>Soros buys big stock in Netflix
>they almost immediately start pushing out literal inter-racial cuckold propaganda
What could this mean?
>Soros buys big stock in Netflix
>they almost immediately start pushing out literal inter-racial cuckold propaganda
What could this mean?
>What could this mean?
He's a kike.
>What could this mean?
Means he's a kike.
Damn, it's almost as if Sup Forums was actually right...
It means it’s time to buy Amazon Prime
Damn, user.
>new show called "Open Relationships" on Netflix
hmmm i wonder whos behind
Are Jewish people literally the devils children? These people are fucking evil to the core. He can barely hide his horns
Sup, Bezos
Because Netflix was the shining beacon of conservative values until just this year. lmao.
Even Soros himself has said that while there's the "philanthropist" side of him that wants to save the world from people like him (or maybe he meant ((people like him) ??) he hasn't abandoned the profiting side of him.
Netflix and Google sided with lefty degeneracy a long long time ago. Soros is simply investing in profitable ventures.
Every time my man
For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these Sup Forums was right again
Would explain why they bothered to make Dear White People a TV show.
deleted my account as soon as I heard about the show about troy with a black archilles
>every (((coincidence))) and (((conspiracy))) ends gaining more and more truth behind them
>jews aren't even fucking trying anymore
>there are still people who are so hypnotized by feelies that they'll never dream of questioning the actions of their kike overlords
Canceling my account today.
I wonder how many children are dead because of this man forcibly pushing himself to the top of the donor list?
I was disappointed with how Nazis were portrayed in man in the high castle. They just gun people down in the streets.
let these fucking pigs eat their garbage.
I just watched Bright. I'm filled with love and respect now for all different races and think that people should be judged by their actions and not by how they look.
gg Soros
It's time to torrent. Amazon is pozzed with Bezos at the helm
youre doing it wrong tho, youre supposed to jduge people with dark skin as being incapable of making mistakes
kek, saved
The Jew has to be in everything. It has to push its agenda from every angle. There's no solace anymore. Frustration doesn't even begin to cover it. You try to hold some hope that the last straw will finally come and people will call them out for overstepping their bounds yet again, but it just doesn't happen and everything keeps getting worse. It's different this time. They've insulated themselves. Getting them out is going to be like unmaking soup.
Wiemar Germany was worse than we have it now, just give it time
Checked. Nice. Saved.
Thanks, OC
What drives this man?
shekels and power
Hopefully this means less liberals and conspiracy theorists on my internet
What show is this?
>thinks they haven't been investing in these companies and online before this
I thought he suffered a heart attack?
Fucking Sup Forums lied to me.
It doesn't matter what the Khazars do at this point, we delivered the Red pill.
There is no escape from Hell for them.
Blade Runner movie
If we could inject Soros with a large amount of soy, then maybe we can bring down his defenses and take him down.
I know right? This isn't news, Soros buys shit all the time. You actually need to show he's influencing their programs if you want to make an accusation like this.
If that's true, netflix will have enough money to produce garbage no matter how few people watch it.
Funding a couple white cuck/guilt shows is chump change for him.
I deleted my account when they changed the rating systems to protect Amy schumer
that doesn't make sense though, since production for these films/series don't take one-two months
oh wait nvm, saw the date.
(((They))) were appeased.
>Learn to stream watch
>Learn to proxy if needed
>Unsubscribe netflix
Well time to cancel Netflix.
Anons swap your default search if you have yet
Delete your netflix account, now. And stop using chrome.
Although he is indeed a kike, he is not pro Israel or a Zionist. He hates Netenyahu.
Yeah. It just creates complications, and breeds disrespect when you mix them together.
>Using pay netflix instead of free putlockers
Everybody here is already on the internet. Why are you paying for bread and circuses when you could get it all for free if you really must watch your cuck shows?
paying for streams xD
When will this fucking old jewish twat die?
>netvirgin vs the chad locker
Does the show get any better? Only thing I've enjoyed so far is the Sudoku.
And why do everyone smoke?
Dislike the trailer on jewtube
I too am upset at nazis being portrayed as Nazis
>Parents have both Netflix and Amazon
>Always use Prime because it has more movies and show than Netflix
Seriously, other than Look Who's Back. Does Netflix actually have any decent OG series?
I like Black Mirror but it has so much retarded nigger agenda going on.
imagine my shock!
>Always use Prime because it has more movies and show
In what universe?
Pretty much S.O.P. op at this point.
It's time to turn the fucking TV off and go outside or read a book
I wish he would just die already, but he had made efforts to continue his meddling after death
>Jews in Israel with US help are destroying middle east, genociding local population, flooding Europe with "refugees"
>Soros hates Israel but helps "refugees" to get to Europe, sponsors "scientists", rewrites history and promotes all sorts of degeneracies.
And how are we supposes to shitpost
Also I have a bookcase full of books, gen-x here
I watched one episode of that show and then gave it up. The acting was shitty.
as opposed to figurative cuckold propaganda, you fucking idiot?
Soros is a secular Jew -- the self hating, jewish only in lineage type. Literally every (((jew))) that Sup Forums names is secular, not orthodox. Orthodox jews, a la Netenyahu, arent quite /ourguys/, but no worse than your average mormon
>George Soros reported at the end of 2015 that he owns 317,534 Netflix shares, which has an estimated worth of $32.79 million
>Netflix market cap: $84 billion
>hedge fund guy buys stock in company
I hate newfags with 0 life experience.
The problem I see isn't just that they make shows like that but that there apparently is a big enough audience for them to continue being made. Stupid shows make sense because it's low IQ nonsense that you can watch if you're a retard, drunk, high, or whatever. This cuck shit makes no sense.
>$32.79 million
that's enough to fund a few cuck propaganda shows and movies
Netflix is going full Marvel anyway.
whats next a new series based on an SJW flop film, AGAIN?
It gets better. The Nazi side of the US turns out to be really nice with happy white families, and Berlin is great. In the second season they spend some time over there. It's a lot better if you don't care about the main guy and girl and see Tagomi and Obergruppenfuhrer as the main characters.
You're only redpilled when you ignore everything a Jew says or believes and recognize them all as a threat.
I don't think it's sad at all. Knowing is half the battle, we're halfway there
exactly this. the berlin plot is actually quite decent, and the tensions between the two countries in season 2. i literally wanted to skip forward every time they brought any of the cuck "main" characters to the limelight.
>they almost immediately start pushing out literal inter-racial cuckold propaganda
>, he is not pro Israel or a Zionist
Explain this image.
I got Hulu during their December special and I'd get a commercial for one of their shows about a single mom, who was like a whore or something, the main character would even come out saying that there was going to be dicks in the show. I think I would even get it while watching the amazing world of gumball.
>Banner on Netflix says 83 new shows/movies this week.
>It's almost entirely poo in loo nonsense.
Could this be one of those (((coincidences))) I've heard so much about?
He is investing in more Covfefe.
Canceled mine too.
I though he died no? Maybe that was a Rothschild or something.
Rockefeller. You're like the 10th person to say that in the past 12 months
Yeah there is a lot of fagget and shitskin revolution now, but what about the critical onslaught of MK Ultra, high powered molesters, FBI, CIA. Are Soros fighting the NWO?
oy vey
Never believe the good night sweet prince threads, they got me on that shit hoping Bob sagget had died years ago. Fucking let down.
I actually liked The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. If only Jews were just that.
That was Rockefeller. Christ people, how hard is it to get the names of your enemies right?
>le based kushner guise
>le based israeli nationalism
>not hating something means you love them
You’re a fucking idiot and brainlets like you are ruining this board
Too bad i use showbox and popcorn time. Why pay for shit when you can watch it for free. At that matter, why watch anything. Spend most of my free time reading or talking to bitches. Seriously... STOP WATCHING TV SHOWS AND MOVIES. Open a book. Read. Your brain processes and retains information fastet and better when you read. Stop spewing media bullshit that doesn't matter.
The jew doing damage control.
From the article:
Every December, I’ve noticed two things. First, I’m a huge fan of Christmas movies, aside from the Jesus part. And second, I’m a huge fan of Christmas movies because there are very few Hanukkah films that can rival them. Where is the sweet story of the boy and his candle? The rollicking adventure of the little menorah that could? The tale of the rich ba-humbugging Avi Goldberg who hates Hanukkah until the ghosts of famous Jews teach him the way?
One day, I intend to make a film like that. But until then, I present you with a very special Hanukkah episode of my show, Break a Leg, one of the most successful shows on the web. The lead character, David (played by me), is met by his publicist, Stan Marley, who has what he thinks is a genius idea: a movie about Hanukkah and Zombies. He only needs a Jewish writer to put it all together.
Yuri Baranovsky is co-writer of Break a Leg. His work can be seen on www.breakaleg.tv and www.yuribaranovsky.com.