Little Witch Academia

What would be the best way to prepare a Sucy dish?

Previously on Little Witch Academia


I feel curious about Akko's vitals

Next Sunday on Little Witch Academia

>yfw you will never help a tiny witch trying to grab electronic replaces too high for herself
>yfw you will never hear her cute gasp when she find outs it was a guy who helped her
>yfw you will never seen how she runs away in embarrassment to one of her friends
>yfw you will never have the tiny witch introduce herself in a quiet shy voice telling you that her name is Constanze and she can't speak English very well
>yfw you will never lose yourself in her deep night sky eyes and ask her if she wants to go on a date
>yfw she's so surprised by the proposal that her response is a cute and soft "...Y-Yes..." before running away in embarrassment again

Why fucking live anons, why.

Also, I'll be doing more greentext of Constanze. I hate reading reused ones

Imagine being male student there. All you have to be is average looking and you're already set.

Swallow her whole raw.

Akko, I think I'm pregnant and you're the father

i wanna kick this mick


>you will never be as radical as Croix

the blanket looks like one large body

A reminder to not sucypost, as she is a sinful heathen and an affront to His goodness.

You think you're pregnant? I know I made you pregnant.

>Imagine being male student there
>Imagine being a male student at an all female school


>gosh user! you don't seriously believe in ethical capitalism, do you?

Of course not.

Imagine being Lotte

a witch (female (male))

Capitalism would be perfectly ethical if not for all those unethical capitalists.

You could always be warlock or something, besides as long as you're paying they don't give a shit about you.

To any drawfriend here, requesting this with mouse Akko.

>they keep you around as a "lab assistant"

I want Marjolaine to acknowledge my existence.

Which Witch do you want to see get BULLIED?

>lwa introduces a trap
How would you react Sup Forums

On the next episode of Little Witch Academia...

Fuck outta here, cunt.

I want to be bullied by them so hard.

How big is her collection of STDs?

I want Diana mercilessly belly-bullied


her crotch looks more like an alien mold patch then sexual organs.


Drawfag, if you're here, for the love of all things holy, please finish this.

>Akko will never tongue clean your navel

i said i'd finish it, despite someone telling me to knife my own eyes out

i'm just busy, wait until the weekend
i also have no idea what kind of line style to use

one of the background characters probably has an extra wand

What a cool beauty.


This is what freedom looks like

Hey guys, I was banned for a day yesterday

What happened yesterday?

When are they going to reveal that Diana knew Ursula was Chariot all along?

goodnight, lw/a/
make sure to remember to stay comfy

>this will never be you

Why live?

>US marine molesting rare female SS officer. Circa 1944

>you will never make Ursula blush as you squeeze her from behind

How big is her cock?

A bunch of world war two posts. Not joking when i say it would make a good OVA.

I got hard during that scene. Not my proudest fap.

>not "Aerial Observer's Photo of Troop Formations Directly After The Battle Of The Bulge; Colorized"

I don't remember this scene, is this one of BD extras?

Its time for magical abortion spell!

7.9 inches in length and 3.4 in girth

Last thread was Magic and Economics

not for long you aren't

That Lotte's seen some shit

>tfw no more gay barbara greentexts

Okay your's is better.

>mfw I got warned for something I posted over two days ago

Raw and wriggling.

>The way Hannah and Barbara look at each other while they bully Akko

They're really wet, aren't they?

They just discovered that they've got king for femdom.

I want to be Hannah.

Why can i only think about yugioh abridged

I bet you male students applied to Luna Nova not knowing it was an all girls school and the faculty was so desperate for funding they just turned the boys into girls and wiped their memory.

If it's still in the archives, the mods can still see it.

I once saw a janitor delete an archived thread while I was reading it.

Fetus Deletus!

What's with Sup Forums and their fetish for witch bellies?

They had a joke like that in the Duelist Kingdom saga

card games on broomsticks when?

I want H/B to pin me down and tease me while they take turns blowing my belly!

It's not just witch bellies. The show facilitates all kinds.

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Shiny Chariot the Wise? I thought not. It is not a story the witches of Luna Nova would tell you. It is a Shiny legend. Shiny Chariot was a Shiny Lord of Fun, so powerful and so wise that she could use her rod to influence magic to create yays... She had such knowledge of magic that she could even keep the ones she cared about from losing their yays. The fun side of magic is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. She became so powerful... the only thing she was afraid of was losing her yay, which eventually of course she did. Unfortunately, she taught the world everything she knew, then the world killed her yay in her sleep. Ironic. She could save others from losing their yay, but not herself.

mushrooms are best when sautés

Chariot was a total qt
>short hair
>red head
Seriously i can't imagine why after ending her career she didn't settle.

Croix is right

Guys I need to know, is Ursula a virgin?

>that bitch Ursula was using me all long

I'd have to prep the Sucy with by stuffing it with shroom.

fuck off

No, witches get more powerful the bigger sluts they are, it's the opposite of wizzards whose get stronger if they remain virgins. Like always women are natural whores.

Diana is shiny chariot?

Post yfw Croix is actually Shiny Chariot

Please stay, you're the only bright spot in these shit threads nowadays.


>Croix has high heels
>looks like wedge heels too


No, but seriously who is this artist?

>no toes
literally what is the point

Diana and Akko will not become friends.

Would you still a Lotte?

Can't wait for 1st episode with her, i wonder what she's like.

They'll become lovers instead

I'm not into men.

When I turn back around that shit better be deleted

>No one pays attention to my Constanze greentext

I guess I'll git gud on something else instead

>Lotte as seen by tumblr

cute, I can see her doing all of these

maybe your greentexts should have more lesbianism in them