
I want to make her belly ripple.

If you know what I mean.

You mean a horse, right?

I don't.

You mean you want to fatten her up until her belly ripples from the slightest of movement?

I want to make lots of babies with Lumia!

Why is this series so shitty?

I think you mean why is this series so sexy?

>Calling one of the top anime of the season shitty

Well it's one of my top too, but it's still pretty bad. The others are more boring though.

Even if we assume it is the tippy top in the magic battle harem school category that still leaves it in the bottom tier of shitty anime.




The jerk store called and they're running out of you!



This season is terrible, especially compared to last.


There were only about 3 shows I liked last season. I honestly hope you are wrong and this one isn't even worse.


So this is the navel fetish anime of the season? Too bad it's a harem, but those outfits are god tier.

It's not a harem though.

I'm enjoying this show and nobody can stop me.

Also Sisti a cute.

You are just mad at how perfect and smug she is.

Wait, really? That's certainly what it looked like from the previews. Might have to give this a shot then.

You want to use the ripple to knock her unconcious?

There is one girl who loves him and even that is arguable since she's bi.

I hope it won't get ruined when school gets invaded and it gets serious.

I'm not liking those rape vibes.

>not a harem
That's nice, I'm gonna enjoy this show even more now.

I bet you think Rakudai isn't a harem either.

No one cares, Canada

I sure am

Ever since Fall 2016 there has been nothing but shitty season after shitty season.

Fall and Spring were usually the best seasons for anime.

She'd make some fine bacon.

3 or more love interest
1 love interest

Why is this so hard for you idiots to understand. Next you'll be arguing that its about battles as well.

and summer usually airs the shittiest god help us in fall

>says this while posting a shitty meme character from a mediocre show

/u/ can leave. I didn't watch a single show that season.

Stop falling for bait.

doujins when

>this series has serious potential of OT3 end

I'm interested to see how it goes.

Hey guys did my meme about shopping tanuki testicles onto the male characters to improve their mana flow catch on?

It's old and busted. Shooping pig noses on Sisti is the new goodness.

Shooping pig noses is for fags, the new hotness is worshiping the ground Sisti walks on because she is a goddess.

Machiavellian is the better version of this

But isn't Machi a battle harem

You're telling me this isn't?

I actually went back to finish this and it made me think and can relate to on a philosophical level. It's so bad that it manages to be watchable because the MC is a pretender in a group of experts where when it's time to put up or shutup he actually gets whats coming to him--it's like some boards on Sup Forums in my interpretation. Interesting.

If you count any show with a single love interest and a few action scenes as a battle harem then it is. But Im talking about the actual definition of battle harem.

There is a reason why the best and most powerful magician in the academy chose him
And no they are not sex friends yet

Uh its actually a top tier intellectual with an understanding of magic that far exceeds his peers. And hes a combat mage. He's not pretending at anything.

Glen's OP trait is his
Teaching skills

Really? That's disappointing. I would continue to watch this if every episode was like episode 1.

>puhi puhi

Eh don't know what to tell you. He has extremely low tier magic potential, but an extremely high tier understanding of it and is the best teacher at the school.
Hes a slacker, not a pretender.

I guess you can't please the chuuni audience if you don't pander a gary-stuish power fantasy to them.

He isn't incompetent as he's purposefully acting shitty to make the school fire him quicker
Also even after he reveals his stuff,
he is still S-class rotten. Not SS class anymore but still

That motherfucker could probably make the goddamn shock spell fly through the air while spelling the words faggot if he wanted to. He just sucks at quick-casting and has some weird as shit magic affinity, but is top-tier in his understanding of how magic works.


Could you stop this? This is not even remotely funny.

My gut tells me we will soon learn he's OP but hiding it and answers to seem to confirm it.

Hes not hiding anything. He genuinely sucks at magic. But has a very high level understanding of it enough to make trash spells slightly useful. And cancels others magic and kicks their ass with martial arts.

He's actually OP and has been hiding it in typical pseudo battle-harem style.
The excuse that he's just trying to fail at his job so he can return to his neet life is better than most to be fair.

So he doesn't have students and teachers fawning for his dick and he doesn't get into magic battles?

I really hope you didnt think his mother was fawning over him. Cat is the only one who likes him.

Oh forgot, no battles. He just ends up fighting against assassins to protect hime. .


Spoilers, user. She was all over him.

Is the blonde chick his sugar mama or something?

I get what you are trying to do, and Ive been ignoring you this whole time. But Ill ask why you are doing it. And ill let you know its not going to work because her nickname given by MC is cat.
What are you talking about.
No shes an immoral witch who raised him.

Why does she look like a pig then?


She's his teacher/guardian/adoptive parent of sorts. She's also the absurdly doting type whenever he isn't being an idiot.

MCs mom vs Cat's dad is gonna be a glorious scene

I really hope they get it right. Serica's smug and Cat's mom are among the things I'm most looking forwards to.

this mc is useless holy shit

I would feel sorry if he weren't such an arrogant cunt

Pretty much the most useful person in the series. Extremely smart with a superior understanding of magic.

is he also nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor?

He's more like a jaded nice guy who tries to cope by becoming a NEET, running away from magic, and acting like an asshole.

He his now, being a teacher fixes that. So it stops next episode. He's just a slacker.

>retarded premise
>terrible budget fight

Said no one ever.

Except he's not OP.

>another series of a sensei plowing his students
i like it

>retarded premise
>terrible budget fight

Are you describing akashit records?

Stop pretending that action in Machiavellism wasn't trash. SL isn't even trying.

>interrupts the flow of the combat to explain moves and techniques
>dragging scenes out just to fit internal monologue
I know this happens all the time in anime but for some reason it really fucking stuck out as horrible in Machiavelli.

>people instigating rokuaka vs. machiavellism
Jokes on you, I watch both

Friendly reminder to ignore the leafs trying to start wars between shows.


akashit records doesnt has better production values, it is right there with machiavelism at the bottom of the barrel.

So do I, but one is completely carried by a good MC in an overall (right now at least) bad plot while the other has more going for it than just the MC, even if he's still the best part of it.

>akashit records doesnt has better production values

Get new eyes.

Honestly it had some really wonky faces but there were a lot of good neat little details in the animation that added a lot to the experience.

The animation overall was more "fun" to look at and shit like this guy going fucking nuts on the papers just made the scenes really enjoyable to watch.

This first episode was different from what I was expecting, though I don't know what I was expecting.

I like the main girl at least more than I thought I would.

You serious nigga. Thats called art style. Exaggerated faces are a selling point of the medium. Otherwise CG would have long taken over.

Don't now what you were expecting, but its basically about an MC protecting a princess with the help of a cat sometimes though shes mostly useless as all students are.

Machiavellian is the worst piece of shit I've watched this season. The premise alone is fucking retarded, the MC dislikeable and the fact that he's fighting people armed with weapons with his bare fists is so utterly retarded that I had to stop watching during the first episode.

Nobody asked, leaf.

>helplessly trying to insult the other side, unable to come up with a reasonable argument
sasuga machiavelianfags

not him but this leaf shit is cringey as fuck.