His waifu isn't disabled

>his waifu isn't disabled

Other urls found in this thread:


>his waifu has legs

>his waifu is sane

my waifu is a robot, she can be disabled or not whenever she chooses.

Broken goods? Send it back to Jesus.

She looks way too happy for being a cripple

>his waifu isn't code

She's really happy because I told her she's cute. All girls in wheelchairs are cute.

>his waifu cant wrap her legs around him when fucking


>His waifu exists in the same realm as he does

It hurts

Best girl

>princess carrying a wheelchair bound girl
Is there a greater pleasure in the world?

Joke's on you, my waifu's dead.

Fuck, I was just about to say the same exact thing.

she can't give double hjs, but i bet she finds a way

>tfw s2 never

She was about the only good thing about the whole show.

Not much to pick.

That's a pretty detailed wheelchair

The few wheelchair bound girls are the sexiest though.

If you pretend it's just someone sitting in a wheelchair for no real reason, does that kill your erection? Asking wheelchair fetishists.

>his waifu isn't dead

>Is there a greater pleasure in the world?

Princess carrying your imouto?

Her disabled doesn't mean she isn't a shit waifu OP

>wanting your waifu to be crippled

Why is she in a swimsuit if she can't swim?

It's not about swimming. It's about looking good for her boyfriend, me.


But is your waifu the messiah?

Jokes on you, I could park in the spot reserved for disabled people of any parkinglot with her.

That's what breasts are for


we've got the rockets


Since AB is on freeleech might as well download some stuff from this.


Wish she got more screen time in Horizon.

If I had a vidya husbando it would be Kane.



Mental retardation might be a disability, but it doesn't qualify for a disabled parking permit user.

>Ayako suffers from autism, and all kids in the class mock her except for Yuri - the only girl who shows some kindness towards her. Greatly appreciating that, Ayako gives Yuri a present - a beaded bracelet.

>Later, the school is preparing for the summer cultural festival, and Ayako's present inspires Yuri with an idea to make a decoration for one of the school's exterior walls - a giant picture made of ropes beaded with empty cans of different colours. All kids including Ayako then gather empty cans from all around the city and start creating the picture. However, the day before the festival is scheduled to open a typhoon hits the city, threatening to ruin the kids' hard work.

Why the fuck is this not subbed? Moreover why the fuck haven't I ever heard of this on Sup Forums.

It's a legit autism anime.

>having a crippled gf

Anal enabler.

Imagine what it would be like to bully a girl in a wheelchair. You ask her out on a date one day because you know she likes you. You spend a few weeks getting to know her, watching her fawn over you and you can tell she's in heaven when you take her around town. She loves that you don't treat her like a disabled girl at all, and the topic never even comes up, which she finds so refreshing.

Then, one day you take her out to a shopping mall. It's going like any other date, with you pushing her and talking and laughing. The mall is really crowded and you can feel people staring at the two of you. Finally, you've had enough. You stop in the middle of the mall, with everyone forming a ring around the two of you while you are stopped. You let go of the wheelchair and walk around to face her and tell her right there that you want to break-up.

She looks at you with a half smile on her face, as she was in the middle of telling you not to make a traffic jam. But she doesn't say anything anymore, because she realizes deep down that this day was coming. Of course this would happen, why would anyone want a broken girl like her? Her smile fades as you tell her it's really over.

Her eyes begin to water and she looks down, telling you to quit joking around. Some of the people have stopped at this point, staring at the scene. You can hear them whispering to each other. She refuses to look up, and has clenched her little fists in her lap. The tears are streaming down her face now. You tell her you don't want a broken woman as a wife, and that there's no way she could ever make you happy. She doesn't even fight back against the verbal abuse, those words have always been her deepest fear. The crowd of people who have stopped has grown larger, everyone's just looking at the two of you. You tell her one last time to never contact you again and you head out into the crowd. The bubble around her remains intact, with no one sure of what to do or if they even care enough to comfort her.


Fug. It's not on bakabt.


are you the shit who wrote the pasta about leaving the scarred girl in the forest


>Alignment : Stupid Evil

>His waifu is neither a cripple nor a delinquent

But she is.

Fuck yeah I was just about to post her

Physical or mental disability, Sup Forums?

Would you read a manga about handicapped girls doing lewd things?

Physical, of course.

Being bullied by the girl in the wheel chair is cuter than bullying her.

Can you put in on mega?






welcome, neo-Sup Forums


Wheelchair? I am OK with this.

Is there more or is that it?

I hope the mods publicly ban you for this


Her legs would be atrophied to hell

>Not having a disabled (recovered) waifu

>she wheels her way home

>she lives in the next city over


Physical, although it might be cute if she's only a little mentally retarded.

Is she a teenage robot, user?
She's underage, you know.

How tricked out is your waifu's wheelchair?

No, that's it. There are stories about a blind imouto, though.


Does being mentally/emotionally disabled count?


Who cares? Why would any man worry about some broken girl who could never be a good mother or lover. I'm sure some woman from the crowd wheeled her to the bathroom and helped her fix up her make-up which was ruined from crying. She probably told her that she's better off without you, even though everything you said was true.

She probably called a cab to get home, and then decided to lock herself away for a while. From then on, dealing with men in public and even seeing them brings back memories of that day. She refuses to go to any shopping mall, and does most of her shopping online so no one has to see her ruined and worthless body. She considers suicide for a while, slipping further into a depression than she's ever before, but ultimately doesn't have the guts to do it. Instead she just lazes around the house, collecting welfare and saving it away. She actually keeps most of her cash in a jar labelled "wedding fund", which she originally made when she started dating you. She has since X'd out the words and instead continues putting money in there with no real end goal in mind.

Is it bad that I really, really want a paraplegic 3D waifu?

Fuck you nigger

go on

Repost your Rikka one.

You will never have a handicapped tomboy imouto to "assist" with her orgasm.

Everyone thinks the girl is cute. You think being disabled is cute and gives her a certain charm. You feel you want to protect her.

Until reality sets in. She needs helps doing everything, from using the bathroom to getting out of bed. She can't wash herself all that well so she smells a bit weird.

Later, when she's older, she'll have to shit in a bag because she's too weak to get out of the chair to use the toilet. You'll have to clean it.

But keep thinking it's cute, nii chan

This isn't allowed to be posted here. Disabled girl's are not for bully.

I hate you but I also hate myself for continuing to read this. I suppose it's just fueling my fantasy of doing the exact opposite.

This is over the line man.

The more retarded she is the purer the love is.

2D girls don't poop silly.

being in wheelchair=/=being a vegetable


Would you anons help your disabled girl bath and change her diapers eveyday?


That's my fetish.
>tfw there's so little diapered disabled girls art

Of course, why wouldn't I?

If your waifu isnt in the list she dies in her sleep tonight


>That pic
But user, she has a boyfriend who is more than happy to princess carry her up and down those stairs everyday

Is there a chart of disabled waifus?

>this thread again

You can tell yourself you'd do the opposite, but the truth is after a while you'd just want to wash your hands of her. She's a hassle, needy, a lot of work for what amounts to half (or less) of a woman. She's always going to be battling a chip on her shoulder, a chip that says she's not good enough, not pretty enough, not worthwhile. And that eats away at her no matter what you do. Even if you marry her she'll stay awake at night and think that you're going to leave her because of her disability.

And she'll tell you this, a lot. Sometimes when she's falling asleep she'll whisper that she hopes you still love her. Sometimes in the morning when you're getting her out of bed and carrying her to her wheelchair, she'll hope onto you tight and ask if you're going to be around forever. It's a deep self-conscious issue that she will never truly get over, and over time you're going to ask yourself the same questions. Will you really be able to do this forever? Sometimes you would like to sleep in and have her bring you breakfast, but that's not going to happen. Sometimes you want to let her do the shopping alone, and that's not going to happen. Sometimes you'll see a fine able bodied girl on the street with a seemingly endless amount of energy, and you'll realize you want that.

Leaving her won't be easy no matter how you go about it. At the end of the day, though, it's going to hurt her. A lot. She will blame herself for it. She probably won't even look at you during the breakup, just down or maybe even close her eyes. "It's not you, it's me..." you'll say, but all she'll hear is "It's you, freak.". Those lazy days she enjoyed being carried around, those fun trips to the store, the park. She'll realize what a colossal burden she was and how selfish and stupid she was to imagine it lasting forever.