Antifa gave this outside my school
They litteraly standed right next to the entrance and gave this to every student that entered the school
Antifa gave this outside my school
They litteraly standed right next to the entrance and gave this to every student that entered the school
Has some pages, should i show them? They are in Greek
Europeans are the biggest cucks. They use an American language in their signs. Why dont they use their own language?
show it I will bump
bump for pages
Ok coming in a min
Bump for pages
> English is an "american language".
Ugh bluetooth takes forever
>They use an American language
Top kek
lol what the fuc
You gonna translate or should I?
this is fucking funny
>Hail Hortler, bitch.
Should I press F?
did you throw in the trash in fornt of their eyes if not why are you coming here cuck
If you translate, maybe combine it with the images too.
Basically this, you should have thrown it on the ground right in front of them and stared them in the eye
You did not use this freely given toilet paper then return it to them for recycling why?
wait till you reach uni OP
In mine there are about 5-6 far left student groups and not a single centrist or conservative one
also MODS
If you can translate greek, you can translate the 2nd pic
>you should let your kid smoke weed, fuck strangers and get piercings and tattoo's instead of having pride in their history
Amazing how they rationalize themselves as the good guys
Antifa n.ionias is an autonomous antifascist that lives, thinks and evolves in action mainly in the neighboors of Nea Ionia ( Nea Ionia is a region of Athens)
Our team is autonomous because we know well that the tools we have are based exclusevly on our harnds and minds. No one will save us. The mediation from the left, the state institutions and the Media sees us as enemies.
This printed matter its shared in the schools of N.Ionia. To declare present in our enemies and to discover our friends. To fight with the only way we know and worth it. Self-Organized, in the base of our class, in our needs and our desires.
*antifascist group
>Our team is autonomous because we know well that the tools we have are based exclusevly on our harnds and minds. No one will save us. The mediation from the left, the state institutions and the Media sees us as enemies.
2 racist attacks happened by horrific fascists, they happened last month in our area of new Ionia. Monday 18/9 fascists attacked a Pakistani immigrant in agia Konstantinou punching him. A group of 10 fascists in saturday attacked a Pakistani worker ousman mohammed while he left his job at a restaurant where he worked while he was going to take the bus to go home. The things we have said are still in effect every hand that is risen against a imigrant must be cut off.
We never had our doubts that the fascists died in ww2 but we never thought that 10 crazy who sit all day infront in their computers in their man caves. (doesn't make sense). The fascists still exist and are hiding among us it's the neighbour that whines about "dirty immigrants" it's the stupid students that are making fun of the Albanian student or the colleague in work that tries to push out of the store the black man in which he is trying to sell flowers,cd or anything else to make a living to survive.We stand against them and we destroy their plans
We are bored of hearing about the church of our neighborhoud, for the common good that our mayor talks about or for how good he is, or for the even at school that talks about economics to how to become better businessman and good citizens and other bullshit like that.
You from your side we form ours no fascist should walk in our streets. We own the schools and the roads
I kind of fucked up some parts shit let me see
fuck communism and fuck communists
It's not enough that we have Greek shipowners but we also have the useful stupid sensitive citizen. Instead of the owners to start paying us to clean the sea and the beaches, after the stupid thing they did they took volunteers-which means free work- through special programs of it's kind "All together (the assholes) we can", even if it's through municipality to clean the beaches. We must do the work of the bosses without them paying a cent. The petrol and the assholes on the beaches. Things look like shit.
2nd small part that is circled
lmao report for sedition
Ever since Stalin ordered them to use the term "fascist" instead of National Socialist (for obvious reasons) they've complied like the good dumb sheep they are.
Also, ((who)) pays for that shit? Printing is not cheap.
Well the goverment pays for the printing offcourse they are communists kikes most of them.
Cloud : The police patrols in schools are increasing acording to the announcement by the cops. Well, from the school year, the cops are going to strike in zones around schools to check in case of "illegal" or " no schoolar" clues, and the look is always on the dangerous on power conquests, Be aware
A sergeant in Larissa that was raping his daughter for years ( while she was not an adult) was sentenced for 12 years in prison and then was released. The lady in Korinthos the resisted with submissive way her rapist, to protect her dignity and her life in self defence fataly injured him with a knife, was sentenced to 15 years and locked in prison. Her crime (exept that she was not the rapist but the man) was the fact that when one "marginal" that had the courage to resist the humiliation and and her abuse.
Greeks are Orthodox so it doesn't surprise their men are cowards after all they were under the turks for long time...
how weak doesn one have to be to come to Sup Forums and talk what happend to him, I would love for them to spread that shit in my town I would rip it and throw it in their face
Engage them in a conversation and ask them specific hate groups the fight. Then ask them what about black and brown supremacist groups do they combat those. Sometimes they get flustered other times they just shut down and once in a while might attack you. I'm a large gentleman living in Antifa HQ on the east coast. They've tried to fight me and failed several times after I made them uncomfortable. It works and it's fun when you have nothing to do and need an excuse to mess with conmies
Most Greeks are against fascists cause of ww2 and the wound is still fresh (for some reason ). So antifa is one of the most hated group in Greece even if they think they are not. I haven't ever heard a report of antifas going against fascists cause they are a bunch of cowards that hide behind goverment buildings and breaking public proberty when they like. Also they can be gathered in 2 days but they goverment doesn't want it they want to struck fear in the people of Athens so they won't come out and hang them.
'Standed"? Come on! You aren't in any school!!
>haha sillly americans and their anti...
What the fuck? american antifa is on Greece?
They have no LGBTQ but they are still pretty bad and annoying
How annoying? as in "punch a nazi on the face" annoying or "kick the trash can is saying hitler did nutin wong!"?
so a bunch of gay faggots like to play revolutionary dressup. good headline.
This is basically the history of the Black Panthers
You do realize antifa started in Europe, right?
And you think every peasant knows about what happens every day on yurop land? But is nice knowing more about this.
next time bring a cup of gasoline with you and set them on fire
>American language
what's with the stupid font on the right?
1. The rights for blacks by the Black Panthers
2. The definition of "Nigger"
Thanks user. It is the propaganda I was expecting. You should sue the school for allowing them to promote terrorism on campus.
montreal here. why do leftist signs always look the same
>Angela Rossberg
>85 IQ mexican nigger didn't know Europe is the cause of all the world's problems
>more news at 9, stay tuned
Because Greek Antifa members are lazy af
son of Hellas get to know your fellow students
next year rally the sons of Greece and shine the light of a golden dawn on them
2busy eating beans and jumping borders to ask new Sharia if they have antifags.
NIgger please
My first assignment for one of my law school spring classes has to do with coming up with our own new bill of rights. My group is me, a left wing NY jew, a literal Zimbabwean african, and two hillary loving women
fuck you
Collectivism, obviously. They preach that they have no value outside of their "demographically significant groups" and "direct action" groups. So they don't see the value in making something unique or original, as that would be heresy. It is the same reason they want "representation" in media rather than a general improvement in education and jobs. There is no value in a dark skinned person having the skills to get a high paying job, but there is value for a dark skinned person to be seen on TV, because the latter will be famous and seen by other dark skinned people who can then be vicariously successful, no matter how shit their life actually is.
Antifa saying some shit about the church like "the church is brainwashing and getting money"
Why is the sign and the words "Antifa" in English but the rest in Greek?
1st most of all
Almost all of it doesn't make any sense
Question is, why aren't we doing the same? There should be nationalist posters on every lightpost, on every busstop, at every library, on every billboard. We should be like a chinese spam bot, posting millions of ads everywhere.
Because Jewry is global.
There are neo-nazi groups doing this stuff, too. There was a thread about a group in Australia just yesterday.
They are doing the same because they are the same. The only difference is alignment. Behavior is the same, rhetoric is the same, strategy is the same.
Antifa Propaganda
This vs
Similar things happened to me.
Once I was pushed away from the bench on which I was reading by a few commies who but up a quote of Marx and started singing communist songs.
>Ο 'ελεγχος του δημόσιου χώρου τώρα για εμάς είναι πολύ σημαντιkός.
The control of the public space now for US is very important
It means
I want the streets to be only for me, no one else
>anti-fa hands you pamphlet
You're a cuck for not breaking their jaws right there.
That's cute
In Greece
1) a pedestrian was beaten by Antifa because he whore a shirt that said " Μολων Λαβε"
2)Anarchists (Antifa) allegedly poisoned meat, milk and coca cola products to support animal rights
We are getting stronger. Our strategies have been successful. Once they are adult, they will take part in the movement, and the cycle will continue, until the day the sun turns black.
That's cute
My whole city was on lock down because Antifa started to riot.
I had to cross three police lines to get to my University which was locked and only opened for each student individually.
I couldn't do anything back then, not because im a cuck, but it wasn't right for me "break their jaws" just because they where giving some paper.
That's cute
Riots like these happen every day at Εξαρχια. Antifa comes inside people's houses in the area, rob them and go on the roofs to throw flower pots at the police
The police does absolutely nothing
That's cute.
We have an ENTIRE HOUSE, which the state GIFTED to antifa which they are using to hide drugs and weapons.
And it is pretty much in the center of the City and full of these people.
Antifa is LITERALLY funded by the German government.
That's cute.
Antifa posts stickers on streetlamps at least 500 meters from my University.
Basically, the biggest part of the world Lear English for speak with them
That's cute
ENTIRE universities in Greece (especially Athens) are under full Antifa control. They can close the university whenever the fuck they want. The worst of all is the Good Arts schoolm which is basically a No Go zone. It is an entire molotov and drug factory. They take school property like desks and chairs and burn them for their riots
That's cute.
I ONCE saw a tag about resisting facism and Trump on a wall in my university. It was quicly removed.
That's nothing
That's the joke. Did you read my previous post? Antifa is nearly powerless in my university.
>the nazi theme song
What was it Sup Forums?
Star Spangled Banner.