can any of u christifags even prove Jesus Christ existed
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can any of u christifags even prove Jesus Christ existed
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He didn't.
Abraham isn't real.
King Solomon isn't real. Solomon = Sol o Mon = Sun and Moon
Moses isn't real
Christ refers to your brain. The two pillars of king solomons temple = the left and right side of your brain, why do you think they're called temples.
Prove the words weren't spoken by a man. We call that man Jesus.
Christ = Cristalline
that's not the point of the bible you fucktard
back to Petersons basement cucks
Christ = the unified man
the four points of the cross represent the four elements.
The cross itself represents dense matter or the material world
We (Mankind) are trapped into the material world based on our 5 senses and the four elements.
Abraham = Abra a ham = Ape ham
Heaven is not a place you go to when you die.
Heaven also referred to as 7th Heaven is a person reaching the highest point of consciousness.
The Cube represents the material world. The matrix we are trapped in.
They are ENAMORED AND OBSESSED with 666 because it represents self.
Humanity are carbon based life forms.
Mans greatest sin is pride in oneself.
Forget to change your flag before posting mongo?
Ark of the covenant refers to the arcing properties of electricity. Anyone other the priests who would touch the ark would be electrocuted.
Jews worship the god EL
The holy trinity.
Romans have documentation of Jesus existing
no historians deny that Jesus existed and neither should anyone who wants to not be considered an uneducated idiot.
Jesus existed and that is a historical fact.
Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist and crucified are also agreed upon by historians to be fact
Tacitus is a non-Jew source who referred to him as Christus.
He existed but he was just a political rabble-rouser.
Breaking news:
Jesus's passport miraculously found amidst ancient rubble.
News at eleven.
Prove, that corporations and universal law existed before Jesus.
Also prove, that earth is more than 6000 old.
Consider, that isotope dating is a meme, as far as there is faint young Sun paradox.
Ape ham = black africans
True Israelites are BLACK
"True" (in materialist sense) israelites are dead to mudslime contest in 7-8th century.
>dodging the thread topic
Prove that carbon dating actually works and isn't a Jewish trick
We even have human artifacts from before that time, for just 6000 years there is no debate even if isotope dating is a meme
also if you're not a retarded stormkike there's non Biblical Jewish historical documentation that corroborates the Roman documentation
though the Bible is a historical document anyways and God is theTruth and the Light
Jesus Christ's existence is pretty much universally accepted by historians. There is a whole lot of extra biblical evidence that He was real. One quick google search will show you that if you actually care.
All of these were real though and they are all in heaven as it turns out
There were many carpenters in Israel when Jesus walked the Earth, but none were announced beforehand by prophecy spanning thousands of years. There have been many prophets, priests, and Kings throughout history. All are in their graves today except one: Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
We each give testimony to Jesus Christ each time we write a check, sign an article or save a file, because we each time affix to it the date showing the numbers of days, months and years since the birth of Christ. Had Jesus not been raised from the dead, he'd been denounced and forgotten, and we'd all be measuring time from some other event.
Add to this the testimony of Moses and the prophets, who foretold this event (not to mention the restoration of Israel) and we have a problem: Jesus Christ is coming back and there's nothing we can do to stop him.
Forget reality believe what I believe
Fuck trannies and fuck semites (christians jews muslims)
False AF it is widely questioned by secular historians and biblical scholars..
Couldn't possibly just be that the Romans needed a placated populace or anything.
he did, do your own research you lazy fuck
Evas name was ALICE
Thats all I remember. And that I am billiins if consuosnesses at once. Oon't ask more desu we furget for a reason
You listening to Jim Carey again? Hes high on meth in Seattle dumb ass
Religion requires faith.
Faith requires blind belief.
Blind beliefs are unbacked opinions.
Unbacked opinions should be discarded.
Religions should be discarded.
who is Tacitus who is Josephus what is a library you illiterate nigger
Muh Shroud of Turin
They can't, otherwise they would have done it
edgy atheist here
jesus existed, but most of the stuff in the bible is exaggerated (cured blind man = man with bad vision)
I just recently researched this and Jesus did indeed exist as a historical figure. Most of my adult life I’ve been under the impression he was entirely fictitious but uh, I was wrong. You can find the facts online like I did. Has this changed my lack of faith within organized religion? Not really, but that’s besides the point. Jesus was a living person.
As someone of waning faith, what you did there... I like.
Jesus the man definitely existed however he was no messiah
Well obviously. He is -clearly- a 'faith healer' that teaches his followers how to do the same.
Thats why he couldn't peddle his 'son of god' shit in his HOMETOWN, they'd already gotten wise to his shit, and so he had to go peddle it elsewhere.
I think the EVIDENCE POINTS TOWARDS the conclusion that after his life a bunch of thinkers decided to use the story of his life (and possible martyrdom?) as a bunch of political leverage towards certain goals (special treatment of jews, political advancement of monotheism)
but the TL*DR is 'Magic isn't real. Without evidence of magic, why would you assume it could ever be real, what are you, a fucking idiot?'
"Ee's NOT the Messiah! Ee's a very naughty boy!"
MP - LoB
He probably didn't exsist but the words attributed to him are the truth.
Christianity was the result of triumphal win of Hellenistic Judaism over orthodox Judaism.
Are you fucking retarded?
Ok, lets start with the simple shit.
You get that the story of Moses is a complete ripoff of the PREVIOUSLY EXISTENT story of Sargon, right?
Or are you completely ignorant of the scripture you're claiming is 'true'?
big if true
All I know is that Jesus' name didn't show up till a later volume of the Judaic Talmud where he's boiling in shit.
You ask if he's retarded then proceed to fail at debunking his stance. Also it's important to be sure of knowing or estimating which story came first, because I've heard in later years when Christianity was already existing the Hindu's adopted at least one thing from Christianity. Jews also as far as I'm aware were the second first people who had an alphabet, that by itself can lead to further implications.
Non-Christian records about Him (Flavius Josephus - Jewish historian for example).
Moreover, don't you consider it a little bit too elaborate scheme, for one to preach a religion based on Judaism by inventing entirely fictional character, only for that character to scorn your own infidelity to him (st. Peter rejecting Jesus three times) and for that character to die only to be resurrected?
Wouldn't it be simpler for them to just write
>We had a revelation from YHWH
>So just follow us, ok?
Or if they wanted to fit into Messiah prophecy:
>Messiah was born, but he became disgusted with pharisees, so he just left and will return only when all Jews will adhere to the new Law given to us
Also, if they (Apostles) preached only for their own benefit, then why they wouldn't reject it when faced with persecution and death? How is dying for religion they know to be made up, beneficial to them?
Couldn't possibly just be that you don't want to be told how to live and that what you're doing is immoral.
You don’t prove that God (or the son of God) exists. That puts the metaphysical within the realm of physical investigation.
Instead you have faith—you surrender some small part of your autonomy to an idea bigger than you and beyond your power to investigate or control—and you lead your life according to the moral precepts that arise in consequence of your faith, just as you surrender some autonomy in order to live according to the expectations of your society.
does this mean that god crafted abraham from the union of pig and ape dna?
there is nothing to prove that the Census in the story of Jesus ever actually took place,
>Mans greatest sin
I'm pretty sure it involves priests, muslims and little kids
>Tacitus is a non-Jew source who referred to him as Christus.
Tacitus is a non-Jew source who most likely referred to someone else as Christus.
Yes, your constant efforts as kikes to deny His existence are enough to know Christ was (and is) very real.
>extrapoints if you fell very threatened by truth in general ;)
>lead your life according to the moral precepts that arise in consequence of your faith
>live according to the expectations of your society
Are you saying there is no morality without religion? That would be quite an asinine stance to take.
Why 'surrender autonomy' to two governing systems (faith and society) when one would suffice? Or do you not think religion is a form of governance?
Feels are not proof.
Well, they are to YOU, but to actual functioning literate adults they are not.
>Sol o Mon = Sun and Moon
>political leverage
Yeah, that's why a lot of early Christians were executed, including some of the writers of the gospels.
You're a moron.
The two pillars to King Solomons temple
They represent the sun and the moon.
Boaz and Jachin.
The shroud truly is an amazing relic. Watch the history channel special on it. It is on youtube. Called "the real face of jesus." Explains everything in detail.
the shroud is confirmed fake you idiot
> trying to peep post and failing this badly
Even the Jews admit he existed.
>prove Jesus Christ existed
Christianity is based on mindless, blind faith.
I think I contracted Hep A, B, and C by looking at that pic, thx OP
look into the bicameral mind for an interesting take on why people of antiquity thought they "heard" God
The first-century Roman Tacitus, who is considered one of the more accurate historians of the ancient world, mentioned superstitious “Christians” (from Christus, which is Latin for Christ), who suffered under Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius. Suetonius, chief secretary to Emperor Hadrian, wrote that there was a man named Chrestus (or Christ) who lived during the first century (Annals 15.44).
Flavius Josephus is the most famous Jewish historian. In his Antiquities he refers to James, “the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ.” There is a controversial verse (18:3) that says, “Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man. For he was one who wrought surprising feats....He was [the] Christ...he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him.”
Julius Africanus quotes the historian Thallus in a discussion of the darkness which followed the crucifixion of Christ (Extant Writings, 18)
Pliny the Younger, in Letters 10:96, recorded early Christian worship practices including the fact that Christians worshiped Jesus as God and were very ethical, and he includes a reference to the love feast and Lord’s Supper.
The Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 43a) confirms Jesus' crucifixion on the eve of Passover and the accusations against Christ of practicing sorcery and encouraging Jewish apostasy
TIL I'm Jesus.
Lucian of Samosata was a second-century Greek writer who admits that Jesus was worshiped by Christians, introduced new teachings, and was crucified for them. He said that Jesus' teachings included the brotherhood of believers, the importance of conversion, and the importance of denying other gods. Christians lived according to Jesus’ laws, believed themselves to be immortal, and were characterized by contempt for death, voluntary self-devotion, and renunciation of material goods.
Mara Bar-Serapion confirms that Jesus was thought to be a wise and virtuous man, was considered by many to be the king of Israel, was put to death by the Jews, and lived on in the teachings of His followers
Then we have all the Gnostic writings (The Gospel of Truth, The Apocryphon of John, The Gospel of Thomas, The Treatise on Resurrection, etc.) that all mention Jesus
There is overwhelming evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ, both in secular and biblical history. Perhaps the greatest evidence that Jesus did exist is the fact that literally thousands of Christians in the first century A.D., including the twelve apostles, were willing to give their lives as martyrs for Jesus Christ. People will die for what they believe to be true, but no one will die for what they know to be a lie.
It is not. It was the only case in history of a collective hysteria caused by a fanfiction, when many people who claimed that they had seen Jesus were killed in the most atrocious ways in different years and places. But one must be a strong believer to believe in an unique ammount of coincidences. As I'm skeptical and lazy, I'll keep with Josefus and Tacitus believing Jesus was/is real.
Atheism is based on Nihilism, and Being a total faggot to anyone who believes in a Religion.
The Bible.
The proof God always planned to sacrifice his son (mentioned in genesis, even appearing therein to Abraham) is in the covenant between Abraham and God wherein God promises his offspring will be a blessing to all nations. That's not the Jews, that's Christ, who descended from Abraham, phsycailly anyway.
Also God asking Abraham to sacrifice his son and trolling him was foreshadowing.
This was 1000 years before Christ, mere men could not have written this story.
You're telling me millions upon millions of people have died, are dying today and will continue to die for Jesus Christ's sake. All because they decide to believe a lie?? That makes no sense whatsoever. How can you explain this??!
Pic related.
Good luck and God bless
>lil peep was depressed
I'd be depressed too if I was so fucking gay I got tattoos all over my face at 18. Just looking at this faggot makes me sick. I'm glad I never heard of him till he died.
>implying the bible is real
>pic not related.
normie faggot trash. opinion discarded.
What do you think they just made up the OT in the times AFTER Jesus? What do you mean the bible is not real?
Gullible idiots = Money
Jesus was a Jew, he knew what was up.
By the way, we only have Greek texts today because Quintilian at 1st century wrote a book called Instituto Oratoria where he recommended they had to be read. Before that they passed from generation to generation by memorization techniques, the same way at the end of Fahrenheit 471. New Testament was memorized in the same way.
I was ironic.
we have pictures and books about him and even roman soldiers describe him in letters sent to rome, like do you even read lul
How do you empirically prove that a human existed 2000 years ago when there are no remains?
Atheists don't run off of logic, only soy and estrogen fueled irrationalism.
>blind belief
Want to know how I know you've never read the Bible?
It's the creepiest book ever if everything in it is a coincidence.
Sure. Right after you enumerate and prove more than two biological genders, and explain how they are differentiated between eachother and how the mechanics of transgenderism do not meet the criteria of mental illness/disease/disorder