Why is black cock so superior to any other races cock? White males with pink smegma dick need not apply. As a half Latina woman, I have a big ass area and no one can give it to me or penetrate through like black cock does. Any other dick looks under developed in comparison. White dick disgusts me. I only worship the black cobra.
Why is black cock so superior to any other races cock? White males with pink smegma dick need not apply...
So you enjoy being shitted?
Mad white dick detected. Go wash the smegma off your shit nasty ass cracker
Tits or gtfo.
Can't, I did earlier and got banned for posting porn.
that akward moment when 97% of interracial relationships are white men with baboon girls.
the bbc myth....LOL!
Hope you're ready for round two then
You got it right by showing that picture. Oral Sex is immoral, kannibalistic, degranding and disgusting. Hot Dogs are tasty, classy and moral to eat.
>Oral Sex = Haram
>Hot Dog = Halal
Those quads
its like welfare, its easy
I'll be taking quad black dick tonight. Stay mad whitey.
Nigger, it’s superior to what?
>purple cheese vaginas
>Satan trips
Roastie confirmed for Satan.
How can white dick even compete? You nasty fucking crackers need to shower every now and then. I love nothing more than a thick, smooth, giant bbc. White men can not please a WOC like me. You do not have the girth or endurance. Yall nut after two strokes. TWO STROKES! tf
No scientific evidence to support blacks having bigger dick then whites.
That's all you got?
ash dick sag pants shitty jew dick without shit on it. restore, kike
Imagine waking up everyday, eagerly jumping on your computer, just to open your library of BLACKED pictures and post them with the same poor attempt to troll. Are you okay? Where did your life go wrong?
anti foreskin spin on jewry
I'm speaking from personal experience, Trevor. I fucked all races cock and white is by far the worst. Stay mad. White dick all covered in smegma and crust. Mi no gracias faggo. Haha !
like pussies. also no they arent. also keep spamming
nigger lovers btfo
Why would any white person care that a shitskin is fucking another shitskin?
Well people say every stereotype has it's truth so i guess black people do have bigger cocks, but who cares.
Anybody who uses the word 'cock' or who says women 'love cock' or whatever should have their dick cut off- even if it's shilling or ironic or retardation... No, especially if it's those things.