Was this the greatest moment of this board's history?
Was this the greatest moment of this board's history?
I wish they didn't shut this down.
None of the people who showed up were even white.
forgot link
It's the only time we were all United
From the natsocs to the Israelis
Less than a third of the posters on here are, have you seen the meet ups?
plot twist, he divided them
I really miss it lads
London's riots hands down! lol, britbongs in damage control with coons showing off loot in social media. Also fights and molotov cocktails in the videos (what else could one desire?) Followed by the haggening (short and recent).
Moots introduction to captcha was also nice because it removed a lot of spam back in the day.
Nighttime HWNDU was the most /comfy/ time ever on Sup Forums
Shit was so great that even movie stars like the fat guy from Harry Potter were caught stealing crap.
im happy to have attended
I have a feeling Farage rose to prominence after this. Its also heavily influenced Brexit.
HWNDU was actually against Islam. “He” was in lieu of Allah. Because of all the terrorist attacks worldwide. That’s why they put it in different countries. It confused people because it went up the same day Trump was inaugurated, rightfully so. But yeah, Allah Will Not Divide Us.
That Mitch Hedberg lookalike guy was my personal hero.
>Was this the greatest moment of this board's history?
watching white helmets get bombed
Nice history revisionism senpai.
They put it in different countries because Sup Forums destroyed their project in the USA.
Also you seem to be forgetting that shia was planning on chanting HWNDU for trumps entire terms
>Not citing calling in an airstrike on ISIS as the best time ever.
>Was this the greatest moment of this board's history?
just an early chapter in the book.
>mosies on up to a camera mounted outside of a bar in 'Querque, NM
>Ayooo, hol up was dis mayne? Gang gang, nigga, gang gang
I didn't watch TV for months, it was captivating.
Outstanding work, Joe and Maig!
>the airstrike
>zimmerman trial/ skype attack
>campaign 2016
Definitely the Ukraine riots
>happenings every day for like a fucking week
>watching live streams with anons from a simpler time with less LARPing faggots and shills
Good times
i miss kimmo with his anontalk spam now. it wouldve driven redditors off this site
Doesn't matter, never really had mattered. People showed up to troll shia, libtards and sjws. They were all united under that cause, and sure enough we got lots of quality laughs because of it. Threads were moving as fast as the old days of Sup Forums, and mods started policing them only to get btfo and ignored due to the interest in the topic. That's the kind of behavior the chans were built on, mods bent over backwards because they didnt have a choice. We always got what we wanted. The new blood never understood this. 2007 was when we had our own Sup Forums population replaced with refugees.
The day Sam Hyde showed up was the best day. Soooo many people were there.
based quadroon tittymonster
Paperboy was like steve urkel and the audience was Carl.
We cringed in fear everytime he announced he was on his way to HWNDU to be annoying
Back when I was underage I actually helped Sup Forums or whatever fucking board it was DDoS anontalk with the LOIC
>tfw 23 now
where's the link to the Discord
Outer Heaven Gang Gang
Zimzam of course
The polish kid that comes in at 3:16 in this video
Did this actually occur?
I demand a video
Oh let's see, getting news caster to call gunman in bunker "Jimmy Rustle" for one, then more recently ".... PEPEEEEE!" FOR starters...
Kys nu-pol faggots. Head back to le_donald
Probably still Jaffa calling desu senpai
Nevermind found it
The Dragonball image and the epic get.
What's your top three Sup Forums comfiness?
>1 Zimmerman trial
>2 Ron Paul & the whole 2012 election
>3 Ukraine crisis
Honorable mention for Brexit, Trump and the entire meme year from late spring 2016 to late summer 2017. Not a single event so I didn't list it, but fun times nonetheless.
The whole Ben Garrison thing was hilarious
I still quote shit from that stream and laugh to myself like a retard.
>He will no divide us cause I got the hepatitis
Late 2016/early 2017 was the pinnacle of Sup Forums. Nothing will ever top it unless the happening of all happenings occurs
This was
was that girl MAGA? she was laughing at them the whole time
she cute too
Absolute Plaidman and Spike Spiegel were the highlights of that stream.
>>the airstrike
>>zimmerman trial/ skype attack
these desu, as specific points in time. Otherwise, the whole MAGA run from beginning to end, starting with JEB! all the way to November 8th
>Sup Forums harbor
>every Israel-niggers conflict
>2016 election night
Sup Forums is the fastest board right now according to 4stats.io , I remember when it was much smaller and had better discussion with actual debates.
>Jaffa calling
That's when i knew i was hooked.
hi is this the reddit general
>no tay.ai
I can't be the only one
no, this is "your mother being a whore" general
It was kind of funny but it was just a chatbot
when jaffa fucking called
>Not one mention of the Dorner happenings
Zim Zam trails
What's the appeal of this place to you guys? Do you come here just to laugh at the stupid goyim and roleplay as happy merchants?
2007 was more like the equivalent of the Irish coming in
Zimmermans skype call was the crowning glory, infact all the trial was one of the best time i have ever had here, I was up to 4am every evening just laughing along on the board.
>Most suggests are post 2016
fucking hell
shit I miss HWNDU best Sup Forums generals by far.
Fuck no
Trump winning and the Zim Zam trials were the true Sup Forums moments, none will ever come close to these except maybe aylium disclosure
That was the great Sup Forums amerimutt meetup
That's just how Jew York is
post ffs
fucking dorks.
pmed you the fix
[thread closed]
I think Jaffa was. HWNDU is definitely up there though, especially the capture the flag raid. Pic related is highly underreated. That shit was a barrel of laughs.
The election sure was an entertaining night, especially when everyone started to realize that she was going to lose, I was shitposting so much everywhere the following days, it was wonderful. I doubt anything will ever top the level of butthurt caused that night, Sup Forums trolled the entire world that day, it still seems like a beautiful dream.
HWNDU brought out the best and the worst in Sup Forums a real upside down time.
But it showed a more conservative nature of Millennials. The ongoing Sam Hyde shitposting seems to be a bit bigger in the long run.
>The most ethnically diverse white supremacist group
Is antifa even trying?
you know, work.
Anyone have the clip of one of the sjw guys trying to fight 2 of our guys early in the morning
(some fag knocked a cigar out of our guys mouth or some shit and it popped off but there was a cop nearby)
>Bunch of mutts being attention whores
Nope, not even close.
It was certainly hilarious, loved that stream.
ZimZam jury deliberation day pretty good, ebola chan pretty cool, but Trump winning election was awesome. Next great happening will be great to watch. Either Cali gets nuked or Cali falls off country into ocean.
what is this
All quality Sup Forumstimes
Some guy set up an an animatronic Santa and Frosty in his shed. Had a website where it streamed over a web cam and you could type things in to a text to speech box and they'd say it. Dude's neighbors had to listen to Frosty and Santa rant about jews and niggers for like a month straight until he shut it down.
Based Rose
>this was five years ago
Holy crap I remember this.
Did he do it this year? I can't believe we missed this shit if he did.
I remember him saying shit like "gas the kikes" before the owner put some sort of word filter on it.