Are those scenes really necessary?

Are those scenes really necessary?

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Obviously they are dickbrain

Gotta bust a nut somehow.

Essential even.


mayoi neko was underrated

They are pretty much mandatory

Excessive panty shots are the staple of anime.
It is required.


No they aren't. Amusingly enough, shows that omit gratuitous fanservice like this tend to do well;

You need to go back.

I wish they had given it a real ending. They must have realized it wouldn't get a second season.

No, it depends of the anime in fact. Haremshit without them are just shit. cf. to love ru

>Bb... but it's mature guuyz i swear

Someone with sufficient autism and time should do a statistic that compares sales numbers to panty shots.

>implying you can't have fanservice in a mature show

>really necessary
No, but it's not necessarily a bad thing either. Some shows do without them just fine, some shows need these scenes..

fanservice in 'mature' shows are subtle and come across as unintended.

blantant shit like OP is for garbage ecchi anime.

What do you consider mature?

So there's no problem then. The stuff you don't like i sin shows you don't watch.

You don't need to be subtle to be mature. Anno shove a giant spear into a giant vagina and it you liking it or not, EOE was deep and mature.

I can't tell if that's male or female.

Of course

Hello newfriend!

You can, but it makes the show objectively worse. If you put fanservice in your work then you don't fully respect it

fug you, mayoi neko was cute as fuck

does it matter?

Fuck off underage.

Or you're just a prude who has some deep issues with sexuality.



Tsundere done right.

Hi jojo.

I have no problem with sexual content in media. But if you just want to show sex for the sake of it, then the work suffers. Some of the most iconic in movie history are about sex.

Long answer: yes
Short answer: let me check my pants

mah waifu desu senpai baka

Only if it's an actual POV shot, or somehow bears at least a tangential relevance to the scene/plot. And by necessary in the sense you've asked, I mean that it's a viable option that neither detracts nor adds to the value of the show all on its own - the quality of production will determine that.

tl;dr There's nothing wrong with it as an idea, but it needs to be done well to have value.

Holy fuck is this board really full of horny adolescents?

When you get older and get less hormones and better taste you don't get aroused by lame stuff like this

I'm 30.

How does it suffer? Did Gits 1st GIG suffer from major's ass-shot going into the tachikoma? A show does't even have to be mature to be good, have you heard of entertainment or must all media be some tryhard pretentious endeavor for the sake of "art"?

When you lurk a bit more you'll realize that this is the norm here. If you want a mature community solely for intellectual discussion then this isn't it.

Sup Forums ain't a charity but here buddy. A (You) for your troubles.

Don't spend it all on one place.

Spoken like a true manchild
Thanks to teenagers like you Anime will never be respectable art

>when you get older and get less hormones and better taste you don't get aroused by lame stuff like this

You don't?

Can't get erection grandpa?


You sound like you take ANN and MAL anime reviews seriously.

>bragging about having less testosterone and being unable to get his dick up at the drop of a dime

Only kids think low libido is a good thing.

Just go back, it's enough.

what did he mean by this?

are you homosexual?

Spoken like a true normalfag.
Because of people like you art will never be hot ecchi anime.

Picked up

I've seen enough fan service to not get an instant boner off something like OP, but that doesn't mean I still can't appreciate it.

yes, sauce?

And You retards pretend to be the best anime community on the Internet when you still care more about cheap panty shots than quality
Fucking pathetic

You talk as if there are rules you have to follow in order to get a boner.


We are and you don't belong here, stop posting and go back.

We don't pretend. We are.

When you grow up you learn to control your boner

fan service is enough for me to drop an anime.


Panty shots are the height of both cinematography and animation. Sorry you're such a pleb with shit taste, user.

Why control it?

How is it being so easily triggered to the point of responding in such manner to like twenty people? Your life must suck. Also nobody wants you here so just fuck off.

Why would you add something to your work that actively breaks the narrative/is completely unnecessary for no reason other than to have teenagers beat off to it? It disrupts the pacing, breaks the immersion and is just plain bad.
If by pretentious endeavor you mean trying to make your story as good as possible then yes.
I don't read anime reviews, they're all bad.

You are retarded sexually frustrated manchild with shit taste
Kill yourself



>control your boner


Absolutely, they are the best filters.

You'd think so.

You're the one frustrated


Get laid you fat faggots

Name a better anime community than Sup Forums.

I'm not a teenager and I like this stuff. There your whole argument falls apart. The author of GitS likes porn and Sci-Fi and so do I, it's that simple.

You admit having a boner to control

Fake and gay. Puss lips are never that puffy.

Very much so.

Yes. Yes they are.

since this a mayoi neko overrun thread...

left or right?

I have to protect my virginity from slutty 3D cunts.

Ballsacks are you fag.

>tfw everyone is busy feeding the troll instead of engaging in philosophical debate with me


I'd die twice for her


>controlling your boner
For what purpose?

lol if i wanted so see panty shots i know where to look but if i wanted to watch an anime i expect good plot and an anime with a good plot usually doesn't have fan service. you fucking cunt

Name a better anime community than Sup Forums.

What if the fanservice promotes character growth

I just like sex appeal. I don't pretend I'm watching the most pretentious netflix show so I can talk to my adult friends about the deep nature of fucking anime. Anime is fun and it can be sexy. It's definitely not for you, leave now.

no you don't

VERY Educational

That's not how arguments work. Remove the word teenager (that I just used as flavor) and what I said is still true. I do like porn too, but there's a place for porn and a place for engaging entertainment.

What sort of mutant control his boners tough? Normal humans just try to hide it.