Orthobro here, I did it /po/ I nabbed me a trad qt3.14 but she's a Pentecostal. My church says she has to convert or at least have the children be baptized and raised Orthodox, her church says convert or leave. What do?
Orthobro here, I did it /po/ I nabbed me a trad qt3.14 but she's a Pentecostal...
Tell them to fuck off
White babies or Jesus
>white babies
Convert you dummy and live a nice comfy life with kids, a devoted wife, and no worries.
Congrats. Have at least five kids.
Realize religion is stupid and to stop living your life according to the unilateral moral laws that are over 3000 years old.
"orthodox" fucking heresy, convert to Christianity and reclaim the holy land faggot
You romanian?
Niggerified church. The whole start thumping around and thrashing your arms and hooting and hollering is pure African.
Slavic paganism dressed up in Platonism. Your priest can bless your crowbar for +5 holy damage when you fight in the race war, and you can get away with being a pagan and no one would notice.
I'd go with the latter, or just drop muh god of nails all together.
Keep up the /po/ fight and give her an oragami ring
Congratz, user!
Recognize that both of you have given each other a cup of spiritual water because you belong to Christ.
You'll be the man of the family.
If you allow her to worship as she wants, that's your choice.
Of course not having the same exact views on certain spiritual issues will lead to some trouble that will need to be talked out, especially when it comes to raising your kids together.
I'll be praying for you both.
Pravoslavi ili Smert
What we're aiming for
Fucking lead post disregard.
Armenian practicing Russian Orthodoxy
Thank you for your prayers, I've introduced her to Orthodoxy and she's been surprisingly receptive, her concerns are more of losing contact with her family. She live the idea of infant baptism and communion. Icons are probably going to be a hurdle, however I'm not going to force things.
I'd say the one that doesn't say to convert or leave, sounds like they only want your tithe$.
Ameriburgers converting to Orthodoxy is cringy as fuck
See: Matt Heimbach
Okay first of all, You're both stupid in this matter.
2nd Corinthians tells us not to be unequally yoked. You cannot be in a good relationship with someone who does not share the same Christianity. Seek the Lord for correct doctrine instead of allegiance to a chruch or religious dogma.
The pentacostal practices of speaking in toungues is purely Biblical, but some of the restrictions certain pentacostal churches practice like requiring women to wear skirts and not wear makeup is complete rubbish; it's not Biblical.
The pentecostals are the closest in the world to practicing the full doctrines outlined in the Bible; that is, the wise ones are. Realize that there are alot of them who are very unwise and cling to stupid traditions rather than what the Bible says. So your best option is to to convert to Pentacostalism while shunning the legalism many of them practice.
Leave the church, you retard.
Your both religious, so you should both just kill yourself. Problem solved.
Pentecostals are like in a sect or something, that's how they behave.
I remember in the 90s some druggie Americans coming on tour with some tents trying to convert people to all sorts of protestant BS.
Those fuckers were like living in a dream or something, delusional as fuck like most Americans, that's when I understood that the US is sick as fuck and you can see that in their culture, I mean it's entertaining you can't take it seriously in any way, but they live that shit.
I'm sorry you were born a burger.
Reminder: The orthodox church is not a Christian church.
In his case it's not even an issue of morality. It's literally an issue of what social club you belong to.
fuck that heretic bitch, pentacostals are fucking lunatic snake-whisperers, not for fellow orthodox bros, why would you throw away your eternal salvation for a cult that doesnt even let men wear shorts? Here, have a St. Anthony....dont be a fool and throw away the one true church for some pussy ..Hristos Anesti brother
If the Orthodox Church is not a Christian Church then there is no hope for Protestantism of any form, all of which come from Satan.
You should both convert to Christianity
>why would you throw away your eternal salvation?
>implying Odin won't admit him into Valhalla because he prioritizes securing the existence of his people and a future for white children
Catholic here don’t worry small white conservative Christian sects, the Amish, Orthodox Christians, and Orthodox Jews are BTFOING BAPTISTS and Mainline Protestants. White evangelicals have 20% of people under 18 and 22% of people over 30 too. Our churches lack 18 - 29 year olds and Asians.
>Catholic here
Newsflash: you're going to hell. Roman Catholic Church is the one true church, started by Jesus himself.
What you're doing is like trying to survive an avalanche by ducking and covering.
Convert for your own good.
>Angilican cuck gets BTFO
How could you even speak to other Christians. You have destroyed Christianity in the US along with your fake evangelical baptist counterparts. Fuck you
Never been to church before. What church should I attended if I want to meet conservative/traditionalist people and women who are chaste virgins looking for marriage?
Tired of wasting my time in the dating game.
Fag Flag /thread
alithos anesti, I wouldn't go through life as an anathematic. I said in a previous post that she's been fairly receptive to my faith. She's scared of losing her family. These are the dilemmas we're suppose to face as Christians.
>34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
both of you should convert to catholicism :)
How “””””trad”””” is she? Does she work? Wear pants? Believe in male headship?
You have to actually live a trad lifestyle if you want to promote trad values.
Hooray, congrats user and God bless. Make many white babies.
What’s the best branch of Christianity for trad values?
Idk desu but there are very few authentically trad women. Look for hardcore baptists, ortho or trad Catholics is my guess. People that actually believe in the Bible and try to live by it.
>and Orthodox Jews
Christ killers.
Funny thing is, I just moved to a city with a massive Amish population. Seems like something you have to be born into to be truly accepted though. They’ve never even made eye contact with me
Pentecostal ,here at least, are the scum of the Earth, literally the closest people to jews I ever saw. They would happily screw you over if it made them any money. I wouldn't piss on them even if they were on fire, the filthy scumbags. I would find another girl user, not worth it imo.
because you're a soyboy.
>t. Mennonite
t. Romanian Orthodox
How are you on the computer?
I ain't joining that shit nigga
is this the teaching you get in public school? I only went to formal school until 6th and even I'm not this retarded.
> leaf
You make me sick. Orthodoxy is christian you fuck
They taught you about Christianity in school?
I use the internet for commerce. i build tiny homes and buy/remodel single wides and sell them to the englisher in Clarksville tn mostly and all over the south. I have a smart phone, a tractor with tires and the internet
Pentecostal Church in my town, their women have fat ass and fat tits and long hair. I’m really want to into to their church and take one of them badly.
Don’t you notice that Pentecostal women happen to be beautiful and very fertile?
except it's not though, is it.
>he uses leavened bread for his '''eucharist'''
top kek, whore of babylon! literally the church of the devil - which spawned the children of the devil which are evangelicals and the rest of the protestant mash
Do you ever watch porn?
>Live in Protestant country
All of you can fuck off.
if only people were allowed to read books on their own time. what an amazing concept
>I use the Internet for commerce
>Sup Forums
>I use the internet for commerce
And shitposting, evidently. How do you justify to your elders that you go on degenerate websites where porn is posted regularly
you're on the wrong board
Kill yourself, protestant trash. The only whore of Babylon is you. At least the Orthodox do some things right.
Snake handling is a specifically Appalaician mountains thing.
>orthodox do some things right
like changing the 10 commandments to justify making icons and images which are modern day idols?
burn yourself heretic
>her church says convert
This is funny.
"Convert? OK, I believe in Jesus the way YOU think I should"...
no, it's been tempting with these Sup Forums ads. my wife sleeps with me 5 times a week but after 6 kids and 2 adoptions- it's different.
you mutt, just because my first Reason for using the internet wasn't to jack off to men that dress as women doesn't mean I can't go wherever I want.
/pol "christian" threads never talk about Jesus, it's just about saving the white race and killing or dominating Muslims & Jews
>he said after hanging a bloody cross with a Jesus-shaped idol
Orthodox are heretics, but they at least deserve a chance to be converted. You are literally unsalvageable, you fucking satanist.
Good post, user. Just because the Bible tells us that we *can* speak in tongues doesn't mean that certain preachers are.
I briefly went to a Pentecostal church in the American South and they were great. Good preaching, good singing, but then the tongues started. I thought that it was really fake. If nothing else, they repeated the same noises and no one else could understand what they said. The Bible tells us that the purpose of speaking in tongues is to preach to peoples that don't understand or native language. These people just made silly noises and jumped around. I really didn't want to leave the church; there were great people there, and I learned a lot, but I can't stand fakery.
You can get everything that you want in a Pentecostal church in a Baptist church - just no silly noises. (Or you can search around until you find someone that is speaking in 'tongues' that sounds legitimate. Good luck with that.)
do your elders check you internet history while they molest your children?
>you fucking satanist
like how the catholic church directly went against the bible and made mass a holy sacrement when only communion and baptisms count?
Catholics deserve the lowest corner of hell by warping the word of God while pretending to be holy
Oh so you can use English inventions for fun as long as the primary purpose is for something the church allows? I get it. Be sure to buy that Mercedes “for commerce” too man.
Is your wife pretty submissive? Does she believe in male headship?
>like changing the 10 commandments to justify making icons and images which are modern day idols?
more lol
which part are you confused by ancapbro?
it's not immoral to deceive heretics into believing you've converted
Tell them that she shouldn't have to convert because if she becomes your wife she will be allowed to enter heaven because of it. It is sad when priests don't really read their own Bible.
Is it true that Hutterites will let men from outside their community impregnate their wives to diversify their gene pool?
Do Mennonites do the same?
yes generally. she's not the smartest woman, but she is Stern and a good mother and has eyes and a body like the ocean.
we have to make a living. we just avoid social society. I don't have a car, I have 3 diesel tractors, 1 small gas tractor and several buggies. I usually take the smaller Kabota around because I put the pto on with my truck bed conversion and it moves. on Sundays I use 2 buggies to transport my family
Taqqiya artist. Found em.
Literally none of it. Why would I care that you're buttmad at Latins?
>low quality bait
kek. try again
Honestly, church is for fags, I only went when I was much younger, and it fucking sucks. They just wanna steal your money so they can rape children
Honestly the only thing you need is a bible, and undying faith. It's what jesus would want, not for you to give all of your attention to some 70 year old (((priest))) who just wants to steal your money and your time.
Don't get me wrong, I am completely christian, but going to church is one of the most faggy and submissive things you can do.
that's against God's law. the most "cucked" thing we do is adopt ALOT of black children. I don't have any, it's a shame- they grow up excellent stock and are amazing in the tobacco patch. youngest adopted is the only child with brown eyes and olive complexion and they say his parents were Italian.
Steal her.
Haha good one leaflet, go to hell already
You are literally violating the word of god. Literally. We are the only true church.
You mean there is no Christianity outside Orthodoxy.
Pentecostal bitches are the best in bed. Absolutely unhinged.
I fucked a Pentecostal seminary student once super hard and afterwards she legitimately asked me if I was Jesus Christ.
Was raised pentecostal
Preachers are greedier than the Jews
Speaking in "tongues"
It was a fucking shit show.
Orthodoxy is the old church, even catholics know it, you got to be a homokike.
>Orthodoxy is the old church
(((Orthodoxy))) didn't even exist before the 11th century.
You mean the Roman Catholic Church didn't exist until the 11th century. Orthodoxy is the original church.
You're alright leaf
Christos Anesti brother
Stay orthodox and convert your girl to Orthodoxy. It is the only branch of Christianity which has retained rituals like they were almost 2000 years ago. And it was the Pope of Rome who once betrayed 4 other Patriarchs and then his descendants were betrayed by protestant leaders like Hus, Luther and Henry VIII
Luther is to Christianity what Nietzsche is to nihilism
Orthodoxy Is what the catholic church followed UNTILL the 11th century you northamerican retard
Alithos anesti
convert her whole family, teach them the history of the church and the early saints and they will renounce their mumbojumbo psuedo-christianity for orthodoxy, we're really blessed to be orthodox, teach them about the schism because most protestants are just orthodox people who got separated from us and want to come back. Look at their churches, they're a joke, I grew up in the South with those people, baptists, jehovahs, adventists, catholics and all sorts of sects. Our church came from the processions of orthodox judaism, our services are the way they are meant to be, none of that feel-good kumbaya acoustic guitar crap. Take them to a service and have the priest explain our faith to them. They will see the light.