Why are there still retards who believe in communism?
Why are there still retards who believe in communism?
Mommy issues, daddy issues.
The better question is why is literally every last one of them ugly as fuck?
Even faggot stalin had his youth pictures doctored to make him appear attractive as a means of propaganda because in real life he was an ugly hooknosed manlet.
every group has their retards, meme flag cocksucker
Kid has great spatial awareness. Probably pees on himself once or twice a week.
Because the system is still rigged.
Because life on easy mode is still too hard for them
because the best solution is to burn everything down and hand over all control to some gibbering idiot manchildren with 100k in student loans
You're mixing them up with the white pride movements.
*fuels the heli*
yikes these niggas invented English too
What I really don't get is why these people re always middle class and well educated, when they're gonna be the second people to get shot after the revolution. The first being any "reactionary elements" so if the commies come for us, at least we'll die knowing that the useless intellectuals will be next.
Sounds like something a darkie would say
this. they can't stand on their own so they look for someone (the state / their parents) to carry them.
is that a plastic cap gun? lmao not even a bb gun...
With extreme freedom comes extreme ideologies
Does... does he have 2 fingers on the trigger?
Or something a person with a basic understanding of why they exist would say, but eh. Whatever let's you be a victim, amirite?
It's them damn mexicans taking muh jobs!
>associating with groups
Youre born alone and you die alone, user
thats an potato insider that wants to make us stop eating!
It's always a source of amusement for me how young, middle class Commies see themselves as proles. Here's the hot tip you LARPing fags, I know real working class and poor people and they certainly don't see you as their comrades. They will happily lynch you and take your shit in any peoples revolution.
They start preachin wealth redistribution and I always just go "okay, gimme yours comerade!"
w-w-what? No, i-i-m a prole just like you!
>dat triguer discipline.
also press the triguer hard to get the bullet to do more damage.
Commisars Jamal and Juan are going to fuck them up. Fucking morons teach niggers that white people are to blame for everything wrong with their lives. They seem to forget they're white too and Jamal is going to rape their family and put a bullet in their heads.
thats motherfucking chriss chan!
they have lofty ideals instead of pragmatic solutions.
Because most of them are edgy teenagers who are desperate to find an identity
Commies are usually not well educated. Communism requires mental retardation. Communists are usually the middle class spoiled shits who never want to work.
>With extreme freedom comes extreme ideologies
with extreme government comes extreme policies
capitalist pigs watch out
>Communists are usually the middle class spoiled shits who never want to work.
... but don't they realize under communism they would be forced to work?
Because stupid and brainwashing, duh.
Why do all these kids look like the belong in the special ed class together?
Because hopeless and useless losers have to hold hope out for something