How do I unswallow the red pill? I’m tired of being ostracized by friends and family and I’m starting to think Trump is actually an idiot
How do I unswallow the red pill...
You can't go back.
Hou can if you're a woman (or a soyboy).
You have your answer.
You're such a faggot OP maybe the red pill wouldn't be so hard to swallow if there were less pussies like you around
You slip into a deep delusion (you have to be borderline schizophrenic to do this) where you make yourself forget all the truth you have learned. You WILL suffer severe mental damage and be vulnerable to accidental encounters with the truth. These will send you into a relapse of being Red Pilled.
trump is just the "bad guy" ceo they hired to do all the layoffs and paycuts.
- boogey man to stoke racial tensions
- ramp up USA's aggression to NK and Iran so they will get a Rothschild controlled bank eventually
>I’m tired of being ostracized by friends and family
Still naming those who shun you because of your free think?
Maybe if you sell out they'll put you back on the christmas card list.
Leave Sup Forums. It's an echo chamber where any straying form the herd will result in being called a shill, so you learn to keep in step with the people around you. The line between parody and honesty dissolves.
The best thing to do is to leave and don't come back. Turn on parental controls to block the website. Add barriers to keep you away from it.
After that, take time to observe the world around you. Look at the people at grocery stores, on the street, at work. These people are totally unaware of Sup Forums and are living comfortable happy lives. Emulate them.Eat dinner at a family owned restaurant and see these people happy to run their business. Volunteer and observe people eager to work side by side with you.
Be good and be kind.
Good luck, user.
Trump may be an idiot.
Redpill is more about the ability to challenge social opinions. Some people are born redpilled honestly. They see through the bullshit.
Thats all it is. You can unswallow the redpill. It just takes time of being uncaring of your society. Just live life without questioning things.
Id say the only other option is to shitpost. Shitpost as hard as you can. Shit this board up as much as you can. This place is a hive mind at this point. Its a prison and we can't escape. So smear shit all over the walls. Burn it down.
This, too. Make posts about bestiality and see people bizarrely start arguing for and against it. Make threads about the wildest conspiracy theories you can and see people insist they've always been on the ground floor of the that TRUTH.
My best post in this place "What do you pretend to be on Sup Forums and what are you in real life?" and the start majority of people said "I'm pretending to be a national socialist, but I'm really more of a centerist."
We're all pretending here. Don't forget who you are, and the infinite love and compassion you are capable of as a human being.
An hero is only way. Life is pain. Those of us that are free can choose their burdens
you cant unswallow the red pill
you just have to deal with it
So we should subscribe to capitalist whorish culture? Trade blank cheque for blank cheque and dilute our nobler self for the mass of undefined moral grayness? No sir. The path of change is a hard won path of violence.
>comes to pol
>gets redpilled
>complain about getting redpilled
>gets forcedfed yet another redpill
not what you expected huh?
You missed the point you idiot. Destroy this place. This place is nothing but cancer that we are trapped in.
Morals dont matter here. Religion doesnt matter here. We are tied here because this is the only place thst accepts losers like us. Rejects. The failures.
lel k kike
This place should be destroyed. I was forcefed the red pill because I was alone, and now it has made me even more alone
there's a blue pill you can take in liquid form.
Sucks to be you then. I welcome my place as a disrupting force in a heap of Canadian liberals. I advocate for the self and in the interest of my self I do not acquiesce to the fearful mass. When I want something I chase it. When I'm unhappy I change it. If only you knew the strength of self determinism. Unfortunately for you, you choose conformity.
You are retarded if ya actually think Trump is stupid.
You're feeling helpless and depressed because you see issues that you're incapable of solving or controlling. Liberals have it easier on their end because they solve plenty of minor ones like the pink tax.
What you can do is volunteer, help your community, and lead by example. Fix yourself, don't rely on others to solve your issues because they'll let you down.
T. crypto-leaf
>red pill
Kek, your actually retarded if you think that blindly supporting Trump is red pilled.
Stop being an imbecile and support the principles and values YOU stand for and don't just blindly support whoever.
Unless your a beta numale faggot of course.
Easy. You just start watching tv, movies, Netflix, and sports in your spare time. And you will re re program your brain to be a little normie faggot once again... taking the full red pill is a sad depressing life. Much easier to just eat what the msm feeds you.
i find that helps, especially stand up comics, most are pretty blue pilled and make fun of us angry retards. learn to laugh at it
Not only that, but listened to that packed house laugh and agree. How we really are just a bizarre vocal minority when the rest of the world is getting on just fine without us.
Being redpilled is just so isolating and I’m kinda tired of feeling hatred all the time
It is, and you absolutely should take some time (or an entire lifetime) away from it. It will only compound and harden you in time, make it more difficult to feel much of anything.
The world is so vast, user. Go out and have some fun.
TRAVEL, meet people from other places. realize that we are all just trying to get by. . . except the jews of course
You don't belong here.
Normies get off my board! Reee!
True redpill is that you won't get punished no matter what, world is a fucked up place already, there is no proof of god, and if he does exist then he is supposed to be fair, no fair being would consider another being to be below it, if you are worried about your life not making sense or about being punished then just don't be. Best bet is finding a hobby and awaiting death peacefully. Existence itself is not a proof of meaning of life
Yea I think you can read about how bad the world is all day. But actually traveling and seeing for yourself is how you can tell if it is real or not... go to Europe see if it is Muslim infested and if they are that bad... go to America, see if we are all mulattos with shit between our butt cheeks...
Dude just continue using it while improving your life/outlook. By not having the capacity to synthesise information from offensive sources, you're retarding and censoring yourself.
I always tell people “tvs good for you it keeps you regular” they have no idea what im getting at
>see if we are all mulattos with shit between our butt cheecks
Gonna have to say no, california
Yea just turn on the tube and chuckle with live studio audience to some Stephen Colbert jokes relating to how dumb trump is... then you will be feeling one with the herd in no time.
Make new friends.
Lol. I like you. Maybe I'm gay after all.
Oh? The country being successful upset you? A robust economy a big problem for you? Faggot.
Trump is an idiot. He is still going to MAGA.
Maybe your family sucks and your friends are faggots. Want to unlearn the truth? scrap your brain with a spoon, user.