Just like dat
And there goes 2020
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Are you unironically posting this retard?
Wtf i hate taking an oath to faithfully execute the law now
are burgers the worst posters here? i think yes
Say hello to LaVar Ball for us.
Sanctuary states are about to get a lesson in the consequences of defiance as much as a lesson in bargaining with higher authority.
I make a great deal of my living in a sanctuary state's legal weed industry and I am AOK with this. America first, niggers.
Ed (((Krassen(((stein))))))
California and Colorado pay the price for harboring illegal aliens. It's so poetic
>double joogative
Does that make him a goy?
>i am aok with my own livelihood being shut down by a vindictive, infantile cunt of a president and his backwoods hick AG
Why are you such a liar?
because unlike a nigger like you, he probably has a back up plan or is still making money off of medicinal use
>i dont already have my connections
>paying taxes
>subsidising and protecting dealers when i should be making the bucks.
Is your retardation a sign of ancient alien enginiggers reverse targeting DNA millions of years ago? Ancient astronaut researchers say yes.
Medical marijuana is also illegal, youngin.
It's about to be another monster trump deal. Give the states weed in exchange for the end of sanctuary cities
He's stepping on my toes in the process. Motherfucker weighs too much for me to ignore it.
I would make a Monster Trump deal to get all the Pot Industry to give to Republicans.
Keep it over their head, unless they play nice and give political donations to TRUMP and Republicans running. Otherwise, the Big BAD FEDERAL GOV is going to crack down.
Because fed law overrides state law?
the jig was up months ago when his zionist colors started to show.
He's not taking away rights. There was already an existing law in place. Obama decided to not enforce it. What this Marijuana thing is about is just a chess move; they want to deal with other states-rights issues, so they will use this as precedent. This is all it is, they are stating they will enforce federal law "where appropriate", meaning they aren't coming after the pot shops or users. It's just a play. Calm your tits.
>implying the AG gets to write the fucking laws
His job is to execute and enforce the law, he's part of the executive branch not the legislative you fucking retarded underaged faggots. If you actually wanted the law to change then you need to speak to representatives and senators who..........wait for it.......WRITE THE FUCKING LAWS
>my livelihood depends on committing a felony
I hope you get capped by a fed while peddling your bullshit.
>Allow weed to be used in states.
>Crimes involving weed sky rocket "driving under the influence, home invasions and theft, everything."
Ya, weed sure did calm things the fuck down, its as if people who abuse drugs have to have laws put in place so they dont abuse it.
I am not lying. I use Marijuana and more than half of my clients are recreational weed enterprises. But I am pro-white and America first all the way. Also, I would prefer the American weed agribiz remain white. Chinks and mujados are already making entry into white-owned weed's labor force, and I'd like to see the door slammed on that shit.
>He's not taking away rights. There was already an existing law in place. Obama decided to not enforce it.
What law?
>Relying on lazy, worthless potheads to get their lazy, worthless asses off their couch and into the voting booths to win a presidential election...
Imagine being this retarded
>It's all 4D chess!
Your mother drank heavily while pregnant.
>thinking you can motivate pot smokers to vote.
Not gonna happen, (((California)))
>citation needed
the Controlled Substances Act
These two points seem to be the most coherent and anti-shill/non-concern trolling.
Thank you two faggots for not being niggers.
I've voted since the first time I could. I also don't want weed to be legal. I guess I'm an anomaly.
hes right
Honestly, using weed should be punishable by death. It fucking stinks, there's not one excuse why stinky DUDE WEEDs should be allowed outside of their homes.
If Trump really cracks down on legal pot he’s not getting re-elected.
>letting something like drugs influence your greater decision making on an issue involving government
Sounds exactly like what a drug addict junkie would say.
>drug dealer poisoning the community thinks he's doing the world a favor
>faggot thinks he has the right to lead a felonious lifestyle
Lol, after faggot marriage was crammed through, all of a sudden liberals root for state's rights.
Marijuana has been legal in WA state for five years and it didn’t improve shit. Bums and other losers hang out by the stores all day begging for cash (the stores only take cash because banks won’t service them).
It’ll be good when it’s banned again.
Make sure you tell all your liberal friends that
I'd take that over heroin and get free $$$ from taxes. Just increase the tax rate.
Republicans like states rights true, but we've had decades of democrat rule repealing all such attempts. Like federal legalized gay marriage and such. They set the precedent for this, not us. I like states rights so Florida can have nude beaches, but feds actually patrol it and arrest people. Feds need to fuck off, this is literally what democrats voted for.
>Be liberal retard
>Waaaah we hate the feds and authoritarian government!
>Lets always vote for larger fed and more authoritarian government
God save us.
So now democrats want state rights? Not how it works sweetheart.
Guys I'm a brainlet can someone tell me how I should feel about this and what message to share on my facebook wall and twitter feed and who to vote for next election thanks
Trump just ended his administration. And possibly the entire GOP.
Legal pot attracts liberals and coloreds. It's not good.
>>Crimes involving weed sky rocket "driving under the influence, home invasions and theft, everything."
But this hasn't happened and the income from the sales is so large it'd pay for any increase in cops and jails needed to deal with this. Actually just the drop in career criminality from turning weed users into jailbirds might make it a zero sum. The blow to cartels alone should be worth it.
Every case that's been studied long term can't show any increase in crime or even negatives from drug use. That's really the point here. Enforcement does fucking nothing to solve the issue. Deleting the enforcement will save you money immediately, plus the income on selling it.
It's real fucking hard calculating anything but a net gain.
Good luck using that increased tax revenue to buy a healthy and productive society, faggot.
Bounce his ass in 2020, America. It is that simple. Just dump this stupid motherfucker.
All a Democrat candidate has to do now is run on decriminalizing Marijuana and it's a guaranteed win. You Trumpcucks really fucked yourselves with this one.
no replies to the only factual post in this thread
>i support executive overreach and don't support the process of legislation when it comes to my personal vices
He will just shake down the industry for $$$$ and donations. They will pay out of fear.
Very similar to what the Dems do to large corporations.
Uh oh, the pot heads are waking up on the East Coast.
You'd probably be in a better mood if you take the cock out of your ass.
What's wrong with the retard's statement?
Republicans are literally the party that killed state's rights, first off.
Second, this law already exists and was created and passed by the state's representatives.
>the process of legislation
What legislation process is Sessions doing please tell?
States don't have the 'right' to ignore Federal law, as he's implying
Obama broke the law by saying he wasn't going to enforce the law
Banks don't service them because it's not legal for them to do so.
>Wont turn over voter rolls despite it being a legal obligation
>Activist rulings to turn down explicit powers to the president
>Openly and brazenly defying the federal immigration policy
They made their bed by doing everything they can to give the federal government the finger, why should the Federal government respect state rights when states are doing everything the can to say fuck federal powers? Besides, we need a bigass wipe of the pot industry before it gets legalized, the market would be fucked right now if it were a blanket legalization.
Except when it comes to civil rights, right user?
Every Trump faggot on this board is such a fucking hypocrite
Prosecute every case involving weedfags as a felony so that those homos cant vote
He's enforcing laws that were already passed by state representatives in the legislative process.
Lrn2civics, ya dumb asswipe.
do explain your stretch of logic here
>I'm a woke soyboy styling out in the white power movement online.
I do not break the law to make a living, but I am not better than my white brothers who do. You better get good and ready to do terribly profane things at some point if you want an enthno-state, you dorky fucking quaker.
I expected nothing less from a shill thread. These threads are just spam depots for pot smoking faggot children to rage like buttblasted homos
What civil rights are being violated by the feds in such a manner?
Might you be talking out of your ass? HMM?
Basically it's the same argument behind enforcing current immigration laws.
>But guys, Democrats were always the party of "States Rights." They founded the KKK.
Right wing retards can't keep their revisionist narratives straight.
>Sessions does something
Still is libfag
When the fuck did I say anything about an ethnostate? I called you a low-life peddler, which you are.
>legalize weed in a state where literally everybody smokes weed
>now even more people are hooked on weed
>make it illegal ASAP
>100% increase in weed dealers
>mexican cartel throws a party
>still no wall to stop them
Oh I thought you were implying he was making new laws
I could see this happening. Trump definitely wants to do something about (((sanctuaries))).
Human rights violations and weed go hand in hand. They're gonna kick down the best doors.
The Backlash come the 2018 elections and 2020 are going to be glorious. People who didnt even care about politics are going to come out in droves and thrash the GOP
Any plant I can grow in my yard should be legal.
And this is coming from a guy who has never smoked marijuana in his life and has nothing but disdain for stoners.
Every retard on Sup Forums was all about MUH STATES RIGHTS when that other retard wouldn't marry the gay couple.
I'm convinced literally everyone who supports Trump has no actual opinions of themselves. Hypocrites of the highest degree, somehow managing to be worse than liberals.
Without legal pot youre supporting drug dealers, cartels, and a retarded amount of untaxed dollars circulating.
>Any plant I can grow in my yard should be legal.
>Importing parasitic plants that will overtake a region
Get fucked my parents died to sticker bushes
> not coming after the pot shops
I find that suspect at best. Weed clubs and combines were raided on the regular before Obama issued the memo. The DEA's branch offices will likely return to that model - bust down some doors, make some chilling effects, and point out UNTIL THE FEDERAL LAW CHANGES YOUR STATE LAW MEANS JACK FUCKING SHIT.
Post a source for those claims, or you are full of shit. You don't just get to make shit up, nigger. That is not how this thing works.
This. Economy, immigration, upholding rights, job industries, real estate, etc.
The same people who bash Canada for electing Trudope have the very mentality that got him elected.
Maybe you should "lrn2civics" because sessions doesn't get to choose which federal and state laws he enforces dipshit. And in case you retards need a reminder, alcohol was prohibited by "a federal, constitutional" amendment, not a state amendment. FEDERAL. If you want to change the FEDERAL statutes then you need to change the FEDERAL law and make weed legal on a FEDERAL.............................F.E.D.E.R.A.L level. You dumb fucking niggers. Each state has it's own constitution and it's own laws, but that doesn't mean each state has a right to disregard federal laws just for the shits and giggles of it or else we wouldn't have a republic you dumb faggot nigger kike beaner 12 year old flaming homos. Pay more attention in school instead of getting baked 24/7 like a loser
Dead right. I can only hear this in that pothead croak they all have. "Wwweeelll YOu kk-k-k-now, they just can't handle the hEMP PAPER that's totally why it's illegal not the fact I can't remember my fucking middle name any more even when I'm sooOoOobber."
How is it you're keeping the opinions of thousands of anonymous posters paired to IDs that only exist in threads that only exist for hours at most over a period of several months?
Oh right, you're just a fucking moron.
>Without legal murder you're supporting assassins
The mind of a brainlet weed addict on full display.
>Spouting bullshit like this post should be punishable by death.
See how that works faggot. You might just want to come to terms with the fact that you are some authoritarian faggot who gets off on telling other people what to do. Faggots like you should go out in the real world and see how that works. You'd get shit stomped in 5 seconds.
Federal laws are voted on by representatives of the states, you fucking retard. I'd say you need to go back and watch schoolhouse rock, but it may be above your comprehension levels.
Because the majority of Sup Forums has been colonized by 13 year olds from leddit. All I need to do is check t_d to see what Sup Forums thinks.
People here don't have a child with cancer that is prescribed medical marijuana.
what exactly are you trying to say?
are there any brits here that speak irish?
Holy shit, this!
Yeah I supported Trump but this is the dumbest thing in the world. "One-term Trump" is my new name for GEOTUS
>All I need to do is check t_d
Go ahead and stay there next time, queer.
It would have been nice if you had just stayed there in the first place.
Except most people you know smoke weed without you ever knowing that they do. Fuck off.