ITT: Ships that should have happened
ITT: Ships that should have happened
I thought it did eventually happen in the novels.
Season six fucking when. And not anime original shit this time pls
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they got married at the end.
Poor Gourry.
I read the main series, didn't happen there. It might've in the spinoff but I doubt it.
They didn't, they just went to Zephilia (Lina's homeland) together.
My favorite Slayers OTP was always these two. Gloomy guy x genki girl is a great dynamic.
It's strange how Slayers ended up with so many great couples when the creator is uninterested in romance.
I think it is because the creator focuses on the character dynamics, and people who interact well can be seen as being a good eventual couple. As opposed to what seems like more modern shipping of "those characters were together in a room once, obviously they're fucking like rabbits."
Technically the manga is still going on but she's setting up for CORN end and has been since day 1 so....
Shou is...
1) Way hotter, easily. Inside and out.
2) Has way more interesting and funny dynamics with Kyouko. I love the multifaceted nature, how they hate each other on the surface but have been through so much together they have that bond.
3) More room for more interesting development.
I want Shotaro.
they did in Next
but then they forgets
It's a comedy which I cherished
This did happen though.
This did happen though.
I misread it as "shouldn't", my apologies. nice digits though
I don't see it. I didn't see it with Soul either really. Crona would've been a better choice.
Still mad. Will be mad either until the day I die or the crazy chance that there's a remake/continuation and it hooks them up.
Is slayer worth watching? I'm currently watching Bastard
Ironically, she fitted his ideal type girl all along.
Slayers is definitely worth watching. It's old, so the usual cautions apply about pacing and off-models. But, it's the best depiction of a typical Dungeons & Dragons game I've ever seen.
>dragon with the being that wiped almost all the dragons from existence with a finger just because
Retarded fangirls are something else
>Luke and Milina
It still hurts. They deserved a happy ending
I like romance more than most other stories myself, but I don't plan on ever having a relationship in real life.
I was 800% sure it was going to happen, I have the feeling the author simply forgot about her, she was the one that actually had a connection with Ichigo and just shonen fights.
I wasn't referring to Kanzaka's personal life (although he is still unmarried in his 50s, so that probably applies too). There was never any romance in the novels because he said he doesn't know how to write it, but the characters easily formed pairs in the adaptations. I guess he's okay with it since he was a consultant for the script-writing.
800? I was always 0% sure it was going to happen. I thought it was a crack pairing
I never liked the Xelloss/Filia pairing either. No matter how friendly Xelloss may act sometimes on the surface, I don't think mazoku are even capable of feeling human emotions other than pleasure at others' pain. They are fun to watch together though.
To his defense Kubo drew her in shinigami robes too, meaning he planned to use her at some point. In an alternative universe, she became part of the human nakama side and potential love interest.
What's with all the Slayers threads recently? Not that I'm complaining.
I don't know either, but I look forward to these threads. I regret not being on Sup Forums when Revo/Evo were airing.
>ruining a perfectly good friendship
Absolutely not.
This ship sailed in my heart.
Wait whos back hair guy?
Pretty sure it's suppose to be Kid coming out his mode that I forget the name of. Where he loses the stripes in his hair.
Is Gourry pretty enough to be a trap?
>the best depiction of a typical Dungeons & Dragons game I've ever seen.
Any particular reason you've avoided Record of Lodoss War?
Just barely.
They loved each other but it was never canon.
Hell, they dress him and Zel up once a season.
Gourry looks fine, but Zel needs a bit of work to look good in a skirt.
Almost, if not for his huge manly frame.
>implying you wouldn't hit this with the force of ten thousand suns
They were actually really cute together. Togashi's characters have such great chemistry.
To meet her parents. They gonna frick, dude.
Murder yourself, faggot.
He explicitly stated that he wanted to eat grapes then continue their travels. Though Lina was acting like a standard tsundere at that part.
Because Kanzaka likes to torment shippers by not making any confirmed couples in Slayers, only potential ones.