What does the word “Nazi” even mean anymore?

What does the word “Nazi” even mean anymore?

Everyone who's white.

Straight white men and/or everyone who disagrees with my worldview

This is actually kinda funny

>patricia arquette
Since when do we care about methheads?

They have changed the definition of Racism, might as well change everything else to your idiotic emotional standard.

CIS white scum

I grinned. We'll gas her last.

Unnece's'sary apo'strophe's alway's equal's intelligence.

Nazi's what?

accurate description

this whore hasnt been relevant since the 90s

To libshits? Absolutely everyone who doesn't agree with them on everything or is white.
In reality? Fucking nothing because there are no actual Nazis, just a few larpers.

It would be funny if we started un-ironically calling ourselves Nazis, but we were super nice to jews. Then they would be like. Hey those Nazi's, they're pretty nice guys.

Nazi's what?


Can't into grammar

The first step is to strip the word "Nazi" of all its power and fear.

I know it's pedantic, but whenever some paradoxically smug, cunty halfwit tries to act clever and fucks it up by writing like a nigger, I just laugh, and regard it the same way I'd regard anything else uttered by a black or a retard.


Do they really still think people get offended when they yell Nazi?

As much as I see it used, I think so.

>calling everyon a Nazi
>Nazi loses its connotation, just like rape is not rape anymore
>holocaust becomes the new rape culture, nobody cares
>words have power
>and if used wrong they lose power

Nazi means anyone right of extreme left.
Source: I'm a centrist and get called a Nazi sympathizer on Facebook for criticizing Anarchist, "Anti-Fascist" rioters.

learn your own fucking language you nigger

a nazi is anyone who is to the political right of Stalin