nigger runs away from accident and freezes to death.
Just because the beast is male does not make it human
cops told him to freeze he took it literally
>yfw no wampa to hide from the police in
Tee fucking hee
I don't see one, I see a nigger
Ooga booga this isn't Africa
Based mother Earth is our greatest Ally.
Apes aren't strong enough for the cold. Back to Africa where you are meant to be.
Jesus look at that nose/lips
>implying he would have complied
Well, they did say global warming would disproportionately affect blacks
He couldn't crawl into his own lips like a tauntaun?
His family is probably suing because an officer told him to freeze
Isn't this how Demolition Man started? We gotta freeze Stallone so he can fight this nigger in the far future.
By rights I should have done this so many times.
In the late 80's when I was a teenager we stole cars just to get around, like, multiple times a day.
And I've been on so many retarded wrecks on the highway. My friend loves jeeps (and we only stole from tourists generally, we lived in the mountains and knew all locals and their vehicles) and it's just a super bad combination, black ice, drunk/high teenagers driving a vehicle for the first time and it has a high center of gravity and this is in the dead of night ect.
And after we'd flip 15x or whatever the fuck retarded shit happened to us that should have killed everybody several times over, I would usually be holding a case of beer or a bottle of rye that I deliberately shielded with my body during the crash, and we would then proceed to drink and head into the woods, so we wouldn't get pinched.
And with all the fucking snow, we would always do the same thing, try to find ground to cross where we could lose our tracks.
This is when things would begin to go full retard. We'd run on partially frozen rivers or just riverbanks if the river wasn't frozen, and if we couldn't find a river, we'd deliberately go places that we figured no cop would dare follow in winter without turning around and getting help.
Like walking up and down Mt Baldy, which is pretty leisurely if you take the trails, but not when it's -25 and you just cut straight up and down.
In the worst cases, we had to stop and deal with the pain in the ass of making a fire for awhile. Or because we were super fucked up, because we'd continue to get hammered the entire way.
I've heard about all the stories of how dumb black people are but holy fuck. Not freezing to death is just basic autopilot behavior. Even when I was being about as stupid as any other white person has ever been and was going out of my way to put myself in situations where I could easily freeze to death, it was not really a concern.
Super nigger
Your body is designed for it. There is not. Why do you think white people wear shorts in winter shoveling snow?
Hopefully 3/5ths of him froze.
Look at this dude...
Oh no no no no
Fun story about Mt. Baldy: there was a POW camp there once upon a time and, during the Second World War, they used to let the POWs go and try to climb it so long as they promised to come back.
Back then, Alberta was so homogenous and so far in the middle of nowhere that they barely needed fences for their camps.
Are you from Morley or something?
Maybe he should've stayed in Africa.
you need to check your white privilege ....leaf
He probably didn't freeze to death inside a major city
As a medic we see it all the time. The only people who freeze are homeless drug addicts who don't realize they're cold
He probably had a massive aneurysm or MI and dropped dead and then froze over
maybe he was a drug addict
How many pencils culd fit in his nostril?
Considering they don't have wypipo in SW anymore, yes.
Not sure what's wrong with her neck but I took a screens hot of this a few months back
what the fuck
It look like a fucking sausage.
Jesus god christ
You're thinking of a Tauntaun, idiot
>Not sure what's wrong with her neck
it's a scar-f
>You're thinking of a Tauntaun, idiot
Keloidal scar
>Afro-American cuisine
how is pic related not classified as an upright ape?
planet of the apes
Mask falls off and his gun jams. Fucking apes.
For some reason I thought that was for this year, I was like wtf? How did they kill that many people, when it has only been 4 days into 2018.
How do these baboons come up with these names?
Is it because of illiteracy?
that gun jam would have been a perfect opportunity if that other guy had a gun
Not sure but they've ruined Latin names like Octavius. Now niggers running around with names like Daqwanrictavius
Checked, yep. Still there. Thanks for reminding me that I'm better than you, and held to a higher standard, nigger!
thanks winterchan
From yellow eye, to red eye, to black eye.
Niggers gonna nig
Probably thought the sign said loot locker.
How'd he get the tokens? You know he wasn't there with his kids.
Most enjoyable
Not so fast my friend..
wtf is this
what the fuck?
That's a gorilla.
holy fuck, this actually happened 4 years ago
top lel