I got a little Obama statue/ornament for Christmas...

I got a little Obama statue/ornament for Christmas. What should I do with him back at my very liberal college to guarantee some triggered libtards?

The fact that you bought an obama statue to trigger lefties, is in itself a state of being triggered by lefties.

You're a faggot OP. Accept it.

Post this on facebook

He got it for christmas you kike
thread bump for ideas

hang him off a potted plant

hang him from a small noose and hang it in the victim services office, I know your school has one.

Subtle and very good.

>believing OP

Yet I'm the kike. LEL

When is the bitch going to reveal his tax returns. I guess we'll find out during the impeachment proceedings.

stick a small plastic banana on it

Shove it up your ass in the quad. They will worship you after that.

these, obviously

Print out a bunch of pics of the destroyed city of Sirte and ISIS-l and put them in a big collage with “thank you for saving us” with king obongo hanging above it with a gold bar and barrel of oil

Put a noose around it's neck

Do nothing......and get on with your life.

Hang him on a Christmas tree by the neck


Hot glue tribute

>chain not around his neck
i think you got a defective one, user

i can only imagine how it must feel to be so retarded you actually think any of this will ever happen

Take a shit on it

Cover just enough of the statue in poo so that everyone recognizes Obama but doesn't want to go near it

stick in butt and run around like a tard

>Start a movement against buttplug-shaming
>Encourage people to start wearing buttplugs around the campus
>Organize a speech where you're gonna state how important it is to wear a buttplug freely
>End the speech implying you're having one up your butt RIGHT NOW
>What's that, you guys don't believe me?
>pull your pants down
>reveal you're indeed wearing one
>pull it out
>tfw it's a little Obama statue

This, do it

>obama ornament has a literal braided rope attached to its head
>doesn't know what to do with it
Come on OP, it should be fairly obvious.
If you want to cause maximum hysteria, tie a knot around the neck of the ornament and hang it from a tree.
You can also be more subtle about it and forgo tying the knot around said ornament's neck, instead simply hanging it from the tree by the top of its head.
I'd personally choose the latter option, as you get the satisfaction of having it hang in front of your college for anywhere from a few days to several years, before one of the libtards finally makes the connection.

Hot glue

Throw some cloth on it and dress it up like a witch doctor. Plastic banana would be nice too

Paint horse racing silks on it and make it hold plackard bbearing your dorm room number. Post it outside your door.

Came to request a hanging myself so I heartily endorse your proposal: HANG HIM.

in a toilet. or hung from a tree.

Put it in the toilet bowl like thosestupid toilet water fresheners

Remove the string, put a little make-shift noose around his neck, and hang him from a branch.

>I got a little Obama statue/ornament for Christmas
You're joking, mate. Please tell me that you didn't get an Obama statue for Christmas.

I can see your photo, but can't count out photoshop. Or some weird NSA mind control.

You must go full on pagan ancient druid sacrifice with this Obama effigy. Beat the cunts at their own game. Burn it while shooting fireworks into the sky as you go mental in a trance.

You can really play some Wicker Man shit on this. Start chanting around it and place it in the exact middle of your living room with candles surrounding it. Make some animal noises and start eating the furniture. If anyone questions you, cleft their skull in twain atwix a sharpened axe and halberd, then post their severed head upon a spike in your front garden.