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What anime do you watch when you're very depressed and/or upset?
Sup Sup Forums
Boku no Pico.
When I'm in a bad mood everything seems like shit so I don't watch anything
Boku no work safe requests
My mood gets worse when I can't figure it out.
Maybe I'm not to smart.
I do not think anyone would understand without watching dozens of times, I searched the meaning after I finished.
I don't watch anything when I'm sad because happy anime makes me even sadder. I usually just sleep for as long as I can.
Stop being a faggot.
I don't think that watching a certain show will drastically affect your mood, especially when you're depressed, user. on the other hand you could watch something healing, like Non Non Biyori
Konosuba. It helps.
When it hits I have no motivation to do anything other than sleep.
Masturbate to hentai.
Aria would be a good choice.
I might add Amaama to Inazuma
Nichibros. Nichigirls. Yuyushiki. Yama no Susume marathon through 1-2s. Azazel. Golden TIme
Kuroinu Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru
Specifically after story but you have to see the first part to get the full healing effect.
School Rumble, Shimoneta, and Welcome to the NHK