If you could swallow the blue pill and forget all the time you've spent on Sup Forums, would your life be better or worse?
Would you do it?
If you could swallow the blue pill and forget all the time you've spent on Sup Forums, would your life be better or worse?
Would you do it?
You can't swallow the bluepill after taking the redpill
probably better because ignorance is bliss
probably not because ignorance is execution worthy
Once you see the truth you cannot go back to the lie liberals have been living in. Their world is a delusion that cannot exist in the end should they get their way someone will come along and enslave them or worse.
What lies are they living in?
Sup Forums is shit for info. The blue pill would need to be darker. OP's pic related.
> IPAs are drinkable
no, cause then i gonna have to take the red pill again
I like an IPA every once in a while
If I could swallow a blue pill to start again, one million miles away, I would keep myself, I would find a way.
I sure as hell fucking would
it wouldn't really change
I've been here for 5 years and you faggots and your zionist conspiracies aren't even remotely convincing to anyone with average level IQ
>inb4 stormkike infographs
I've seen it all before you stupid autist they're all verifiably wrong
anyways I was already coming to anti liberal conclusions long before I came to Sup Forums
all Sup Forums did was help me argue better and my views on gay marriage wouldn't be any different because seeing the disgusting world we live in today is more than enough to realize the mistake gay marriage was
What a faggot. Why do you retarded redditors come here and name fag? Guarantee you've spent exactly 0 days in the armed forces. Kill yourself.
chances are, you were an unlikable and miserably pos before u swallowed any "red pills", so no it will not make any difference to 99.99% people on this board
Nope, not for any reason. No regrets.
>he thinks "four chan" reveals such mysteries as to be considered "red pilled"
oh sweetie, if only you knew
1.definatley better
2. In a heartbeat
There’s a lot of truth in the phrase “ignorance is bliss”
then you are a homosexual
I’d probably be a democratic socialist. This site saved my from a soy heavy diet.
>ignorance is bliss
so is enlightenment
>take redpill
>want to defeat bluepilled zombies as a result
>take bluepill
>want to defeat redpilled zombies as a result
>reddit spacing
>spacing reddit as a result
there's no rest if you take pills
I already held all of my current views and arrived at them independently. Rather than shaping my beliefs, Sup Forums has merely affirmed that I am not alone in holding them. I remember the first time I saw the "DAS RIGHT" meme I thought to myself "I am home. These people have elegantly put into meme the exact thoughts and feelings that I have"
Sup Forums didn't 'redpill' me, the world did.
Nope why would I want to do that? Sup Forums, and the Internet in general, is the final frontier for our current civilization. Our Faustian spirit has taken us here and this is the only place left that is still alive, still producing art that reflects the spirit of our age. Western civilization has been reaching toward the infinite and in its final years it produced a whole new world to conquer. Others may look down on me, or call me crazy, but it is their loss. I have found my place in the world and it fills me with hope, despite it being the winter of our civilization.
>forget all the time you've spent on Sup Forums
so i would only remember my time in the 90's? that would be all alex jones and david icke then
not a normie, so no. i'd realize there's something wrong with the world, but without the redpill, i'd never know why. that shit would be maddening desu
Yea, I would. Liberals seem happier, they’re more social and get along better. Looking for reasons to hate people or think I’m better than them just makes people hate me, even if I think I’m being sneaky about it they know I’m judging
My sister used to be conservative and now she's a democrat
I blackpilled and redpilled myself as a young kid. Sup Forums gave me some hope in the world and was a positive influence in my life. Not joking.
That's why. Democracy is retarded in general, but women especially should have never gotten the vote. So sad, seeing young women fall to degenerate conditioning. Why anyone would go from a qt dress to dyed butch hair and nose rings is beyond me.
Sup Forums literally is the blue pill. Actually investigate any of their conspiracy theories, and see it is all nonsense
Confirmed newfag
Sup Forums isn’t that old
Actually she is married and has a child of her own. She's not a Tumblr user or anything like that
Do you really think people here can be classified as conservative? It would be better to describe the people you find here as romantics or reactionaries. Moving between GOP and Dem is not that difficult because nearly identical except the GOP just lags behind a few years.
i know but im a weirdo and refused to turn digital until around 2012. i didnt even have a cell phone until then. i guess i consider everything before that "the 90's"
>Jews don't have massive overrepresentation in positions of power, more than their average IQ would imply
>Jews aren't at the forefront of degenerate social movements
Your boomer is showing. This is some serious denial, and it's why "conservatives" like you conserve nothing in the end. You're franically mopping blood off the floor without even dressing a gaping bullet wound to your chest, then you wonder why the blood never runs out.
No life would not be better, I'd be older and have to learn it all again.
I'd rather have gotten on Sup Forums when I was 8 like some of you.
>forget all the time you've spent on Sup Forums
That would be horrific. Seriously, like 8+ hour memory holes every day for the last 12 years.
>M-muh diversity
>I like an assfucking every once in a while
Yeah, totally not gay bro.
Sorry, just loose associating. Women vote emotionally, so even if they don't do something themselves, they will still encourage it on a societal level at the ballot.
Then perhaps the GOP isn't conservative, if they never conserve anything? All a guy from 1900 would have to do to be labeled "literally worse than Hitler" in today's society is to just keep his views consistent. He's conservative, not the deluded boomers that suck off Reagan and his class of sapient shriveled kike foreskins.
Idk.. I know people on here have many different views. I too am female and am conservative. Been com ing here and reading right wing twitter to find out what's going on. I also took an i.q. test a few days ago after seeing so many posts about I.Q. It turns out my i.q. is 140
better if i could also forgot about sick shit like elsagate/tor and bitcoin/eth price
Let me guess, you're a lolbertarian?
Otherwise, be my fashy gf.
I discovered Sup Forums in 2007 and lurked for years. I was redpilled, kinda, but Sup Forums wasn’t as vehemently anti-Semitic and racist back then. If it was, I thought it was a joke. It kinda sucked me in for a bit, and it definitely desensitized me. I lurked frequently for years, until 2012, then only lurked infrequently. I’m basically blue pilled now, I have a normal life and professional career, people who love me, and don’t believe in the conspiracies peddled here because I know from experience with powerful and weak alike that humans are bumbling fools just trying to get along. I think once you accept that most people are just doing the best they can, the redpill fades away on its own naturally.
that never happened
Well lots of my views are libertarian but I'm a republican. I'm a trump supporter. Voted for the first time in the 2016 election because I was finally old enough. I voted trump. I'm also 20 and will turn 21 soon. I may be too young for you
My first time voting was for Ron Paul and boy the times do change. There’s hope for you yet
There aren't any Jewish people in my family. There's Slovaks, Italians, Germans, Irish, and Brits
>believing an internet IQ test
typical drumpf voter
Says the guy with low I.Q. lols u mad?
>goes on Sup Forums
>denies zionist conspiracy
>calls us stupid for believing it
>goes on to gripe about fucking gay people
You're either incredibly stupid, or you're one of them. Good goy, have a shekel.
>Well lots of my views are libertarian but I'm a republican.
Still holding out for pic related, then...
>tfw no non-degenerate authoritarian gf
It's always either a personally moral, but politically off-putting lolbertarian, or a fashy but sexually promiscuous girl. Are you a WN, at least?
>I'm a trump supporter.
Still? Campaign Drumpf was hilarious, but he got kiked like the rest of them.
>Too young
I'm 19, m'lady.
Worse, I would never ever trade knowledge for ignorance. If you're too weak to handle the redpill without becoming less of a man you don't need to be spreading your genes.
I don't want degenerate promiscuous sex. Disgusting! That goes against my religion and women who tend to participate in risk behaviors end up having problems with depression and other crap. no thank you
>are you a WN at least?
wtf man I hope you get your dick smashed in with a crowbar
I don't either, that's my point.
But almost all of the moral women these days never support robust efforts to improve public morality--i.e., they're lolbertarian.
I strongly suspect you to either be a male and/or think that serial monogamy is acceptable.
but I'm not a male
This. Alternative thinkers who have contrary opinions to the public will always exist. No one's opinions are created from visiting here, just reinforced. Chances are if you're on here, you've always held these opinions (or diluted versions of them) and you just found a place where they're common. Kind of a refuge from a world of bleeding-heart femmes.
You type very analytically and are somewhat detached from your claimed gender. Either you're a rare spergy female, or you are acting like a female to redpill people. I agree with your trips , it's true, but it doesn't read like a woman's writing. Further, I noticed you didn't get defensive over my comment about female voting patterns (rightfully so, since I was referring to women as a group rather than something descriptive of EACH woman); again, not something typically seen from female posters.
In a word, you are too close to the male ideal to be real.
As soon as I wake up I come to Sup Forums now. I just want all pedos dead and hilldawg to burn. Then I'll self ban.
Been lurking for like a month.
Ive come to accept there is no way out. Seriously. It's the same shit over and over.
I hate all you faggots.
Have a great day.
Dude you are such a fucking creep lol I can almost taste your loneliness through the screen
I mean I have gotten easily offended in the past but I want to change that. I don't want to be weak. A lot of right wing twitter I read is all male. The one who taught me about politics for the most party before pol is my father. I did learn a few things from my mother and Milo
>said by a self-admitted bluepilled faggot
Your words are meaningless.
The redpill was too much for you, and you broke under pressure. You keep coming here to deride the personifications of the truth, posters like me, in the hopes that suppressing our voices on the outside will make the little voice inside your head shut up and let you have peace.
Okay, you're going overboard now. You have to drop memes only sparingly if you want to be convincing.
I'm gonna go now then.
No. The red pill has made me a better man. I saw all the cultural rot that is infecting society and I cleaned my act up.
I quit sleeping around and I quit smoking weed. I now only have a drink perhaps once a month, if that. I rarely watch TV or (((Netflix))). I found a girlfriend that was virgin, homeschooled, and redpilled by her parents. I will probably marry and have kids with her. The redpill changed me for the best, but for those with weak will and a poor social milieu, the redpill can turn you into a stewing, self-righteous introvert, bent on self destruction, just like a bluepilled fag. Use the truth to make real world changes in yourself first, then move onto social change.
Get boners everytime I wake up without nihtmare precluding it. Fuck off, priapism is a bith though, it's hard to walk off an 8incher 5'5 girht off. But it passes in time, just wear enough clothes to conceal.
>whamen (infinately malleable)
You're just dumb, they will go with whatever is there to emulate. It's fucking ridiculous when you observe what they wear. It MUST be the knewst fashion shit there is. Otherwisse they will feel completely destroyed. Meanwhile males sport whatever they choose. I for ex 20 yo jacket that I lended to friend in college to abuse in skateboarding that holds well cause I paid good money for it. Why the fuck would I replace it? It does what it's suppose to do. It's red and grey, doesn't conform to anything on the street atm, the brand is saleva I think. Goes well with barely hanging jeans and cheap adidas sneackers. Tell me why would I change any of this when I have occupation that does not rely on image. I still turn heads cause my facial features and balding indication I could take care of a female - I can't I'm a genetic end, but it is kind of fun to wath.
Is that the HIV prevention pill they make now for promiscious fags and trannys?
Sup Forums pol is the blue pill.
Now you know.
I'm already an introvert in a leftist shithole, what the fuck am I supposed to do?
wake up with no memory of you did in the last 10 years.
dont know how you grew an beard in the span of single night, find my pee botles.
wtf why i have an trump dakimakura?
my dick has the exact shape of my hand on it.
>Sup Forumsocks thinking they're awake to anything
The redpill is full of hatred and nothing else, it attaches to your basest primal impulses and fears until you submit. Fear of others and hatred of others is no way to live, it’s isolating and cruel.
What will you do if your child turns out gay, or dates a black person?
Isolating and cruel is what I would call the atomization of society at the hands of globalists and hedonists. The destruction of race and religion is a systematic effort to rid people of any identity other than that which can be packaged and sold, keeping them as subservient sheep.
yeah dude they arent even democrats like us!!
No one in America is stopping you from worshipping whatever you want. As for racial purity, you can marry a white chick and have white babies if you want, but I’m not sure why you think you own other white people or are entitled to a white race and can stop them for loving or procreating whomever they choose
>The redpill is full of hatred and nothing else
How could one person be so mistaken. The red pill is the truth,nothing more. If after removing the web of lies that surround you and all you have found is hate that is reflection of you inner character and not the truth. I may only be speaking for myself but the truth has grounded me. In finally understanding our world and my place in it I have been filled with hope and love. Western civilization may be nearing the end but I know my people will survive and thrive. How do I know that? It is because I have made my mind and body ready and I know there are many men of my race are doing exactly that because like me they have seen the truth.
>No one in America is stopping you from worshipping whatever you want.
Please, marriage has been utterly destroyed since the 60s. I'm not concerned about religion per se, but rather its moralizing effect. Leftists and lolbertarians treat society like it exists in a vacuum, that it has no connection to individual actions, but it does. Try being pro-white in a society that is anti-white. Try finding a girl who waits until marriage when people think casual sex is normal and fun.
Everyhing about society these days, furthermore, is about trading away permanent losses for temporary (perceived) gain--impulsive, promiscuous sex is 'fun', therefore people throw away their ability to pairbond; you can't be "racist", so people throw away their millennia-old bloodlines to become single mothers, etc.
People should hold each other to moral standards for the betterment of society, rather than a fatalistic "live and let live" which just results in squalor across the board.
> I’m not sure why you think you own other white people or are entitled to a white race and can stop them for loving or procreating whomever they choose
Because living in a brown shithole affects me and everyone else. This is why immigration laws are always uniform, not based on invites to a citizen's house. Living in a cesspit of degeneracy affects everyone, pic related. What is common is NOT what is good, not by a long shot.
Millennials are less promiscuous and having less partners than their grandparents.
You are concerned about these sort of amorphous things indirectly affecting you, or making the world not the ideal that you desire, but the ideal you desire will have a much greater impact and create more restrictions on other people’s freedoms. Choosing who to love or what to worship is a much more important freedom than your desire to live in a world where everyone is white and Christian. You’re selfish and whining like a spoiled child that you can’t have your way, but your way isn’t just your own personal choice, your way has to control the personal choices of others
no i come on here to laugh because this board is autistic
once you've taken the red pill, there's no going back
>7 partners instead of 8 is an improvement
That's a load of shit.
And believe it or not, there is an objective ideal here if we are talking about partner count.
I'm also not a Christian, you utter fucking retard. Fedorafag hedonists love to say you don't need religion to be moral, and then the first thing they do is assume somebody advocating morality must be religious.