Did sandy hook

Really happen?

>inb4 my cousin attended sandy hook elementary school. I assure you it really happened

Its all fishy AF to me.

I'd be inclined to believe if they gave us some evidence it happened.

Was it a distraction from the LIBOR scandal?

The fact that it hasn't been milked in the mainstream as much as you'd expect indicates to me at least that there's something in there they don't want people looking at too closely. They're still milking Charlottesville

No, it didn't.

What difference -- at this point, what difference does it make?


Connecticut should hang malloy for treason

I was a student at Sandy Hook along with my cousin when the shooting happened. Now I shitpost here to cope.

I was shot and killed at Sandy hook. Believe me it's true.

related kid to me died

I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.

We are positive it was staged? Whats up with the asbestos in the school?

its really suspicious, but at times i think i'm just cracy when in half of the major happenings shit doesn't add up

Whole thing was bullshit. Read quite a bit about locals having their houses paid off in return for silence. Had an ex gf from college that lived in Newtown that went total ghost immediately following the shooting. Her whole family did as well. If you check the fib website, they list 0 homicides in the city for that year.

Ill just leave this here. Something is absolutely fucky with the whole thing.

Pizza gate kids are actors


cool story bro

Ah we got robbie parker in this thread. Welcome robbie

Fbi site screenshot. Last line.

What's cracy is the fact that half of the major happenings shit don't add up and yet people still get fooled by MSM

We all love to joke and meme about muh sandy hook cousin, but does anyone actually know exactly what that was about?
All over the internet, there was cousin defense force to make sure everyone believes it happened. Was it already a meme before I realized it, or is the secret government really this bad at shilling?

adam knew about asbestos... he was mad that the teachers were covering it up in exchange for more vacation days in union contract

Some of it was run by Lenny Pozner

If Sup Forums doesn't have a single photo of a body do you believe it happened

Lmao checked. Adam was also a title ddr holder

never happened, was a fema drill


Hey you little cocksucker. My nephew died in the Newtown shooting. Have some respect.