I have never seen so many fucking shareblue/dem shills on this board. What the living fuck is going on?
I have never seen so many fucking shareblue/dem shills on this board. What the living fuck is going on?
Other urls found in this thread:
Something big is coming.
Today is gonna be a fun day.
shareblue doesn't wear the democrat stamp you retard - thats just for larpers. shareblue hides under other flags, usually nazi and confederate ones
It comes in cycles. Nothing out of the ordinary. Besides. Sup Forums is the most interesting board today.
Sup Forums is a dem board , always has been .
>babbys first year on Sup Forums
I will rape you.
The Trump administration is DEAD.
It's called shitposting. Where do you think you are?
assblastted drumphkin ?
You are literally on a front-line of the Great Information War.
the thing is that you, fat autistic amerimutt, confuse retarded larpers shitposting trolling you for being retarded for a millon dollars scheme of paid shills
Fake Flag ratio ITT is THROUGH THE ROOF
Day of the rope for Killary. Sessions.exe. Flipped Mueller is real.
>he thinks everyone who criticizes Trump is a shill
This isn't fucking reddit, you dumb faggot.
What are you talking about, you must be crazy.
sweet, you still think this is about government and shieeeet. Where did the nazis go afterwards? Oh yeah right they worked for the CIA lol
i wonder if this bannon trump feud is about distracting from the 4200 sealed indictments
flag checks out
I have a feeling so, and if not, it's probably something like that.
I heard something about a tumblr raid the other day, and it seems the faggots are stuck here now as well
Never trust a Trump shill. He begged the Russians to shill for him, and most of these cunts are still here no doubt.
YES impeach Trump and give us Fag Fryer PENCE
Sure thing bud. Anyone with a different opinion is a shill.
where is it?
Whilst I disagree (especially since pol clearly won 2017) yet I won't waste my own time correcting your meme, but isnt it funny how the goodies that YOU support are always the winners.
Hmmm... makes you wonder who decides who the goodies were and who the baddies were, it's always done post victory and the simple minded never consider 'the facts' taught to them by the goodies.
But don't worry. They would never deceive and manipulate you. They're goodies!
>impeachment vote by Christmas
>Dec. 25+10
>Trump still president
At least you tried sweety
>Meme flag
Nice try, faggot.
Nothing to worry about.
>Forced le 56% meme
>Argentine flag.
Opinion discarded.
I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it.
Remember kids, to SAGE this shit if you reply.
Every day since the election Princess Impeachment was going to wave her magic wand and make you and Hillary win and SuperTrump disappear.
Everyday your salty tears make me smile.
>>>THAT WAS 2017
>paid shills would post under democrat flag
What a retard. The worse about post-trump election Sup Forums is the influx of clueless people who expects this board to be a monolithic power that works solely with the purpose of pursuing right-wing political goals, and who gets mad when others don't roleplay as intelligence agents with them. If anything worthy of mention was done on here it wasn't *despite* the shitposting and fun you label as shilling, but *because* of said shitposting and fun, dumb plebbitors.
So apparently this is OP's first day on Sup Forums
Yeehaa .
Share Blue Pedo Diaper Snipers to the rescue of the world.
Quick everybody sashay to your keyboards throw up your best Jazz Hands ,stick out your Tush and give the World a Push.
Hip hip Hooray Share Blue will save the day.
Hmm what else rhymes with DAY .
I'm stumped.
Luigi has a point
The dark lulz of chaos are strong with this one.
It's that Leftie Shill from the Weed Post again.
You guys are shills though. That's your only arguement
Fuck Off ShariaBlue.
that many people are butthurt about marijuana
she's going to jail, isn't she?
That's homophobic
impeachment coming shitlords
no one is white just keep fighting eachother goys.
Lmao Kek!
Found one OP
Investigations are being reopened against Hillary. It is being slid HARD.
why don't you try to bomb Serbia again? Or try to ban video games, or Get fucked by Monica.
why are drumphies so dumb ?
I voted for drumpf, but only a total moron can support that orange baboon now. He betrayed everyone and anything. I'm riding a BLUE WAVE now, and you should too.
I've stopped coming here as much because people keep responding to people who are obviously trying to divert conversation. Look at what this board was doing before people felt the need to argue with the shills
It's just awesome to watch you idiots turn on each other. Have you seen Mitch McConnell? He can't stop smiling.
everyday on Sup Forums links to child porn hosting sites get shared within threads like:
It's on! Step up
We've got ourselves who's white off.
I'll judge.
Argentina loses. Again.
They can't ban video games now because video gaming is considered a mental illness now, so they have to respect the gamers and check their own privilege, you ableist shitlord
Did you forget when Trump made him into Bitch McConnell and trotted him out for a speech? He made Reek out of that nigga.
you are the retard, paid shills love easy bait just as much as these weak larpers. Sometimes they just want to annoy other people and get (you) s
Jokes on you OP. I've been on Sup Forums for over a decade, I've been here since Sup Forums was /new/ and when stormfags were the enemy, not trumpfags. I was here when /new/ got deleted and stormfags flooded other boards necessitating /new/ be re-incarnated. I've been here since 2006, you, the trumpfag phone posting, underage child, YOU are the newfag, you are the cancer of Sup Forums and Sup Forums. We're simply taking back what was rightfully ours before you contrarian edgelords took over around 2015.
maybe they will come out with substitute shitty game substitute like they do drugs. to give the addicts.
Just dont feed them. Its fucking tumblrettes waiting for you to reply so they can write a paragraph on their blog about how they smashed the fash
Bout time you fucked off and found a GF. Your mum and dad must hate you.
A lobotomy
It's good more red pilling
But they ARE the fash
How brave they are to stand for everything the media tells them to stand for. Shit cunts.
Operation Black Buck 2 when?
I don't disagree. McConnell is a little turtle with glasses. Still, if this can make HIM smile, you know what it's doing for the Resistance.
Hold steady GEOTUS is going to deliver bigly
There is going to be another Red Letter event in the next few days, somewhere in a northern American state. School shooting is likely, though a workplace incident with massive casualties is not beyond the realm of possibility either. The shooter will not be islamic, or brown but instead white, male, and with mental issues.
>he doesn't filter all memeflags
Maybe if you say it enough it will work drumpfKKKIn
Wow, it's fucking nothing!
high level meme warfare right here:
time to end this shit and wake the women up
>why don't you try to bomb Serbia again
t. Voted for W
Those Vulcans were made to drop nukes. I can't think of a single reason we didn't use the proper nuclear bombs. Fucking hippies must have made that decision. Argentinians should wake each morning and praise black Jesus I wasn't in charge.
Next time they will get Hiroshimered - Nigel will be our king by then, by right of conquest. Jeremy Clarkson will be wing commander Clarkson leading the heros in at low level like on the Dambusters raid.
Trump's human trafficking EO is going after their leaders and funding
There was a time on Sup Forums before Stormfront et al. gayed up the place so badly nobody wanted to bother. Now that the zerg rush is over, things are becoming status quo. I'm not a dem, nor alt right or any of this contrived political circle jerking. I hate all of you.
We have to #resist the DUMPFtards that took over the board during the election
>there can’t be anything wrong with me, it must be everyone else
>I’m not crazy, the rest of the world is crazy
There's a great disturbance in the force
It’s almost as if after the election, the Russians didn’t need to pay the pro trump trolls to flood Sup Forums anymore...