No more hiding behind the state laws of commie states like California and Washington. Marijuana will be ILLEGAL again in the United States of America.
Potheads BTFO
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Enforce laws?
Whoa, impeach.
but muh degeneracy
This is clearly in conflict with states rights and will just lead to a waste of taxpayer resources
Federal law supersedes state law in the United States.
The Federal law has always trumped State law, slide shill hippie boomer.
What about the Clinton investigation?
Good. I liked better when it was illegal anyway.
This was done so they can prosecute cartel members in california dumbass
t. pothead
red pill me on why weed is bad
>war on drugs
i love this meme
it's degenerate and leads to more degeneracy. just compare the states that tried to legalize it to the ones that didn't.
We just had some controversy in AK over dispensaries selling moldy edibles. Our testing facilities also produced insanely inconsistent potency/chemical results too. It's a shit show because dumb faggots want it now regardless if it's safe to consume or not.
how is it degenerate, how does does it lead to degeneracy. Making a case for illegality on school report.
Not less than 1 ounce. You can literally blow smoke in the Feds face and they can't do shit.
No it hasn't, but look up the interstate commerce clause. By default the federal gov't generally has to fuck off in all but the most serious or contrived situations.
Posting on Sup Forums is degenerate
Thank you, Jeff! Stoners BTFO!
based trump
>obama's legacy btfo yet again
>I love state's rights, except states that I don't like!
>In that case, I love a powerful federal government!
You guys better find a way to quickly dispose of all your bongs and weed, or you will all soon be in jail. I'm sorry that you are addicted to something that is now illegal.
>Democrats hate state's rights, always whining about how states don't have any rights
>A few states legalize pot, and now all the potheads suddenly love state's rights
Republican logic at its finest.
why do you feel the need to push your morals on others?
You are literally inhaling smoke into your lungs, poisoning your body, and absorbing a mind inducing drug for recreation. You can't see why that isn't degenerate? You have nothing better to do with your time and money?
The drug war is one the most prominent excuses the government uses to force itself into your life.
This is what (((they))) want, you dumb ass.
why do degenerate things need to be illegal?
And so now the "anti government" elephants with their gestoppo police force will now bust down doors of legal pot dispenseries and arrest everyone. Oh ya freedom! Free market! Small government!
Too bad the people in these fuckibg lib states are against the second amendement theyd might be able to open the republicans eyes to there retarded hipocrosy
and this is one of the big reasons I voted for Trump.
I don't give a fuck. I just want to see faggots go to jail. I don't give a fuck if it's right or wrong.
I fucking hate stoners.
Get fucked losers
Fucking yankees at it again. States Rights asshole!
>there retarded
>Implying feds don't heavily depend on local and state law enforcement to cooperate
>Imying states that have or want to legalize won't tell Sessions to fuck off
It's literally nothing.
They don't. But as an American citizen, I have the right to free speech, and the right to vote. And I vote to make recreational marijuana illegal. Why do you have to force people to accept your degeneracy?
By your definition tobacco, alcohol and all modern medicine are degenerate.
see at least you give a valid reason for your viewpoints, even if it is a beta, faggoty reason. good for you!
Usa is supposed to be a free fucking country. We dont cherry pick freedoms just because some fuck head with a stick in their ass decides that this or that is degenerate. What i do in the comfort of my own home is my business so long as it doesnt effect you.
now try making an argument without using subjective buzzwords.
As a drug dealer, I for one welcome this new change in policy.
I lost a lot of money from legalization/medicalization. This will give me an excuse to raise prices on the weed, and make the H cheaper so the potheads will switch and I'll make even more money.
Thanks Jeff!
No, this is an abuse of the interstate commerce clause. They don't have the right.
Enjoy paying for their meals with your tax money
Yes, they are. I don't do all three of them.
>bootlicking this hard
Just say no to drugs. We don't need to waste taxpayer money and police resources, pass up on huge state revenues, and empower Mexican cartels just so you can continue to be an edgy friendless virgin. Marijuana is just a plant, bro.
This roof Korean owns a dispensary they can try to shut me down.
because I was forced to accept the greater degeneracy of alcohol
You have taken modern medicine at least once in your life (at birth), which makes you a degenerate by your own definition.
LUL, come over here and try that, faggot. I'd love to watch the video of some Dane cuckboi getting tazed and hazed.
> force people to accept your degeneracy?
Holy fucking shit Mr. Oveyberg, you could be fighting child pedophilia, animal brothels, spirit cooking, Moloch worship, but no, you want weed illegal because obviously thats the bigger problem, fuck outta here.
>Everybody who smokes pot is a Democrat
Do you have to try to be this retarded or does it come naturally?
You're right. It is a free country. Just like you have to right to fight for the recreational marijuana, I have the right to keep it illegal and enforce our laws.
So let me get this straight Republican nigger:
When Democrats wanted to overrule state laws you said its against the constitution.
Now you celebrate it?
Freedom is a word that has lost all meaning. Truly we are using some fantasy term like Rousseau's 'born free, but everywhere in chains' crap.
14 year old edgelord detected
>you can't vape weed
>Weed can't be consumed via edibles
You just sound like a boring faggot then
>You have nothing better to do with your time and money?
>He asks wasting his free time on an anonymous sudanese yodeling forum
Fucking kikes.
Jews wouldn't make the bad shit kosher. They have weed for themselves.
A 14 year old edge lord wouldn't say no to drugs retard.
Colorado is literally the healthiest state
I'd love for you to try that. Not only would you be arrested for possession and paraphernalia, you'd get an assault charge too. Assaulting a Peace Officer charge.
>Why do you have to force people to accept your degeneracy?
Same reason why you try to force people to accept your morals and way of living.
>Dane cuckboi
Please stop perpetuating the Amerimutt meme with posts like this. Denmark is one of the most racially homogenous countries in the world, and is the least cucked of all the Scandinavian countries. Denmark has the oldest continually-used flag on earth, and it is a white cross on a red backdrop.
You are acting completely circumcised. Denmark is one of the only hopes the west has left.
>t. pothead
Small government is for law abiding citizens only. Law breakers (potheads, illegal aliens, etc.) get the big government, and must be either deported or thrown in jail.
Nope, we are a country of law and order. If you want "muh freedom", then move to Canada.
>muh pizzagate
>federal government decides that gay marriage is legal, trampling over states' rights
>Libs: YAY!!!!
>federal government decides that marijuana is illegal, trampling over states' rights
>Libs: WTF!?!
Now just reverse it for Sup Forums...
It wasn't right then, it isn't right now.
My educated guess is they're going to use the reversal on states marijuana legalization to go hardcore on cartels and MS13 and then run on legalization for 2020.
The federal govt has NO AUTHORITY to do this. If they can do this, they can seize anything from you they want.
It's winter break, and my shift hasn't started yet. But I'm sure you wouldn't know what either are those things are like.
Not an argument
Oh no, now I will have to go back to getting weed from a dealer. At least they won't be making any money off taxing it anymore.
Exactly. We are fighting for different ways to live, and we both have the right to do it.
>not an argument detected
Keep licking boots.
OP is fake news. Link related.
Thanks so much for being a fucking idiot Jeff Sessions. Thanks to your naieve freedom hating rhetoric I was able to make a killing today buying cheap pot stocks.
Ima go light a blunt. Peace.
>And I vote to make recreational marijuana illegal. Why do you have to force people...
You are the dumbest of all contradictory niggers.
Typical degenerate response. Thinks they can't live life without being under some kind of influence.
> Spirit cooking and Moloch worship depend on Pizzagate
How retarded can one elephant be?
The Left would be vanquished if cuckservatives would take on a legalization plank.
This is actually not good for us, and no I've never even tried the shit, I just don't think it should be illegal. Let degenerates degenerate.
>Because I'm on topic fighting against one degeneracy, means I'm not fighting against others
You underestimate me, weedster.
>But I'm sure you wouldn't know what either are those things are like.
Nah, I've been out of high school for quite a few years now and I don't work in shifts like a peasant. I remote in, do a couple hours of work and get paid the rest of the day to shitpost and laugh at faggots like you.
States aren’t allowed to violate the constitution you fucking idiot. Pot isn’t forbidden or protected in the constitution, people’s right to marriage is.
>States can overrule federal laws
>Pro-life states
You'll be shining mine stoner faggot
How do I buy a tax stamp for Marijuana?
What stocks should I invest in desu?
>people’s right to marriage is
Marriage has never been a right in the Constitution, Obama's SC just claimed that it was.
State rights should only be for states voting Republican
Demoshits need to lie in their bed of federal control and preferably slit their fucking throats while they’re at it
Drumpfsters are all of a sudden YUGE fans big daddy gubmint telling people they cant set a plant on fire and inhale the smoke
Please gas yourself at earliest opportunity
Fuckin idiots over here begging for more Government control. States have the right to govern themselves, or does that no apply?
Cannabis isn't like porn, quit being a nazi over a plant, it's making you look weak.
No, what makes you a degenerate is when you continue to do something to yourself or others that is harmful either physically or spiritually, yet convince yourself it's okay. That is what makes you a degenerate.
>Sessions rescinds gurantee that the Feds wont come knockin if the state says its cool
>Still requires the state reports the door they want the Feds kicking down
Literally, actually right wing boomer virtue signaling.
Not quite fake, but sessions is a dumbass to waste resources on such a minor issue.
Plus, many of these "legalize" states are sanctuary states that have sworn to ignore federal laws. Fuck them.
K drug control you little beta ass prudes want? Lets fight to abolish elderly peoples cancer drugs and blood pressure pills. Why prolong their suffering? Its abuse
Weed is degenerate.
The only way to live a happy life is within the nuclear family under submission to the Jesus Christ our Lord Amen
The pothead panic is palpable.
>95% of the america flags in this thread are trying to defend pot being legal
Damn, no wonder your country is full of so many liberals always whining about “muh feelings”. Sup Forums is being a hypocrite as usual, always against degeneracy until they come for your bongs, and now its suddenly all about “individual rights”.
Trump stated he would let the states decide their shit.
Why the change?
State rights are only for Republicans
Democrats lie in their federal control bed they made
>being this edgy
Right. I'm sure you'll be rich someday soon, user.
Your life is sad lol, there are plenty of people that are going to die because of this war on weed.
It may just be on the federal end this time(;