Do you delete after watching?

Do you delete after watching?




I stream.


No, and anyone who does isn't a true anime fan - period.

Depends on the show.


I only DL shows that i know i'm gonna like, like when a new season of monogatari comes out, or if a show is insanely good, like Rakugo s1

i want to believe this is bait


But what should I do with all the anime if I'm never going to watch them again?

You can always re-download them.

Horriblesub releases, yes.
Other releases, depends how much I like it.

I swallow.

I burn them onto a DVD, then delete them.

I generally seed up to 2:1 or 3:1, then delete. Occasionally there will be one good enough to hang onto, though.

A lot of them aren't worth watching the first time, much less saving to watch again.

I used to save every anime, but then I would hardly ever rewatch them, so I delete after watching now. It only takes like 10 minutes maximum to download an entire series in 1080p off bakabt, so what's the point?

I will save an anime if it's harder to find, if I rewatch it often, or if I think I might want to show it to someone else.

hoard them forever in an external hdd
when you turn off your computer, unplug it and hide it it inside your dakimakura so you can make love to every waifu at once

Only if it wasn't worth to save. I deleted Gabriel Drop the past season, I mean, I wouldn't watch it again ever, would watch a second season, it was a nice show.

I only keep episodes that are really enjoyable or memorable, in case I want to rewatch them. Otherwise they're deleted. No reason to clog my memory with something I'll never feel like going back to.

I have a 16 GB Chromebook. Too right I do.

Only if it's not worth preserving. I've never actually gone back to rewatch anything so I don't know why I do this


Different user, but I stream too.
It's nice for currently airing things or shows I'm not sure I'll like; I'd rather not waste so much of my shitty bandwith and time only to find out within 30 seconds that I'm going to drop. Plus then I can be a lazy fuck and watch an episode or two in bed off my phone.
For good shit though, dl'ing: yes, and deleting afterwards: no.

I only keep shows that deserve rewatch.

Depends on how lazy I am. Sometimes I DL other times I stream. That being said I haven't watched anime in a very long time. Mostly just LN's/WN's/Manga.

why are there always those "funny" posts in every thread

Yeah. If I want to keep a series I'm going to download the BD rips later. No point in keeping the TV versions.

Archive and Encrypt.

Because the Reddit is real.

No. I put them on an external harddrive to hoard forever.

Seasonal stuff? No, I leave it seeding for the whole season. I only delete stuff from my BD/DVD archive/backlog if it's garbage.

for what purpose?

Just in case. I don't like having data out in the open.

For the most part. I won't delete everything I watch, but usually I'll just get rid of the shows I liked the least in order to make room for new ones and then repeat until there's no room on the drive left.

>downloading anime
Most anime is not really even worth downloading.
I stream most seasonal stuff, I have a small collection of anime that I enjoy rewatching.
If a seasonal show looks particularly good, however, I will put in the effort of finding a good sub group to download it from. That is fairly rare, however.
Sup Forums will sperg about streaming for some reason, but from what I have noticed those people care more about the subber group drama and the autistic technical details instead of the anime itself. Most people that sperg about it are low powerlevel plebs so I really do not care about their opinion. While they argue about upscaled this and bitrate that, I watch anime.

Yes for seasonal show.
Then I download the BDs.

You generally can't stream the newest stuff.

Other than that, sure. There's not really that big of a difference between shitty SD quality and full 1080p, and I have yet to see an anime where the difference between video quality will determine if it is any good. If I can watch the first half-dozen episodes on Crunchyroll or a stream site, they it will tell me if it is even worth following, much less hunting and downloading some decent quality.

Hell, if it ends up that good, then I will make the effort to acquire it. But I am not going to download full series of every anime I try, just on the off chance that one will be decent.

The truth of the matter really is that most anime are not visually driven, the art is pretty much the last priority in terms of story telling in the current era of anime. Rarely do we get shows that have visuals worth even remarking.
The art is made as cheaply and as quickly as possible, it just is not worth much visually.
So being adamant about the video quality really is not worth the effort

Can you repeat the question?

No, I seed forever.

Stop replying to yourself you stupid streamshitter.

>being so dense that you cannot believe more than one person holds the same opinion

nothing good will come out of hoarding it, ever