That doesn't want to be thanked, he rather look down on you for your pleb status. Usually Special Forces, pilots, and infantry on the come up.

2. I'm here as my game plan to get into college and make something of myself. No, thank you!

3. I'm here as a last resort. I'll do whatever I can to hardly make it by. Military discount? Muh war stories! Yea, I'm better than you, do you even know how to dissable ______. FB status: Just back from PT, WOOO was it brutal today!.

Anyone over 50 that's a veteran should have their shoes shined and saluted on command.



Man, the people in this thread. The clip is nice.

But that's provided by taxpayer money that was taken from you, what about thanks you give of your own volition?

This is why taxation is theft and inherently immoral.

The military should be funded by Patreon.

makes you realize how big of faggots everyone truly is, and that on a personal level everyone is the same soulless shit heap.

Of course I also remember it when I see "based nazis" shill for weed/drugs, casual sex, or the destruction of cultural heritage. The debate might be political, but at their core every modern human is already a soulless slave to their own vices.

tbqh how the fuck would i know if someone is a veteran or not on a day to day basis


fuck off underage child

>he believes those programs actually work as intended
>haha you only risked your life, and dealt with traumatic situations. why do you deserve anything!?
People like you are why 70%+ of Vietnam Vets came home and found themselves to be homeless.

Meanwhile you probably have no problem with sending billions to Pakistan/Nigeria or welfare for illegal migrants.

AGREED being thankful for something is disgusting

It warms my heart