Started dating a blond blue eyed qt who is really into me and wants to have kids but found out she's Mormon, wat do Sup Forums
Started dating a blond blue eyed qt who is really into me and wants to have kids but found out she's Mormon...
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Sounds good. She will be an excellent mother.
convert, get her parents and grandparents to buy you guys a mansion and hook you up with a good job, have eleven kids
Put a ring on it and make white children dumbass. Her being mormon only makes it better
Do it.
Holy shit, do it.
Mormon qt won't betray you
I'm not seeing a problem.
Start looking for a 2nd wife? If she's Mormon then she'll be more than happy sharing you.
If she's waiting until marriage to have sex, go for it. Otherwise run the fuck away.
do the right thing nigger we need numbers for the race war
Only if you're white, of course. If you're a shitskin, I hope her dad blows your heads off with a shotgun.
Means nothing. My girlfriend comes from a Mormon family and I'm Catholic. Gratz on finding a QT.
Mormons have secret powers, you better do it.
ghost her
>t. Utah fag
Bait. Mormon girls despise niggers.
Make sure she's free of the cult. Break her in anally. Good to go.
Find more mormon girls and get a nice family going
Mormon girls are some of the biggest sluts around, even bigger than most Catholic girls. Why do you think they literally support open relationships with multiple wives? Avoid that shit like the plague, OP. They follow God in name alone.
Become a mormon, idiot.
How dumb are you?
are you white? if so, dump your load in her and put a baby in there ASAP
>multiple wives
Yes but not multiple husbands. There’s nothing wrong with polygamy unless you’re an undesirable male but even then you’ll get the scraps, just as you do now.
That's a benefit you fucking mong. You have a chance for a good life with her she is less likely to be an absolute degenerate.
A man must marry. Mormons probably make excellent wife material since they have a strong appreciation of traditions and hierarchical structure.
You could do a lot worse.
You guys are seriously lacking numbers lol
buy some chickens and cigars. build a santeria temple in your bedroom and start ritually slaugtering the chickens, smearing the blood over your naked body. when she complains, tell her you'll give up santeria and convert to Catholicism if she does the same. problem solved.
I'm white! If it helps ease your conscience we're in the whitest part of the Midwest
Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
>started dating
>having kids
wew lad just end yourself. take her with you.
Why aren’t you doing that
Mormons are probably the best raised whites in the US and usually pure anglo too.
I'd take a mormon in a heartbeat.
Lol Jabba the mutt!
>not converting to be with a 10/10 blue eyed white qt who will have 6 kids with you
I'll believe in whatever God you tell me to as long as I get that as a reward.
Joined the Church because it is one of the last few societies that generally adhere to traditional roles in society, have a strong community that looks out for eachother, and has a generally conservative and white population.
Just make up some shit about praying and feeling the holy spirit after a few months so it's not too obvious, then convert for the culture and community. Best decision I made in my life.
Obviously they are branches in third world countries that aren't white, so the anti-mormon shitters on here like to say "LOOK THEY HAVE SHITSKINS BTFO HAHAHAA", but in any of the US where whites are, you can be sure that more than half of the local mormon church are going to be white. Most of the time it's all white.
Cherry on top is mormons are huge on nepotism. If you join the church, tell your bishop you are looking for work, chances are he will get on the podium and let everyone know you need a job. Every mormon church I have been to has multiple business owners who hire from the church first before opening applications for others.
When I moved to a new town and didn't have any transportation, one of the higher-ups in my ward literally offered to give me his old truck for free.
Join for the community and place your faith in them if you really can't be assed to read the Book of Mormon
show her this clip
Even better tbqh
Mormons are probably the happiest people out there. Do it. Even if you don't believe in their fairy tales you can just pretend.
Pack her full of babies immediately, you fool.
I would caution you guys to pay attention to the voice of reason here, but judging by the reactions so far this isn't about whether it's a good idea for the OP as much as it is
>Muh white babies
Jesus you guys are pent up
Hey op, do YOU want Mormon kids?
have her shit out 7 babies and get 3 more wives
Looks like you're a mormon now
OP if you want an honest answer - I'm atheist and find all religions retarded and annoying to some degree. But, I lived in a town that was majority mormon for a while and, compared to most religions, Mormonism is kind of entertaining. Mormons themselves seem pretty chill. If she's a good housewife, would make a good mother, and a good fuck, I'd say go for it. Women aren't your intellectual equal so don't even bother looking for that. You will not get intellectual stimulation from your wife, you need male friends for that. When looking for a wife, look for a woman who would make a good mother and who is subservient to her man.