The £10bn figure Lammy talks about is over 6 years. It works out at £32 million a week...

The £10bn figure Lammy talks about is over 6 years. It works out at £32 million a week, as opposed to £350 million a week.

How the fuck can people get away with this misinformation. I'm so fucking sick of this shit. How do we fix the lugenpresse

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Because he's a retarded nigger that has already been wrong many times. He wanted to try and change the law or something to allow niggers to get lighter sentencing but he was laughed out of the courts for it.

He's a race baiter, just like Dianne Abbott and they are in the Labour party, you in Australia have a "Labour party" don't you? You know how cucky they are, how niggery they are and how absolutely fucking fucktarded they are, don't you?

He belongs in the trash, along with Tottenham (full of niggers and Jews btw).

We have the Labor Party but theyre more soyboy than niggers, but then we have the Greens that are full blown niggers

I know he's a retard, but what fucking irks me is these cunts commenting on it and retweeting this saying "OH WE SHOULDNT HAVE DONE BREXIT SEE" and then they all give themselves a pat on the back for being against brexit and jerk eachother off.

Our labor party is only really marginally differen't than the liberal party. At least neither of them are the greens party.


the entire world seems to have this problem
and its also very effective.
the brainwashing is so thick sometimes i feel like Morpheus straight from the matrix when i talk to 9/10 people

Soy can be more dangerous, they use clever syntax to try and throw people. Niggers are just flat out retarded so you can spot them easier.

Indeed it can be frustrating, but his party isn't in power because the majority can see the inconsistencies that are pumped out by them. Conservatives should be utilizing this to maximum effect but Theresa Moron is absolutely useless, I mean seriously fucking get rid of her right now.

I put more faith in our blue collar workers that live in the dirt than our "intellectual" elites.

This is the same nigger that cried about there being too many niggers and muzzies getting arrested over whites and claim it's unfair.

The prick doesn't realise that muzzles and niggers are most of the time terrible people

you take them out into a public square and start hanging them. fake news disappears instantaneously but is not always guaranteed to be replaced with real new.