Guys, fan service is bad because anime is art, mmmkay?
Guys, fan service is bad because anime is art, mmmkay?
inb4 another 600 replies
fuck off with your shilling, nobody wants to discuss or post shinmai so stop fucking forcing it every day.
Those are some nice titties.
Agreed. Sadly Sup Forums is full of boy-chest loving homosexuals. You won't find many comrades here.
>tfw no 2D mommy gf to give you a nursing handjob
good thread
Thanx breh
Those are some horrendous proportions. This artist needs to go back to school.
Fanservice is good BECAUSE anime is art
Why must one arbitrarily limit the medium because it doesn't match someone's sensibilities? There is anime with plenty of depth and I do want more in the future but I also want more yuri harem SoL animal girls piloting ecchi mechs in a medieval fantasy world (with powerlevels).
Does anybody else get the feeling that her torso and shoulders are too wide? I cant help but imagine a she has a body builder chest with tits.
Only male fanservice is bad. Female fanservice is art, and the various mangaka and animators who indulge in it have elevated it to an art form.
Male fanservice should either stick to niche homo magazines for gay men or women's drama cds.
Since when did art refer to anything other than visual quality? Kill yourselves my normalfriends.
For quite a long time now, maybe since Impressionism but unquestionably so since Dadaism.
since postmodernism
no wonder art is dead
That fanservice is bad because the art is bad, yes.
Her head is too small, too. Her waists and hips are a bit of a mystery, as well. And I'm fairly certain her arms are too short.
Why do real world implications matter on a cantonese cartoon imageboard? I'll enjoy and praise art(visual quality) since that's the most important part of this medium.
Because those real world implications are older than anime or the internet.
They are also worthless just like the people who created them so I don't see the argument.
>yuri harem SoL animal girls piloting ecchi mechs in a medieval fantasy world (with powerlevels)
Not that user, but you can't tell me you wouldn't find that an entertaining show.
This edgy underageb&.
It sounds like one of the worst things ever.
No fucking way! It would be DELIGHTFULLY chaotic!
edgy yes
but it is true
Not an argument you ugly roach.
No user, this is what a non-argument looks like:
isn't that the point of this thread?
not a fan of lul so random shit so probably wouldn't think it was entertaining, would definitely be interested though, "ecchi mechs" is novel enough on its own
How does pic related make you feel?
OP is clearly bait, so the thread has no point.
>muh arguments
Jizzed about 5 times to your pic. Would've been 6 but I ran out of tissues. Why do you ask?
How would something have worth to me if it has done nothing to benefit and appeal to my life and standards? At least I'm not autistic enough to think that they can speak for everyone. Just take that shit back to where it belongs.
remove hags and the children who love them
Do you know everything about the cultural developments that influenced the things you like or dislike? Well actually, fuck it, it's too late to get into this shit kind of shit with an egocentric teenager.
I don't think it's random at all
I can see it working if the writing is good setting is creative and characters are likable.
but then again that's true for most anime, art or no art
Can we just have a favorite fanservice thread and be done with it?
you'd have to decide between SoL or mechs/powerlevels (which implies battles to me), and medieval fantasy or mechs to make shit gel, unless the mechs were magic golems or something which would be pretty fucking cool
What is the best type of fanservice Sup Forums? and why is it yuri?
>tfw the best fanservice garbage is over
>those shoulders
It's all just a hypocritical mess anyways.
I love Mios jumbo tiddies
Nobody cares that you waste years of your life on pointless shit that nobody cares about, gramps.
Screaming about it here won't win you any new friends.
Anything with bunnies and skimpy sci-if outfits tickles my fancy.
have you heard of a little studio called Gainax?
>fanservice is bad
>yet Carnival Phantasm is well liked in Sup Forums
only liked by the people it's pandering to. That's generally how fanservice works.
Didnt notice til the fags started complaining but she has some broad ass shoulders
I thought it was fucking hated on Sup Forums
I think only Illya is well loved though I guess it makes the same point
Blame moderation for letting shitposters run wild for the past 3 years.