what Sup Forums thinks about benzos? is it another jewish trick, or ultimate cure for people with anxiety?
What Sup Forums thinks about benzos? is it another jewish trick, or ultimate cure for people with anxiety?
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It's neither.
phenibut>xanax for anxiety.
I’ve taken medicine for anxiety but the best medicine is always working out.
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Gives you Alzheimer's
Gives you ADHD
Testosterone is the best
I used to take xanax and phenazepam.
Really cool shit.
Well i never had any such pills but im selling them illegaly from my hospital where im working and people are generally thankful for them. Its not jewish trick some people and patients needs them
Benzos give you alzhiemers. Its a proven fact.
Shit drugs that require more and more to do anything and can fuck you up or kill you when you stop taking them.
Of course, your doctor will prescribe them to you knowing about their addiction potential and diminishing value, then treat you like a scum bag drug addict.
Benzos steal your soul and turn you into a zombie.
I used to do them a lot. They are complete shit, no one should use them there is no benefit. You may feel better at the time but you will feel significantly worse when it wears off.
it depends on person.
I did them for 1.5 years and once just throw all them into the trash nothing happened to me.
It's sort of a devil's bargain because people quickly will build up a tolerance and then have to keep increasing dose until it's no longer manageable or have to deal with horrible tapers or worse, lethal withdrawals.
It's kind of like being an alcoholic without the tasty part.
i took alprazolam for one month and felt much better, anxiety completely dissapeared. Only side effect i had was problems with memory
Not even close to an "ultimate cure"; long-term benzo usage will leave you utterly dependent on them. And the withdrawal can be lethal.
No good for long term use.
If you're having a legit panic attack or a bad trip or maybe you're going through a really bad time and could use a little help that's one thing. But if you make that a regular thing you will become dependent and weaker for it.
Wish i had some desu senpai
Over half of Israel takes benzos. I've been on them for 12 years yet one a day still helps. When you have actual anxiety, they bring you down to normal. Junkie faggots just like getting high off them. Keep your dickbeaters off my xannies.
It's great for getting rid of anxiety temporarily. I have a very high threshhold for getting addicted to anything, so I've never really felt a need to use them other than when I'm really fucking bad. I had a tiny box with about 10 of them in it for something like a year. I got off them because they made me feel way too fucking woozy though, it slurred my speech and my coordination got shit.
Tianeptine > Phenibut
i am prescribed valiums. works like fucking magic to relax.
i might take a few now and go for a drive in the forest.
Lol, "cure". Sweetie it's a bandage made of poison. It will fuck you up.
Want something BETTER for anxiety than xanax? Chamomile tea, real fresh dried plant, and magnesium. Your welcome.
Driving on benzos, what could go wrong? Seriously, kys. People like you are the reason drugs are illegal, fuck you, fuck you so hard.
soviet space drugs
In forest, yeah. What could go wrong? Nothing, idiot.
I'm assuming you guys actually used them for good reasons, not like me using them for recreation and taking a large amount? I'm sure using them for a useful reason or for a shorter time would be less negative to not negative at all. I took them for about 4 years and went from taking half or one a day to taking 4-6 some days and not even feeling taking small amounts. I had a seizure after stopping taking them and know people who have had even worse effects after taking a lot and them stopping. You guys are right though it is slightly harmful to not harmful at all if used slightly and then stopped.
It is a mask. If you start requiring benzos for social interactions, it will make the problem 10x worse. Also, I have heard they have nasty addictions.
take it only when you feel anxious otherwise you might end up bad
Quitting benzos was like hell for me.
Yes, because xanax totally doesn't make you black out and go somewhere you didn't intend. Like I said, kys.
If your doctor told you to take 4-6 pills a day, he is just idiot or fag corrupted by jews who gets money for each perscription
Fuck off with your benzos. Plenty of shit you can take for anxiety that don't require you to shove useless pharms down your throat.
A dealer friend fed me a whole xanny bar one night to see what would happen. I don't remember most of what happened exactly. I remember being somewhat surprised toward the end that somehow I was chilling out in my kitchen and there were girls all over the place.
no I never got it from a doctor. I tried it when I used to smoke weed around 16 years old and got hooked, fortunately I don't do any of that any more. Still like these anons are talking about ( ) I started taking half or one, then started taking one or two, then two or three, etc.
Exactly. Some wake up with life sentences.
Benzos are alright but abusing them can fuck your shit up. there are significantly better drugs out there.
I love them, diazepam is amazing and makes life better.
Fuck you all for trying to ruin it for me.
If (((Hollywood))) isn’t lying to me, snorting crushed Xanax obtained legally by telling my psychologist I have mental problems is better than smoking illegally obtained weed.
If the facts would ruin them maybe you actually need a bit more redpilling on those blue pills you're popping.
i can agree with this, but you need to take a break after taking it for few months.
btw is it easy in your country to get you benzo pills perscripted?
Lol, you are gonna wanna kys eventually. Stop taking it, heroin and meth addicts pity benzo addicts, if that doesn't tell you something.
You will end up a shell of yourself, and you will have literal brain damage. Keep it up!
Why drink chamomile tea and magnesium when you could fuck yourself up for life!?
All Benzos ROA is best orally, not snorting, not plugging etc.
FUCK OFF, YOU DARE COME NEAR MY DIAZEPAM I KILL YOU AND ALL THE OTHER DOCTORS, you fucking hog them to yourselves just so you can make my life a misery well it won't work young lady! I'm happy on them and you will not stop me. I've been taking them since 2011 and I am not stopping.
Yep. Snorting pills is very very bad.
lmao benzo is ultimate blue pill
Phenibut doesn't make you forget.
>this is your brain on blue pill addiction
They are a semi-cure for GENUINE ANXIETY, not this hypocondriac 'I'm so anxious' drug addict shit. They also help GENUINE DEPRESSION (type IV) and disthymia, not the 'I'm sad cause I'm stupid and unfamous' drug addict loser shit.
You just can't stop taking them cold turkey, cause death.
eeek, dead man walking. Sad. You are already far gone. Too bad, just another statistic.
Not to shill for Bill Deagle, but I like to try things out and he has a product by the name of brain mag that is a magnesium supplement as well as other things. IIRC there's a GABA agaonist of some sort in there as well (relevant for people with drinking problems.)
I'd like to say it does seem to have a mild but useful effect calmness and self-control.
>btw is it easy in your country to get you benzo pills perscripted?
Yeah it actually is, scarily so.
Oh please I've gone through benzo withdrawal before and it's worse than coming off opiates. And even without the withdrawals, life is fucking shit, full of cunty people and cuckery, diazepam makes it bearable and you will not ruin it for me. None of you will!
Also taking a potentiate with benzos is good for maximising its effect, alcohol is a benzo potentiate, so is grapefruit juice I think? Or that might be opiates.
DIE YOU SCUM DEVIL! I'm only pissing around but I need them, for reasons, lot's of reasons.
I died years ago m8.
What's your diagnosis femmely?
call the paramedics for this guy
Grapefruit will convert DXM to DXO if you're in to drinking cough syrup. I prefer the effects of the DXM to those of DXO, though.
Lol, you're dead already. You don't even know it, your soul has left you. A shame.
You should have just ate better and took your minerals and vitamins. Do you think anxiety is a natural state? SOMETHING is causing it. The anxiety makes you think the way you do.
Addiction causes more anxiety than anything else. You're literally punching yourself in the face and then crying your face hurts. Stop hitting yourself you idiot.
Neither. Benzoe's are great at what they do in the short term however they have a rapid decline in effect over time. That being said they don't cure anything and they are only really good or safe as a very temporary treatment.
That being said no body really goes to a jew for their ethics, so if your doctor is keeping you dosed on benzoe's how much is he really tricking you?
Benzodiazepines are fun and definitely have their place in the world for legitimate medical uses. As far as addiction goes, if you are a weak willed slave obviously you might have problems getting off it.
I used to enjoy 1-4mg of Xanax daily and would do it recreationally often. Once I went about a month of daily use I just put them away and rode out withdrawals. If you can quit smoking cigs, you won’t have a problem with benzos
Originally due to these bodily spasms, electric shocks from near my lower right side (near my bum cheek) that shoots up through my spine and makes my entire body jolt. They put me on an anti spasmodic but it didn't do much to stop it, then they put me on Lorazepam which worked but it was a bit strong and sedatory, then they switched to diazepam and have been on it ever since.
Got attacked years ago, left with nerve damage around the spine, pretty painful, physio hasn't fixed it, TENS machine hasn't fixed it, pain medication barely works as it keeps cutting through. And well yeah, the nice calm feelings of diazepam are just a side effect.
Save your speech for someone that cares. I don't have anxiety m8. Never have had anxiety.
Yowzers. Well, careful with it. What you can see from this thread is a number of people agreeing that you come off as a bit deranged.
t. retard who worries about hurting his half paid off used sedan
Fugg, in that case it's very understandable.
Does tolerance become a problem for the anti-spasm effect?
I only use it when I know I’ll be stressed the fuck out. I have major social anxiety and they help immensely. I just popped a pill before meeting my boss for year-end performance review, said everything I wanted to say calmly and got my point across. Got a 9% raise! I honestly don’t think I could’ve done it without some xannies. It’s great, just don’t abuse it.
Jesus christ, what did you do to your brain? No dear, i'm protecting others, it's called being a responsible adult.
Do you think when you don't drink and drive the main reason is to protect your dumb ass car?
Worst withdrawal of all drugs. Dont do it kids.
I play around on here, I say things like "I LOVE YOU, YOU MARRY ME NOW".
Etc. Because I am a God, you understand that? I am a fucking God among men. Hahahaha!
One day I take, then take two days off, you can feel when your tolerance builds you feel it and you know, the doctor made me keep a diary and it's monitored carefully. But I've seen addicts that are hooked on benzos (they have stolen from my med draw) and it's evil to see what they can do. I know that they can kill people when they come off of them but that is a risk with me as well, I am having another MRI scan this year (if the NHS doesn't cancel it) so there might come a time when I will come off them. I'm not saying it'll be easy because my body has been accustomed to them over the years, but I don't misuse what I'm dispensed, I don't take an entire box in one night or whatever. You know?
Never trust Big Pharma. They are as evil as it gets. All these anti depressant or whatever pills are terrible for you.
If you want to cure anxiety or depression, take a walk outside, don't stuff yourself with chemicals Except maybe LSD, that is a clean, pure chemical that is amazing and can actually help you.
>Except maybe LSD, that is a clean, pure chemical that is amazing and can actually help you.
worked well for the CIA huh?
>believing pharmaceuticals used responsibly is more dangerous behind the wheel that being tired etc
Relocate to Guatemala where benzos don’t exist
or................ *drumroll
They're both dangerous and you shouldn't do either.
They're great for when you can't afford a babysitter
I don't think the CIA was out to specifically explore the possible theraputic uses of LSD.
A xanax and a bottle of mudslide and little Wesley will be out for the evening.
If you are on psychoactive, mood stabilizing, etc meds you clearly are not "red-pilled". You are a weak person in the clutches of the Jewish pharmaceutical control.
100% trick
They are as dangerous as anything else. Don’t be an idiot with them and you won’t black out and drive through the wall of your local preschool.
Just started taking 50mg Zoloft daily. Is it an alright med?
temporary solution. took it myself after being extremely over worked in college. very good at the time, normalized some hormones in the brain or something, tangible positive effect. used for probably 5 years or so. important to get off of them though, as side effects include apathy etc. was sitting at home one day after having several days off, dusty floor, bunch of un-washed dishes etc. and it struck me that this is simply not normal. stopped eating it and haven't used for years.
btw. what i do instead is exercises, keep physically fit, meditation etc. mental problems is the same as physical problems. it's good to use some pain killers and other medicine to function somewhat normally, but it is not a permanent solution. to get well you need some form of "active" solution (physical therapy, for example).
Of course the best medicine is the one that works out. Duh.
Extremely dangerious but sometimes usefull drug.
>takes xanax
>is on xanax
>did i take my xanax?
>takes a xanax
I've seen it happen over and over.
Btw z drugs, best sleep you’ve ever had but similar risks to benzos.
also there's another medication I take on top for the spasms and yes I do still get them from time to time and not just spasms either, seizing (which happened before I got put on the anti spasm drugs and benzos). Anyone ITT ever had muscle seizing happen to them? How horrid it is, how you can't even bend your own legs or hands/fingers, at the mercy of what feels like some demon taking charge of your body. It's evil, nerve damage is fucking evil and they really need to get on with a cure for it because I'm getting annoyed at them.
>has never tried LSD
You should, it will make you see life through a different lens, and will probably make you a better person. Not to mention that the experience is amazing.
LSD is the real red pill.
Drank 18 beers and got convinced to buttchug 10xanax on new years. I started cumming without touching my dick then threw up and passed out
I had a bad experience coming off phenibut, but I was a dipshit and was utilizing it daily for too long. Had seizures and woke up in the nite thrashing around - fucked up stuff. Was Rx'd a host of benzos over the years, and they all knocked me out - phenibut gave a definite positive mark to my mood, giving me great energy. I don't fuck with any of that these days. I stick to daily kratom dosage for energy and anxiety management, but have to be careful, because the withdrawals can be nasty if it is abused.
Anxiety is the result of ones inability to trust God’s sovereign plan for them.
Also sage in all fields
do not take benzos, they are very addictive and destructive.
Then that isn’t the pills fault, Alprazofam. Xanax wasn’t a sentient being that took control of you and crashed the car.
I can drink a single beer and drive fine. I can take a single .5 or 1 mg pill and drive fine. Should I keep testing the limits of how fine I can drive?
If people weren’t too stupid to exist, one would be able to get these chemicals as God intended. OTC.
I've had things that felt for all the world like I was changed to the ground by demons. Don't know what that was all about. Partial seizure? Mind tricks? Nutritional deficiency? Dunno.
source nigger if its proven fact
Maybe mixing alcohol and drugs isn’t smart?
lmao dependency
>takes meds because he is a little soft snowflake
>LARPs as a red-pilled man all day
I don’t think they give alzheimers, but they do give you frontal lobe damage. Ncbi and the american psychologist have articles on this.
LSD is good but I had a friend commit suicide in college after doing it a couple times. He was depressed and always had sort of suicidal tendencies but still, loss of a brilliant friend.
On the other hand, lsd also makes stupid people think they are smart.
I am of the Huxley inclination- only a group of men with sufficient mental and spiritual prowess should use it. Everything else is Summer-of-Love with a touch of grey bullshit.